



These norns have been purposefully altered genetically, usually to enhance their behaviour.
If you have an interesting creature,
please send them to me

Gene tool 

(For type of genetic modifications made)
Breeding & Social Survival & Intelligence Grendel Related Colouration & Appearance Immortal



2021 Gronner Gronner the


Gronner has a nearly pure grendel genome, apart from the genus gene making him a norn. Thus he is more aggresive and sterile.
2021 Kufara & Sasta
(Shona & Irish
for happy)
Feliz Norns Use a Formosa base, with improved drives, fertility and immune system to make these happy robust norns.
2020 Mei, Nomi & Keane
(Chinese, Hebew & Irish for beautiful)
Formosa These are a remake of the Purple Forest Ron Santas
2018 Arthur, Nadab, Sancy, Santra & Vixcy Purple Forest Ron Santas These norns contain all PMN, Ron, Forest & Santa '97 genes.
The cob will add an egg, made in the same way as the others.
2011 Gerald & Gertie,
Nora & Norman
Norgrenorndels They have sex-linked genus genes so that they can have grendels as children and vice versa, a remake of Grellorans.
2008 There are 20 in the
first generation
Pedigree Norns Have sex linked colour and appearance, come in ten breeds. You will need to download the breeds to make them look right.
2006 Grella & Norran Grellorran
Half of their children will be grendels.
Only half of their children can then produce the opposite genus as offspring, the other half are pure norns or pure grendels.
2008 Yinny & Yanga Yin Yang v2 They have a great many modfifications, check out their page for details.
2002 Fanny & Willie Neotenic Norns Norns that are breedable from hatching, assuming they live in an edited world (one is provided in the zip)
The Norgrendorndel genome was based on RHE5 by Slink,
green is for grendel, red is for norn.


1998 Randy & Toya Essex Norns
Ali Maggs
Albia 2000
Improved sex drive genes
reach puberty faster
and have a blue tinge.

Leanne needs Easter Bunny sprites to look correct.
Taralon Helped with pmn & horse versions, Dayon made Leanne
Amber & Aren Essex Norn
Kyle & Lara Essex Norn
Leanne Essex Norn

Amazon & Gulliver Survivor Norns Have new genes and instincts including mating instincts - both males and females get randy
altered attack and retreat genes
enter adulthood quicker
have improved eating instincts.
One gene makes them horny when lonely,
1999 Rosie, Renford, John, Hannah and Alice Dalai Lama Norns The Grendel
All have the same altered lobes. They have a larger memory,
and three new drives:
health, pregnancy & travel
Thomas & Thomasette Tropical Norns Require more care than the average norn. Have Saturn gene and low efficiency G>g genes, some of their children will be immortal or die young.
Alex & Alice Venusian Norns Pale pigmented PMNs

1998 Delambri, Lanna, Lintilla, Meckran & Thylynn Hippy Norns Lis Morris
The Palace of
the Evil Shee
Have altered biochemical reaction genes, utilising energy to stay happy, also gain glycogen from NFP.
Have 17 new genes.
Listed are the first generation, the zip contains some of their descendants, and a hippy grendel.

1998 -unnamed- Better Breeder Norns Piecemeal Have unmutatable brain lobes, and learn to deal with extremes of temperature better.
Happy Survivors Their health is high when happy, and drops quickly when sleepy, angry, afraid or bored.
Inert Norns Moslty sleep or stare, but will eat and travel sometimes.
Manic Depressive Norns Swing from happy to angry every couple of minutes & take damage when they get hurt
Polite Norns Are more likely to seek solitude to sleep, enjoy mating as they are rewarded for doing so.
1998 -unnamed- Pezz norns Wiseman Wiseman says that this is his best creation Fertility genes switch on at birth, super strong immune response
Dude norns This Norn will live forever.
Also, females are Santa 97, males are PMN
Hope NornsMales are banana norns, females are purple mountain norns. Many genes create glycogen and sex drive, so they are immortal.
Blob NornsMatt (Wiseman's
Males are banana norns, females are forest norns. Many genes create glycogen, so they are probably immortal.

