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A collection of official guides and other documents





text.gif (1545 bytes) Steve Grand FAQ A collection of questions and answers by the creator Creatures. Home Creatures
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Emails A selection of internal messages about the pitching, creation and other details of the game in it's early creation stages various
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Creatures CAOS Guide A guide to altering scripts or writing your own.
Formatted to .pdf format by TreeSprite.
Mark Ashton
text.gif (1545 bytes) Macro Language A guide to the CAOS language used by the Creatures engine. Steve Grand
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) The Chronicles of Nornia A user guide to Creatures, great for beginners.
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) I Am Ron's Brain A guide to how creature's brains work.
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Small Furry Creatures:
A Mythography
An early document describing how Creatures was planned to be, very interesting stuff.
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Creatures: Artificial Life Autonomous Software Agents for Home Entertainment This document is a technical abstract of the game. Steve Grand
Dave Cliff
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Creatures: Entertainment Software Agents with Artificial Life This document is a technical abstract of the game.
word.gif (2299 bytes) The Complete Guide to Creatures
A thorough guide for Creatures for beginner Cyberlife
The Complete Guide to Creatures
word.gif (2299 bytes)Creatures Manual
Creatures Manual
word.gif (2299 bytes)The Complete Guide to Creatures
word.gif (2299 bytes)Creatures Manual
word.gif (2299 bytes)The Complete Guide to Creatures
word.gif (2299 bytes)The Complete Guide to Creatures
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Unofficial Creatures Guide
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Creatures Deluxe Manual A user guide to Creatures Deluxe, a later version of the game.
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes)Creatures Manual
A user guide to Creatures, a black and white scan of the manual.
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes) Creatures Development Guide An extensive .pdf document on cob creation, and the caos language.
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes)Life Goes OnComputer game Magazine review of the Lifeki,t from 1998.Dawn Jepsen
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes)Cyberfeminism and Artificial LifeContains a section about CreaturesSarah Kember
pdf.jpg (1435 bytes)Using an artifical life simulation to enhance reflective critical thinking among student teachersA paper outlining using Creatures to help  student teachers understand learning/Byron Bunt
Grantt Gouws
word.gif (2299 bytes) COB Author's Guide An in-depth explanation on how to create .cob files. Sandra
word.gif (2299 bytes)Creatures SpritesA basic description of how Sprites work
word.gif (2299 bytes)How To Build A WorldDetailed instructions on how to create your own world for Creatures.
word.gif (2299 bytes) Structure of A Creature Gene
(How I Designed the Cardinal Norns)
Detail on Pigments Genes and how she made the early genetic norn breed known as Cardinal Norns.
text.gif (1545 bytes)ATT fileA description on how .att (body data) files are encoded.Lee Gaiteri
text.gif (1545 bytes)SPR fileA description of sprite files
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Albia A HTML book guide to Albia, includes registry edit cheats. Alexander