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(2020 to 2024)

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8th October 2024

I have been cobbling again, and my newest release is an overdue update to the Rope Bridge,
extending it's structure eastward over the ocean towards the world seam.

Click to enlarge picture.



20th September 2024

I continued work onthe Adoptions Page and have uploaded over 200 creatures.

I did a quick check and I am now hosting 2,463 exported creature files, which is pretty bonkers

(admittedly there are some duplicates for various reasons)



19th September 2024

I added the first new page for quite a while, the Adoptions Page for creatures I have downloaded from archives and old websites.

I have spent most of the last ten months training our new dogs, and working on the Infografix part of my website, which now has over 300 infographics on various subjects from mythology to maths








3rd December 2023

I added a bunch of links, mostly top archived sites.

I also finally added a link to a Paypal donation page, so fans can support this site.



14th November 2023

I added more stuff to the C1toDS page




29th October 2023

I have added lots of things to various areas, I also created an Easter page




22nd October 2023

I fashioned the Shee Crystal today

It impregnates passing females (of any species) with Rainbow Shee babies.

I also gave the Rainbow Feliz a separate page,
and a summary page for the breeds I created or converted.



18th October 2023

I created a Christmas cob page




16th October 2023

I updated the cheats page to fix the terrible layout 

I fixed the wingies picture, although I still couldn't get Lionel to stop being glitchy.

 Later on I updated the Icons cob again, this time I added an icon that refills all honey, hooch and beer.
Also an icon for lifting up the currently selected creature.



10th October 2023

Today I worked on my new Creatures + Update 2 cob, adding some other patches.

I also added some new diagrams to my (non-Creatures) Infographics section.



7th October 2023

Updated the weird Norn and Albia pages.

I also finally released my Pacifica room!
(although it needs more work)

I also created the Halloween cobs page.



6th October 2023

In between training the dog, and gardening, I've made time to play Creatures some more.
Mostly I've been running the second Immortal Project, I'm trying to naturally breed norns with multiple immortality
-causing mutations.
I'm especially keen to see two on the same gene.

Wolf Kitty was the first patriarch

There have been one or two unexpected interactions, results are forthcoming.



4th October 2023

This evening I found and added a dozen or so breeds to the C2 breeds page.



3rd October 2023

Finally released the data from the second Immortal Project!



I also converted the Chameleon Ettins to C1, slot 4 so we can enjoy it alongside the other ettins



1st October 2023

Did some spg and fixed a bunch of links, did some aesthetic changes.

I decided I would continue to expand my C2 and C3 sections.



1st September 2023

Added some links to C3/DS websites.



1st June 2023

I did some spg checking, and fixed some broken links.

I also spent some time reacquainting myself with the CC.



23rd May 2023

I have been busy healing and preparing the allotment for summer for our first anniversary.

I rifled through the CCSF 2022 and checked I have preserved the C1 related stuff,








17th December 2022 

I spend a lot of the last few weeks creating an infographics section of this site, which is *gasp*
*NOT* Creatures related!

I also caught up with this years CCSF and added a few breeds to the C3 breed list and the new wingies.



5th November 2022 

Added several feral / wolfling run packs with family trees.

I also added a bunch more immortals including family trees.



30th October 2022 

Added several more norn packs.

(plus their family trees)



29th October 2022 

I've been combing the net for immortal norns.



26th October 2022 

I added a few websites to my links pages.
I also added six C2 breeds and the last two C3 breeds from Eem Foo's archive.


I also found some more cobs for the C1toDS, including Steerpike's vendors.

I also added a little more midi music to that page. 



5th October 2022 

I added some more images to the sprite list page.
It's basically complete for original files.



3rd October 2022 

After a major update to my life (marriage to a wonderful man) I have been busy with that roller coaster.
I will soon become more qualified to look after norns due to starting an Animal Care evening course at a local college.
The main update today is the finding of a few more old websites, and one new one: Xzy's.
I also corrected a few spelling mistakes on my site (exciting)

I also found a bunch of official six packs for the macintosh



29th April 2022 

So our chicks have started hatching, we have three from one nest out with one more pipping!
We had fun on our sten do at Alton Towers, despite three of us catching the covid.
Plus this strange unnamed norn breed has been found and forwarded to me



22nd April 2022 

I added some more breeds, mostly to my C2 breedlist.



17th April 2022 

Starlite did a major update to her website and reposted some classic breeds and cobs,
I added what I was missing to this site.



12th April 2022 

Proto Rons added, a restoration project by Bedalton.


5th April 2022 

Santa Family grendels added by Trix.

