Small Rooms

These cobs all create small rooms within other rooms.

Most are various kinds of shelves

Room NumberImage / icon NameCreatorDescription
26Room cobSheifSandra Linkletter (Slink)The original fantastic storage room installed above the incubator.
Replaced by the Shief V2 as an extension of the Learning Room.
Room cobCabinet ShelfCasey CocoA box room above the incubator for storing objects.
27 & 28
ShelvesMark BoehlerCreates shelves on the pipe near the distiller & the kitchen table.
32 & 33Egg ShelfEgg ShelfFreyaPlaces two shelves, one above the duke box and another above the beehives. Image to the left has been trimmed to fit.
40Room cobGarden ShelfBibblePlaces a shelf on the greenhouse ledge.
42, 42 & 43Extra ShelvingPuts three shelves to the left of the stove.
80 to 121
ShelfDavid KieferPuts 42 square shelves in the garden for storage.