Page Of The
immortal.gif (11572 bytes)



Technically Undead norns can be classed as immortals as they never actually die,
but these are specifically dealt with on another page.

The Daybreak norns have a separate page that goes into more detail.



The Ourobaros represents infinity & immortality


Here is an analysis of the mechanics behind immortality, mutations are highlighted.
All natural immortal breeds have a mutation causing an abnormal increase in glucose and/or glycogen
(this is even the same for the GM Zeus norns) , this causes immortality because a norn can only die when the levels of glycogen
(and consequently glucose as they are interchangeable) reach zero. 



The Ankh represents life, death and rebirth




IconBreed Name(s) Source Genes Analysis
- Cyberlife  
19 00 00 03 01 31 01 00 01 33 01 36 10
1 rewards -> 1 reinforcement + 1 reward echo

1A 00 00 03 01 32 01 00 01 33 01 37 10
1 punishment -> 1
reinforcement + 1 punish echo
1B 00 00 03 01 39 01 00 02 3A 01 00 40
1 starch > 2 glucose
1C 00 00 03 03 3A 01 00 01 3B 01 23 38
3 glucose > 1 glycogen + 1hunger--
1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 00 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
0C 00 02 17 01 02 00 3F 00 11 06 06
when fertile, emit oestrogen
This shows unmutated genes to compare with below mutated genes.
C-Type Immortals

Rutger 1C 00 00 03 03 3A 01 00 11 3B 01 23 38
3 glucose > 17 glycogen + 1hunger--
Highlander norns produce unusually large amounts of glycogen from glucose.
These were probably the first reported immortal norns. They were even sent to be analysed by Cyberlife.
Their family tree can be found at the bottom of this page.
Grote MaxWim De WaeleAnother Highlander found on a small page
Sweet Norns

Keltoi 1C 00 00 03 02 3A 01 00 01 3B 01 23 38
2 glucose > 1 glycogen + 1hunger--

Sweet norns are famous immortals.
The norns use less glucose to produce glycogen, than they break it down into - therefore glucose just steadily increases.
Their high fertility is caused by Sex drive Decrease only reducing anger and crowdedness, instead of Sex Drive. This also makes them more sociable.
More info here
Bub & Reyes
Faun's Creatures Page These Sweet norns have a few extra alterations including a gene that allows Vitamin C to remove Glycotoxin. Reyes is a child of Sweet & is 11 hours old.
Chidoh, Gregre, Fem, Gregory, MadatBonnieShee
Creatures Repository
A family of norns that BonnieShee donated to the Creatures Repository. I have no idea how they relate to Sweet.
HughDanmbroSent to Rowena's Incubator
Lanfear & BirgitteKaty's CreaturesHald siblings, they share a father.
BaliSaraphine From the Norn Adoption Centre
TonyRod RichardsFrom the Creatures Exchange
Tim & RoseAntony Q BachlerThese two were in Six Pack 4
Albina & BrickyLuk AngererFrom Albian Meadow
Elfellan Norns
Elfellan, HappyRed & KoopNornlove
of Norn Trek
1C 00 00 03 01 3A 01 00 28 3B 01 23 38
1 glucose > 40 glycogen + 1hunger--
These are heavily edited norns, with fast ageing, and lots of OP genes. Several of these genes could cause immortality, but I highlghted the one to the left.
GMAnnie?1C 00 00 03 02 3A 01 00 11 3B 01 23 38
2 glucose > 17 glycogen + 1hunger--
This norn appears to be alike to a cross between a Sweet and a Highlander norn.
I am assuming she is GM as I'm pretty sure norns cannot inherit two mutations in the same gene from different parents.
Titan Norns
Cola Mary Leibach

1C 00 00 03 01 3A 01 00 01 3B 01 23 38
1 glucose > 1 glycogen + 1hunger--

I finally found a genuine specimen of this breed! The mutation is a more efficient version of the Sweet gene.
Polar Norns
SantoCreatures Crazy1C 00 00 03 03 3A 01 00 02 3B 01 23 38
3 glucose > 2 glycogen + 1hunger--
A mutation similar to Highlander, but weaker in strength. Sylver was the first female, but I cannot find her.
I'm not sure if Santo is the first Polar norn, or is just an early one.

Update: Ping bred the first Polar norn who was named Pro. Please share if you find him.
NillThe Wonder Dog
(Hanspeter Guelk)
1C 00 00 03 03 3A 01 00 05 3B 01 23 38
3 glucose > 5 glycogen + 1hunger--
Another immortal similar to Highlander & Polar.
Cambion Norns
(on CCaves)
1C 00 00 03 03 3A 01 00 08 3B 01 23 38
3 glucose > 8 glycogen + 1hunger--
The Cambion's immortal gene is somewhere between Polar norns and Highlanders.