I've also been working on an old room project using C2 graphics called Pacifica:


1st April 2022

No joke!
I have added the (possibly beta) conversions of the C0 breeds boid and dragon to the site, kindly created by Trix.

I have already added their Jazz family grendels, which are pretty neat too.
I've been far too busy to do much else, though I did manage to create a new stable worlds for my norns.



15th March 2022

I updated the C1toDS page as I found some genomes to add.
I have also given the Spectrum Grendels Pack its own page.

After planting some new trees, including a plum tree on my cat's grave, I updated his page.
I started work on a Flocks page honouring our chickens and ducks, my meatspace creatures :-)

I found a new Daybreak norn, Wolf Kitty, bred by Creaturecomfort, so I added him to the roster.

I added the Creatures Font by Karithina, and some silly sounds to the Updates page.



7th March 2022

Busy again rehoming a cockerel, digging a duck pond, organising a wedding, but I found time to add the rest of the cobs I have by the prolific David Kiefer.
This basically completes the Cob Vault unless I can find more, or someone makes some. :-)

I also updated Terra Nornia to fix a packaging error.
I found and added some molecules to the Medical Section



27th February 2022

I have been busy with wedding prep, organising a new local Adult Autism Group, and playing Minecraft for a change!
However the fifth nuPlant is now complete, which is also a weed, the Fly Agaric



22nd February 2022

The fourth nuPlant is now complete, which is also my first weed, the Celery!

I have been generally updating the cobs & links sections.
I collected together various LGBTQIA stuff onto the new Queer Norns page



16th February 2022

I fixed the Blond norn downloads, they seem to have been missing male adult blond head images and all female ones!
This didn't matter in my world, but it showed up later when I reset things.

I also completed my second and third nuPlants, the Blueberry and Chinese Lanterns!



14th February 2022

Released a new auvi.spr to reduce flicker and add cool photos I like


I also made an icon for the Rainbow Feliz genome and plonked it everywhere on my site



13th February 2022

I greatly updated the Icons cob to version 2, adding six new icons.
I'm super chuffed with it :)

I also released a massively edited Albia called Albia Prime, full of loads of great cobs and breeds.



12th February 2022

I finished updating the Spore Ettin Mother to version 3, adding Denali & Minim Ettins
She now uses Rainbow Feliz genome and can eat foodstuffs she touches & drink hooch!

I also converted the Dragon norns to fill Shee slot 1 as the Geat Dragons, using the Rainbow Feliz genome



11th February 2022

As a break from huge cobs I made the Poppy, first in my series of nuPlants.

I released my Post-Morten C-Section cob

I also added a bunch of Liil's 2022 breeds and cobs to the C1toDS page



10th February 2022

I made time to finish my Tricoloured Roses for Cloud 9, I'm pretty pleased with them
(yes I know they actually come in four colours)

I finally added the german version of Slink's Encyclopedia Nornica to the Cob Vault & Word List

I jiggled around the order of the CAOS pages and fixed a few things

Oh, I released version 2 of the Island Food cob in the rooms section.
It now has a basket lift to help you get up to the little treehouse there, and extends the basement to reduce cart parties



7th February 2022

I finally finished Pedigree Norns v2!

In the process I also released Blond Norns v2.1



1st February 2022

I put creatures with Feliz genome onto their own page, splitting it from the Formosa one


28th January 2022

Updated the Links section once more, and the Releases page



26th January 2022

I finally got around to updating the Six Packs page


I also moved a big chunk of the Information section to its own section called Medical,
where most things to do with the biology (apart from genetics) and chemistry of creatures is being transferred to.



24th January 2022

I finally added a Website History page, showing links to old archives of this site and former ones



21st January 2022

I finally finished Yggdrasil, although I do not have a picture of it just yet.
(I am having some difficulties with my world jam-packed with norns, grendels and geats!)

I also finally added the rest of Jessi's cobs, some amazingly rendered animals.
I also rejigged some of the section main pages, adding pictures and such.

Finally I integrated some of the new pages I made for CCSF2021



20th January 2022

I updated several pages in  Rooms sub-section of Places, and shifted the small rooms from the cobs section to their own page.

I also added some images to the Patches page.



19th January 2022

Today I added a few cobs and bred a few norns

I also finally overhauled the immortals page, including adding some diagrams I made a while ago.



16th January 2022

Updated the links pages and added some I found a little while ago, I also found a few cobs to add later.



15th January 2022

Today I added a memorial page for Logan

I also updated the links on the People page

I also split the Updates pages into three sections, and added a bunch of icons to the GM page.



14th January 2022

 I updated the C1toDS page, adding a few things including a version for Mac and Linux!