 1998 -unnamed- Happy Jasp
NFP is linked to their life-force, so tickling them makes them healthy whereas beatings can kill them.
Tansy Choice The reward and punishment from each drive is ranked to help norns make more intelligent choices. (Hunger then Sex drive, Pain, Coldness, Hotness, Tiredness, Sleepiness, Loneliness, Crowded, Fear, NFP, Boredom)
-unnamed- Suicide Have reversed reward and punishment, so quickly learn to die. Enjoy being spanked and hate being tickled.
1998    Lily (F) Thomas (M) Peanut Sarah Gould
Live for 5 hours and have altered colouring.
Descended from Mountain and Forest.
-unnamed-AppleBetter immune system, temperature regulation and fever resistance.
Julia (F)
Mark (M)
Blue MountainBright blue and split from parents when mature.
Kate (F)
Bennie (M)
Common BrownVery social and brown coloured.
Clara (F)
Abe (M)
MalcinaCan multiply antibodies.
April (F)
Jay (M)
RainbowColourful and has a happy eating gene.


Have three new "starlite" genes to make them happier:
One makes birth levels of glucose high.
One reduces NFP and hunger using starch.
One turns NFP into NFP- into starch .


1998 Billy, Bobby, Janet, Junior, Tina & Tracy Conservative Norns Juli

(Julianne Hathaway)

These norns have been altered so they are less social and therefore fend for themselves better.

1999 Merlin & Minerva Mommy & Daddy Norns Improved instincts, stimuli, alterations in sex drive, eating and reproduction genes.
Females get health boost at pregnancy, males get smaller boost every time they breed.
1998 Camel & Sara Desert
Gaz Yellow pigment, edited to encourage travel and "trust" of family members.
Satan & Pandora Night Norns Extra instincts and stimuli genes.
Frodo & Pixy Tiny Norns Genetically capable of breeding from birth, but scripts will have to altered for this to work.
Chris & Annie Hand Norns Have a few new instincts to make them be more sociable.
1999 Miranda & Sylvestris Drozzy
Mike L Anderson These norns have been designed to evolve quickly over generations. Their life cycle is sped up. Adult by an hour and death comes by three hours.
2018 Poke Addict Norn Poke has extra genes that make him more suseptable to addiction, although the included drug cob can hook any creature.
1997 Carl & Cyndi Grizzly Norns Karma of
Creatures of the Web
Carl is son of Bartok, a Warrior and a GM norn called Afrael.
Cyndi is daughter of GM Brian & Warrior Behlenna

(click on image for complete tree)
1997 Bartok & Behlanna,
Chiquita (daughter)
Warrior Norns Slink
(Sandra Linkletter)
Have genes to enable them to be fighters
He, Him, Mal,
She, Her & Fem
American Cardinals Have sex linked genes that make the males red and the females green.
Named after a bird with similar colouration.
As you can see, the PMN Aaron (purple) and Slink's American Cardinals (red) were bred together to produce Cardinal Mountain norns.

cardinal_m.png (18736 bytes)

2013Chris & MaryUpdated GeneticsKezune & TarliaPrevents antioxidant immortality, verion 1 lacks Ron & Forest
Overwrights the hatchery.


2023 Pandora & Paul Eclectus

Ylukyun Based on Slink's American Cardinal and use Pigment bleed genes.
1997 Amy, Dana & Earl Cardinal
Mirar Fenix
Mary Leibach)
Cardinal Mountain
Are the products of cross breeding PMN with Slink's American Cardinal Norns.
They come in .GEN format.
See above for their family tree.
1997 ? Cardinal
A yellowish brown cardinal norn.
1998 Abner, Brenda & Cola Mystical Forest Norns Brenda is the child of Warrior norns daughter of Alice (PMN) and Archie. Cola is her immortal Titan son by Archie.
2003 Agnes, Azure, Beth, Calico, Cock, Henna and Pinky Peacock Norn Based on the Cardinal norns and so have sex linked genes, males are bright blue, females are slightly blue.

Pinky has the opposite sex-linking colour genes.