Nani has a coincidantally idential mutation, in her pack is another couple of related norns.
The Cambion family tree is at the bottom of this page.
Ree, Geri, Joe, Rea, Sandra, Katey & ReneeKelly
NaturalCoalPiecemeal1C 00 00 03 03 3A 01 00 01 3B 01 23 28 Coal is only a semi-immortal, the 1C reaction occurs faster, so that more glucose converts to Glycogen than vice versa.
Their symbol is from alchemy.
Zeus Norns
(originally Zeus & Xavier?)
S. Messinger?1C 00 00 03 01 00 FF 3B 01 3B 01 23 38
3 glucose > 255 glycogen + 1hunger--
1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 00 FF 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen > 255 glucose + 1 hunger
Zeus norns have been artificially immortalized, they produce vast amounts of glucose and glycogen from nothing.
They also have many other edited genes.

Jobe Muppetboy1C 00 00 03 00 3A 01 00 01 3B 01 23 38
0 glucose > 1 glycogen + 1 hunger--
Quickly gets 100% health
D-Type Immortals

SazStar 1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 10 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen + unallocated > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
As glycogen will only break down in the presence of a non-existent chemical , then glycogen pools. This also means that glucose cannot be removed by hexokinase as it is all locked up.
They have their own page here.
N QuoonPiecemeal1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 01 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen + pain > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
Quoon can metabolize pain. Her health is often at 100%. She cannot lay eggs. This makes her immortal in a similar way that the Daybreak gene does.
Noble Norns
Brian?1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 08 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen + 1 loneliness > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
Brian is the precursor for the Hippy Norns.
I anmed them Noble norns after the celtic meaning for Brian.
1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 04 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen + 1 coldness > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
This norn has a similar mutation to Quoon & Brian. It will be immortal unless it somehow becomes freezing cold
NaturalTerraLe Fao inu1D 00 00 03 01 2B 01 00 03 3A 01 03 40
1 boredom > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
This mutation causes immortality twofold. Boredom is emitted all the time, so this becomes a free source of glucose, also as glycogen can't be broken down, it pools. Julie also had this mutation.
Was released in Six Pack 7
Abundant Norns

Beth (first), Damien, Derek, EdmundAlex1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 02 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen + 1 NFP > 3 glucose + 1 hunger

Beth is a second generation norn, and similarly to Quoon, needs lots of NFP to become mortal.
Their family tree can be found at the bottom of this page.
CalamityOfficer 1BDII found Calamity on The Creature Repository, he seems unrelated, but with the same mutation.
Rowen Norns

Arctic Joey
NitGold1D 00 00 03 01 3A 01 00 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glucose > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
Quickly gets 100% health, this genes allows proliferation of glucose. He is also tinged blue, hence the name.
Arctic Joey, Vron, Grape & the Green Apple norns have the same gene.
Grape is definitely GM
Diane has limited fertility and is resistant to glycotoxin.
GrapeMilo on Norn's Extravaganza
VronEd of Creature Island
Bernie & BettyPMN Breeder
Becky, Atlanta & DonnyLovebug
DianeRod Richards
Green Apple?
NaturalNebula?1D 00 00 03 01 39 01 00 03 3A 01 03 40
1 starch > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
The glycogen in this norn is also pooled in a similar way to Terra.
NaturalBenRod Richards1D 00 02 03 01 3B 01 00 03 3A 01 03 40 Interestingly this norn is only immortal during childhood. This is due to his 1D gene being only activated at puberty.


DubeyMuppetboy1D 00 00 03 01 3A 01 00 03 3A 01 03 40
1 glucose > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
Quickly gets 100% health, I later discovered Arctic Joey has the same mutation, which I later named Rowen after the oldest individual I have with it.