I also updated the C3 Breedlist page, making some images smaller so they fit on the page better

Later I added a bunch of icons to the Mutants page, then started adding them to Mine section


13th January 2022

I added some more links, mostly very old ones from 1997.
I also updated the style and SPG on some of my new pages and fixed some errors.



10th January 2022

Today I have been creating the Rainbow Fey, using a modified Feliz genome, Munchkin Dwarf and Fairy norns.
I'm trying to fill the last three Shee slots with older similar-themed norn breeds.



6th January 2022

I finally updated the Temple Cave to version 2.2, attempting to fix the refilling feature, and updating the genome to Feliz with sex-linked rainbow colouration.
It now uses the new Slot 5 Micro Grendels I made today, to make them compatible with the new Frost Grendels.


5th January 2022

I updated the Room data page, it was irritating me how out of date it was, I added a few more rooms from the Cob Vault too.



4th January 2022

I started a Wolfling run on my fiancé's laptop using Midgard norns and various cobs I love.
As it's an old machine, some old utilities work better, although it is pretty slow!



3rd January 2022

I finally have some time after the holidays to update a little, I expanded the Formosa page to describe the Feliz genome.
I also bred some more norns, many with Feliz genomes, and some Dawnites.







30th December 2021

Hey, so my contract ended, and Christmas and Yule are past, so perhaps I'll find time to catch up on the CCSF!
I did a little breeding today, and so I added these latest Main Sequencers.
I started adding C1 relevant festival things too.



20th December 2021

Creatures: The Albian Years has been released on Steam!

It is still available on Good Old Games too



8th December 2021

My joints are still playing havoc, but I've found time to update some pages, and add some I've been working on over the past months.
It's not all as grandiose as I'd hoped, but I've found time to work on it where I could.
I must leave the house to attend our ducks and chickens, so no more details.
Please click on the egg on the main page (or here) to find most of them, some are "hidden" around this mahoosive website :)
I hope you have a happy 25th Anniversary Creatures fans!


6th December 2021

It is late and I've just done some editing of Stories and fixing MANY broken picture links on my site,
and writing up some data all ready for the CCSF that has just started, lol. I guess knackering my ankle has forced me to free up some time for Creatures related stuff!
I promise to release some new stuff (mostly pages) soon.



4th December 2021

Very busy with work and allotment, but I did a little breeding. My female clone of Atono, Onota turns out to age and become fertile!
She had a kid by my Feliz norn born of a surrogate grendel called Felix. I called the child Special :-)


1st December 2021

It's pretty late here, but I'm uploading all my recent updates ready for the CCSF.



29th November 2021

It's been pretty cold, windy and snowing IRL, and we finally had a couple of days off.

I bred a few new generations, and edited some cobs and pages for release during the CCSF.



26th November 2021

We've been very busy in our new jobs, but I've played a little of Creatures, mostly via wolfling runs.
I've uploaded the latest generations and discovered that a Survivor gene I've dubbed the Horny-Lonely mutation has become endemic in my population.



23rd November 2021

Today I added some utilities and rearranged by patches and updates somewhat to make dirt make more sense.
I have been playing quite a bit lately, to remind me why I maintain this website!

I start a new job soon, so probably not too many updates, but I'll see what I can do.

Last thing I did today was create the Rainbow Shee!



22nd November 2021

I finally rooted out the cause of the Starch Synthesis mutation endemic to my Main Population.

I exhaustively checked many norns and found it's origin in Kali, and exported all norns with it.



21st November 2021

I added a bunch of artwork both official and by Steve Dismukes to the Artwork section, to the People page,
and worked some more on Yggdrasil.



19th November 2021

Today I began working on Yggdrasil in earnest



19th November 2021

Today I spent some goodly time rearranging the Rooms, splitting them into several pages.
I also started a diagram. to help understand the complexities of their interactions.

I got carried away with the diagram, it became many, and now I have a page full of them!

I also tracked down the Starch Synthesizing mutation to Kali, and made some headway towards making the tree,
which is around 24 generations because I forgot about it TWICE!
Atono was probably the first norn I noticed with it..
Luckily I could breed it out of the population as norns were just learning to rest rather than eat to survive.



18th November 2021

I did a bit of reshuffling on the website, relocated some pages and such.
I finally updated the Utilities page and spruced up several others as well.

I also did a bit of Story editing, for my sins, sheesh!



17th November 2021

I fixed an error in my Main Sequence where I mistakenly scribed some norns to the wrong norn as I got her moniker wrong.
It's great to be back in my main population again.

I deleted my Guestbook as it became infested with Spam bots.

Apparently Chrome now shows some of my pictures as negative images, I've no idea why.