 1999 Lava (M) Glitchy (F) Green Apple Norns emailed
to me
These norns are immortal, and have behaviour-altering mutations.
The male is red and the female is green. Presumably are related to American Cardinals.
2012 Albert, Amos & Andre Fragile Ping

These norns have an new drive called the love drive. They are based off Conservative norns and need extra nurturing.
1997 -unnamed- Many Coloured Norns Gene files of the first four norn breeds, in all eight colour extremes.
2007 Mr Plant & Mrs Plant Plant Get sugar from light and no reward from eating food.
1997 Ripley - Lummox

The Norn Underground

(the images to the left are by them)

Actively attack grendels.
This norn has won awards
1998 Shade - Enjoys the dark, tough against the cold and glycotoxin. Modified instincts especially during pregnancy.
1997 Norm - A happy drunk, gets pleasure, hungry and sleepy from drinking.
1998 Jack - Has improved instincts for travelling and disisease resistance.
1997 Izzy - Izzy has been created to be a bit more indepdandant and tough.
1997 Cameron - He has been editred to be a great music lover and player, and love the Hand.
1998 Rebecca (F) Rob (M) Red Happy Eaters Frimlin of Kiwi
Has improved eating instincts and other additional genes
Used in Wood norns

1998 Feat & Meat Eater Chris Double of CDR These norns can understand an extra verb "eat" which functions much like push, comes with teching cob
2020 -unnamed- Midgard
Doringo These norns can distinguish between roots & fruits. They come with a cob for changing these classifications for carrots and lemons, and a grendel.
1998 Wacko (M) New Wacko
Yuri They have over 550 genes from: Polar, Ron, Forest, PM, Warrior, Survivor, Grizzly, Essex, Immune, Zoo, Equal, and Red Happy Eater genes.
They come in several colours.
Mellow These norns have lots of genes related to breeding, will never get angry and look different depending on sex
Ludovic Similar to Mellow, with Dancing Alcohol genes and brain lobe alterations.
1998-unnamed-Zoo Norns
?Has various edits and new genes.
2013 -unnamed- Perficio
Breed Norns

(hatchery update)
Arch Dragon of The Creature Arch Designed so that they can take better care of themseves in terms of eating and sleeping.
They also sport a much improved immune system, as well as a range of other small improvements to their genome..
1998BunbunQuick NornsGreg Poehlein of Creatures Holiday2 to 3 hour lifespan
Use Bunny sprites
2011 Allspice, Basil, Cinnamon,
Dill, Ginger & Nutmeg
No Mutate Norns Jessica of
Discover Albia
These norns have all genes set to no mutation, no duplication and no deletion.

1998 Al, Alicia, Becka, Fire, Olmec, Silly & Zack Jr. Amazon Zab (Elizabeth)
of The Rise
Of Norn Civilisation
Females are aggressive, hardy & more solitary, males are timid and highly sociable. Based on the Amazons of Greek legend.
Females have Ron instincts
1998 Calla, Courage, Dana, Jason, Joy, Nate Jr, Patience & Strength Hunter-
Increased intelligence, improved eating habits. Descended from a prolific PMN called Nate who had ten children then bred with his daughters & mother. Some have a mild Saturn mutation.

Happy Stoner 2018 Stoner (M)
Stoner The Albian Bong Has a funny limp, is around 9 hours and still adult.


Roag, Lurch, Dancing Chad & Bakka

Weird Gait Norns

? Collection of norns with altered pose and or gait genes. Created by various breeders. The picture is of Roag who went into import coma when I loaded him, but unusually he was in this bizarre lotus position!

Backwards is an unnamed baby that awkwardly walks backwards, in my world I named him Derf. (Fred backwards)
1998 Ariel, Coby & Tina Sagewood Anne
This is pack of three norns, I couldn't get hold of Nikki
2003 Dracula (M) Vampire Darcie Vampire norns receive starch and sex drive from kisses or slaps from other norns.
He is also tinged orange.
1998 Weird Rowen - ? This baby norn has altered pose genes and alcohol receptor, he also has 16 mutated lobes.
The altered reactions gene has g>3g instead of G>3g that makes her immortal.
2000? Beauty & Woodstock
Immunorn Madame Spirit These norns have improved immune systems, I couldn;ty downloadm Woodstock.
2003 Chirpy - ? This young norn was fertile from birth, testosterone and everything. However the game is only programmed to support adult sex and pregnancy, so this norn is still effectively sterile until adulthood.
1998?-VulturePepsiTinted blue, hunger quickly, get angry when slapped and get horny when they see new things.
2003 Evayung Ever-Young? ? This norn will not age naturally, remaining a baby forever.
He is also probably immortal.


Others I do not have yet, I would appreciate any copies that can be sent to me:

Mellow Yuri
Mentioned on Albanian Shop, although the links are broken
Nikki the Sagewood Anne Gregory