1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 00 03 3B 01 03 40
1 glycogen > 3 glycogen + 1 hunger

Very quickly gets 100% health
Slogeagi1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 00 03 3A 01 03 F0
Almost slowest reaction speed
Reaction to convert Glycogen to glucose is extremely slow, effectively zero. 
Misc. Immortals
YinYang Norns
Yanga & Yinny

See my YinYang norn page for a
detailed analysis of the genes

Put simply, if you inject them with Energy from the Science Kit they become immortal. Adrenaline will remove the Energy, therefore returning them to mortality.
These are the only norns here that can revert to mortality without resorting to cobs or utilities.
Clarence Norns
Scowy (Robert Scowcroft) 19 00 00 03 01 31 01 00 01 3B 01 36 10
1 rewards -> 1
glycogen + 1 reward echo
They receive glycogen from rewards rather than reinforcement, which might affect their learning.
The pack contains GM versions of other breeds for variety.
DJ Humphries
(of Multi Lobed Creature Pages)
1A 00 00 03 01 32 01 00 01 3B 01 37 10

1 punishment -> 1
glycogen + 1 punish echo
The Talosians have a mutation similar to the Clarence norns. The pack has a family of 17 norns. They also have extra lobes, hence the name I chose, which is from the pilot fo Star Trek.

Dude Norns
Wiseman 23 00 00 07 01 00 01 00 32 3B 32 1D 02
nothing -> 50 glycogen + 50 Sex Drive++
This norn has been heavily edited, with two reactions creating vast amounts of glycogen. One is the 1C Zeus gene, also he has another gene that could independently cause immortality.
GMWeedposted to Athenea's C. Page33 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 28 0D 28 3B 02
*nothing* > 40 Sex Drive + 40 Glycogen
Similar to the Dude norns, Weed has a new gene that increases both health nd fertility.
GM Alison many altered genes This norn has several altered genes that creates glycogen from their drive reactions.


Dig Muppetboy 1B 00 00 03 01 3A 01 00 02 3A 01 00 40
1 glucose > 2 glucose
Attains 100% health gradually, even without eating. Not immune to Glycotoxin.

0C 00 02 17 01 02 00 3B 00 00 FF 00

Modified Oestrogen emitter. Identified and named by Monika Huebner. Now releases glycogen instead of oestrogen -- resulting in an infertile immortal variation. Becomes 91% immortal, a weak immortal type.



Figs are the fruit of the Tree of Life, which give immortality to the eater



Details of the various forms of Immortality

System function
In the unmutated norn gluco-glycogen cycle, three glucose is stored as a single glycogen molecule, then released back.

This creates a dynamic equilibrium between the two chemicals.
This system is explained on this page.

If you study them in the Science Kit, you will see that as one chemical rises the other drops. Less noticeable is the fact that glucose levels change at a velocity three times faster than glycogen levels do.

In the Polar system, an extra Glycogen is produced, so it multiplies, making the creature immortal.
Highlanders are much more efficient producing 17 which synthesises lots and lots of extra glucose and glycogen.

This system is at least ten times more efficient than the Sweet norns so makes more robust norns.

One of the genes in a Zeus norn works in the same way, making 255 glycogen!

In the Sweet gluco-glycogen cycle, less glucose is used to create glycogen than is produced by it, therefore glucose is actually synthesised.

The Titan system is similar, with only one glucose turning into Glycogen.
In Annie, both Highlander and Sweet effects are seen, very efficient..

The Zeus system works in a very similar way to how the Highlander system works. The only difference is that the run-away production occurs in the 1D as well as the 1C gene.

255 glucose are produced instead of the usual 3
255 glycogen rather than one!

 In all these systems glucose is converted to glycogen where it cannot be used up by the processes of respiration. After a meal or two the norn becomes effectively immortal.

In the Terra system, glycogen breaks down into glucose instead of Glycogen, same mutation turns boredom into a new source of glucose. Boredom is constantly emitted by norn's bodies. As a bonus, this mutation diminishes the norn's general boredom level.
In the Daybreak system Glycogen can only be broken down into glucose in the presence of an unallocated chemical, but they can never have any of this present, hence becoming immortal.

This is very similar to Quoon, in whom where Pain is required to break down glycogen, but unless the norn has constant beating they will not become mortal.
Brian requires Loneliness instead, but again this chemical is unlikely to be in high enough amounts to make him mortal.

Rowen system is basically a glucose multiplier combined with a glycogen-lock. Glucose is tripled, then converted to glycogen where it pools endlessly.
This is the same system that Arctic Joey has.




The Squared circle represents the interplay of the four alchemical elementals,
symbolising the  Philosopher's Stone which can cause immortality



Classification System

To make life easier, I classified all known immortality genes, both natural and GM:
(Yin-yangs are a special case not put in the table)

Immortal type Description

Famous examples being Sweet and Highlander norns, they have unnaturally "efficient"
Glycogen<->glucose reactions that produce one in excess. They always have high levels of both glycogen and glucose.


Are like Dawn, their Gg system is locked by lack of a required chemical, this makes their glycogen pool. They always have high levels of glycogen
and relatively low glucose levels.