I finally found open source software that can open Mac .sit files and I have a Polar Norn!
Welcome Brad to the PC!
In doing so I found out that Mac norns can open on the PC version of Creatures :-)



16th November 2021

Started work in earnest to repair Zeruko for re-release.
I also updated the C12DS page.



15th November 2021

I've been updating like crazy, trying to finish my website for CCSF2021.

This morning  I finally updated my Consumables, Releases and Cob Ideas pages.

A financial crisis in our lives, plus lots to do on the allotment mean I'm doing what I can when I have time.
Watch this space!

This evening I  finally updated the Cob Vault and Cob Class pages with a few cobs
I added a few historically significant advances to AI, AL and genetics in the 1990s section below.
I brushed up the Breeding Scripts CAOS example page (a chore!)
I edited the behaviour page to change "norn" to "creature." Somehow it missed the earlier edit.

I also squeezed in a bit of SPG checking and link fixing.



14th November 2021

I finally created my Relatedness page, showing the results of analysis of the official creature breeds.



11th November 2021

Some stats about my site for the last twelve months:

of Files
7,080 TOTAL
2,357 /mine My norns
796 /c2 Backup of C2 stuff
607 /cob_vault Most cobs
483 /exp Norns
373 /stories Writings by the Creatures community
368 /c3 Backup of C3 stuff
337 /cob1 My favourite featured cobs
322 /mac Everything Mackintosh
204 / Most of the HTML files
200 /cob2 My own cobs
200 /links Banners for the links pages
171 /prog Program files (including C12DS stuff)
104 /artwork Pictures by Cyberlife & the community
66 /info Pictures for the Information section
65 /weird Weird section images
62 /creatures Miscellaneous pictures
48 /world1 Worlds by other people
41 /icon Icons
40 /tree Family trees
of Files
of File
3,061 TOTAL Images
1,037 .bmp Bitmap
973 .gif Graphics interchange format
559 .png Portable Network Graphic
483 .jpg Joint Photographic Experts Group
2,122 TOTAL Compressed files
1,850 .zip Zipped files
221 .sit Stuffed mac file
34 .rar Roshal Archive
618 .htm HTML Webpages (225 Stories & 189 My Norns)
692 .gen Genetics files
496 .exp Exported creature files
30 .mid Midi music files


Visitors in the last year

7,080 TOTAL
of Visitors
4,472 North America
2,829 Europe
2,395 Asia
221 Oceania
95 South America
17 Africa
0 Antarctica
of Visitors
or State
3,975 USA (total) North America
1,534 Israel Asia
1,300 Oregon North America
1,268 USA (the rest) North America
873 UK Europe
539 Germany Europe
480 Canada North America
339 France Europe
299 Ireland Europe
279 Russia Asia
277 Ohio North America
273 Iowa North America
255 California North America
246 China Asia
229 Netherlands Europe
196 Australia Oceania
189 Florida North America
151 Washington North America
149 New York North America
140 India Asia
97 Sweden Europe
95 New Jersey North America
84 Singapore Asia
80 Pennsylvania North America
80 Ukraine Europe
67 Texas North America
64 Lithuania Europe
60 Washington D.C. North America
57 Maine North America
54 Arizona North America
46 Belgium Europe
42 Argentina South America
42 Brazil South America
40 North Carolina North America
40 Poland Europe
39 Hong Kong Asia
39 Illinois North America
36 Georgia North America
36 South Korea Asia
34 Oklahoma North America
33 Colorado North America
31 Japan Asia
30 Finland Europe



10th November 2021

I uploaded some more norns from Feral runs, including some fabulous family trees i've kept on the back burner for years.



9th November 2021

I edited some stories, including some more I found by SteerPike



8th November 2021

Today I edited the History page, and the "What is Creatures" page.


I also finished off noting things on Cohorts 5 to 7.



7th November 2021

I've been playtesting Zeruko again, with some success.



6th November 2021

I worked on linking my seventh cohort of norns and updating data on previous ones.



13th October 2021

I turned 40 years old on this day, I've now been playing Creatures on and off for 25 years!!!



10th October 2021

Today I polished my CCSF release. I have decided to re-wangle my world Zeruko and finish off Arcadia.



7th October 2021

I fixed some spelling mistakes and updated a few things. I also worked on my release for CCSF 2021.



22nd May 2021

I found and added the epic new Frost Grendels!



20th April 2021

Today I  added some diagram I made a while ago to the norn comparison page and
to a new info page about game and addon releases.

I also updated the Blond/Brunette and Santa norn pages.