Gg-new Gain glycogen or glucose from other sources
Clarence are the most famous example.


In the mutation column they have the format:


X is the number of the value if there are multiple copy of that value in the gene
Y is the value concerned
Z is the mutated version of that value

Those in yellow are from the Immortal Project detailed below

Gene Mutation Name Type Sub-Type Specific Type


6.3>2 Coal G-locked sped
2.3>2 Sweet Gg-efficient vg vg 2
2.3>1 Titan vg 1
2.3>0 Jobe vg 0
3.1>2 Polar ^G ^G 2
3.1>5Matilda^G 5
3.1>8Cambion^G 8
10.0>1 Highlander ^G 17
2.01>FF Zeus ^G 255


3.01>FF Zeus ^g ^g 255
9.0>1 Quoon G-locked Co 01 pain
9.0>2Beth02 nfp
9.0>4Emily04 coldness
9.0>8 Brian 08 loneliness
8.0>1 Daybreak 10 unallocated
2.3>2 Terra boredom>g
1.4>F Slogeagi slowed
1.B>9 Nebula S>g
1.B>A DubeyRowen Gg-new G>g
1.A>B Mooch g>G
0C 1.F>B Gaia Gg-new oest>G
19 4.3>B Clarence Gg-new reinforce>G
3.3>2 Dig Gg-new S>g
23 many Azzwhupper Gg-new +50




Shou is the Chinese character for longevity



The Immortal Project

(artificially creating immortals)

I have shown you the heavily edited Zeus and Azzwhupper norns and the way they produce produce vast amounts of glycogen is excessive.
In my immortality project, I intend to discover in what ways an immortal norn might pop up by a single-bit mutation, therefore finding subtle ways of producing immortals.

I realised that there are limited ways of producing immortals:

1) changing the production of a chemical to either glucose, starch or glycogen (g, S or G)
2) altering the glucose-glycogen cycle so that it either runs away or locks up
3) removing glucose loss via hexokinase etc.
4) providing some other source of G,g or S

There may be others, and some of the above may not work, but this is a start

I then identified all genes with glucose, starch or glycogen involved most are reactions genes, but a few are emitters.
I have only created two new immortal types, I assume that others can be made from genes in ways I haven't imagined yet.



Download all immortal project norns


Immortal Project norns
are described in the table at the top.


These norns came from the Immortality Project, but are not immortal:


1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 00 13 3A 01 03 40
1 glycogen > 18 glucose + 1 hunger

Keeps 77% health soon after birth, she *should* be immortal, but isn't.
1D 00 00 03 01 3B 01 00 03 39 01 03 40
1 glycogen > 3 Starch + 1 hunger
Creates a cycle of starch, glycogen & glucose: S > 2g3 > G > 2S
Her health always returns to 61%
1D 00 00 03 00 3B 01 00 03 3A 01 03 40
0 glycogen > 3 glucose + 1 hunger
Should also be immortal, but has a seemingly nornal digestive system.
1E 00 00 03 01 3A 02 3D 04 39 01 00 18
1 glucose +2 Hexokinase > 4
Instead of consuming glucose, Hexokinase now produces 4 starch, which turns to 8 new glucose. Added 25th Aug 2008



The Immortal Project 2

(testing immortals)

I decided to see how various immortal mutations dealt with glycotoxin.

Nani shows the typical reaction of most
immortal norns
PolarQuoon's glucose drops and does not recover quickly
Daybreak is similar to Quoon and only recovers properly with feeding
Sweet is a little more effected than tyhe otyher types, but recoverrs eventually
Rowen is similar, just more effected


Download all immortal project 2 norns
& unused genomes

Below is a summary of the project using a family tree, click to see a larger version.

The Trinity knot or Triquetra which (amongst other things) represents the infinite cycle of life.

Inside Merlin's Albian Castle

These norns were (mostly) bred by Kelly Wilson, several of whom have an immortal mutation idential to that of Nani,
which is in the 1C gene.
I decided to refer to them as Cambions, named after the demon/human hybrids such as Merlin himself.

>> download whole clan <<

I cut back the tree just to show those closely related to the immortals, click on the tree to see the full clan.


Rutger's Highlander Clan Family tree,

They were one of the first immortal mutations described.

>> Download <<

* marks immortal norns

New version I made, with generation correction:
Alex, Norns of  the Round Table

Beth is the first recorded Abundant norn, named after the Hebrew version of her name

Ivbug004, Creatures World
Rowen - type immortal family tree