18th April 2021

In between fixing up sheds on the allotment I've been working hard on my CCSF releases,
which I've decided NOT to mention on here in case I accidentally upload this file.

Main mention is that in trawling old websites, I managed to find the page where the Highlander norns have been hiding!
I also dug up their tree:

* marks immortal norns



3rd April 2021

Apparently I've been nominated to be a coordinator for this year's CCSF.
I was surprised, flattered and then quickly I started thinking of the work involved, then I realised if I am to do it,
I should gather a team to delegate to and share ideas with.

This I can do.

Also I updated my cob and breed ideas pages, without giving too much away.



29th March 2021

I added a little more information and images to the mythology section.

I also uploaded the stuff I did on pigment genes to the coloured norns page.



28th March 2021

Finally raining, so I'm back on the website.

I've added links and updated that section, including finally adding a side bar to match the other sections.

I also added Ron and Horse norn pages, as I wanted to honour these breed groups.
These pages still need work



23rd March 2021

Finished Cohort Six and the start of Seven and now all my Main Sequence norns are linked!



(Blotchy, generation 1 and Blaze, generation 175)


At some point I'll go back through and add icons for sex & origin, and add some more trees and other data




22nd March 2021

Took a break from gardening and norn uploading to add a C1 to DS page

This wonderful metaroom allows fervent C1 fans to continue playing the original style game on the new C3/DS engine



21st March 2021

Cohort five is finished, last few generations of Cohort six to go then all my available norns are linked!



19th March 2021

Last night I finished Cohort 4, this morning I added some more artwork to my downloads section.

It's sunny, so I'm off to the allotment!



17th March 2021

This evening I added some more generations to my own norn section,
and added some more images to the weird albia and norns sections.



15th March 2021

I have been linking my main sequence norns to the website, I have finally finished Cohort 2 and begun 3.

Recently I did some behind-the-scenes stuff to make it easier to navigate my folders, so if any broken links turn up let me know.



12th March 2021

Okay so it's been a great few days to be on the allotment, but I finally got around to adding
Wingies to my site, they are awesome mods of the original breeds with wings

They have inspired me to continue work on my heavenly cloud rooms.

I also added some more norns to the GM & Undead pages



11th March 2021

I found a german creatures website called Nornywood with many links for old sites from around the world.
I had a lot of fun adding these links to my pages, and had to split the links pages yet again to make room!

I am also trying to add more icons to the Icons cob



10th March 2021

Further work on Project Arcadia has borne fruit in terms of several cob updates,
and a new cob I call Icons, which is basically a user interface.



9th March 2021

I continued work on the Snow Foxes, and took a break to create
a conversion of Ron norns called Geat Rons.


Due to there being a saturation of norn breeds in C1, and there being shee/geat slots free,
I have decided to put both Ron and Snow Foxes there.



8th March 2021

I took a break from my other projects to update my Temple Cave cob.

It now includes a new Macro Gregoid with Micro grendels,
and Purple Mountain Hooch by Malkin



7th March 2021

I finally finished my conversion of the Micro Grendels for C2
I couldn't find out their original creators yet.

I also began work on converting the Snow Fox norns made for C12DS,
I like the look of them and I have gotten around to start converting them to C1.



6th March 2021

I continued work on version 2 of the Blond norns.

I also fixed The Undercanopy cob, it was causing the jukebox to vanish.
It was caused by scripts from the Cave Flies cob, which I've now removed.



5th March 2021

After spending a few days editing stories, I decided to create the Feliz norns,
designed to be happier and more robust than the average norn.
They are based on Formosa norns so have all their Life kit genes too.

I worked on my Blond norns v2, and used this new genome for them.



26th February 2021

I rediscovered a whole bunch of cobs I found by a german fella called David Kiefer,
I have been integrating them into my website.



25th February 2021

I added more artwork to the download pages.

I also finished the Hercules Statue cob.



24th February 2021

Today I have been mostly editing stories, as well as working on my edited Albia called Arcadia.



22nd February 2021

I worked my way through untested cobs, and I've found a few gems and added them to my pages.

There remains a few to add yet, then I'll probably return to linking my norns or editing stories.



20th February 2021

I have been uploading cobs I've found and I stumbled across the second version of the Injector Kit, I'm very enthused.
This will make testing the rest of the cobs much easier :)



18th February 2021

Continued working on uploading my main norn family, I'm up to generation 29.



17th February 2021

More uploading of norns.

I also found a great review of my website by Doringo, which was very encouraging.



16th February 2021

Spurred on by a reminder email about my website, and one about a few mistakes on the Patches page,
I get back into uploading my Main Sequence norns.


 /// ERROR





For 2011 to 2020 go to
>this page<