

The naming of SPR and ATT

A List of known Sprites

Making Sprite Files

The Structure of ATT Files

Converting Breeds

Known Wave Files



Creatures File Formats

The following information was discovered by David Chess:

Here's some stuff I've figured out about the formats of various files used in the game.
This is just from poking around inside the files, and it could easily be wrong;
don't go messing up an active game because you trusted me!

Back up any files before you play with them, for instance.
This information will be mostly useless unless you're skilled at poking around in binary files.
So if you're not, don't worry if it doesn't all make sense!



The file PALETTE.DTA, in the Palettes directory under the main Creatures directory,
is the palette that the numbers in the various game images are to be displayed with.
It's just 768 bytes, three bytes for each of the 256 colors.
But if you want to use them as the palette in a BMP file in the obvious way, you need to take each triple of numbers, reverse it
(third byte first, first byte last), and multiply each byte of the result by four.

This seems to give a good picture, anyway.
If you replace this file with a different palette, you can recolor Albia;
see my general technical stuff page for a palette file that lets you play with Albia before Ted Turner got to it...

(There's another PALETTE.DTA in the Images directory, but as far as I've been able to tell so far it doesn't do anything.)



Many files with extension "SPR" are composite sprite files, and I'll describe their format next.
Note that not all SPR files in Creatures have this format!
The SPR files that are just single static logo-like images, like GENE.SPR, aren't this kind of composite.
But things like the .SPR files that store the various body-part images for a given norn are composite SPR files.

A composite SPR file starts with a two-byte value that says how many images there are in the file.
(The value is stored least-significant-byte-first, like all Intel values; that's true of all multi-byte values I'll mention here.)

Then there's one index entry for each of the included images, then there's the data for each of the images.
Each index entry for an image starts with a four-byte number that gives the offset in the file of the start of the image data;
Then there's a two-byte value that gives the width of the image,
Then a two-byte value giving the height of the image.

The data for the images is one byte per pixel, to be used with the palette in PALETTE.DTA as described above.
The size of the data for an image is just the width times the height, as listed in the index entry for that image.
That's all.


For the next couple of formats, let me define a data structure that I'll call an "lstring" (some Pascal compilers call them that).
An lstring is a one-byte length count, followed by that many bytes of data.
So a zero-length lstring is just a 00 byte, the name "Fred" is a 04 byte followed by the four ASCII characters "F", "r", "e", "d", and like that.
Unlike C strings, lstrings aren't terminated by a zero (or by anything else); you just use the length byte.

These are used in the photo albums, the graveyard, the register, and probably some other files I haven't looked at yet.


The Photo Albums

The "nnnnnnnn.Photo Album" files hold the photo album for each registered norn (see the Register format below for how to relate the nnnnnnnn to the norn's name),
They have a format as follows:

First there's a two-byte value giving the number of photos in this album.
Then for each photo there's a data structure as follows:
An lstring giving the time and date the photo was taken,
A four-byte value giving the width of the image,
A four-byte value giving the height of the image,
A four-byte value whose function I don't know but it always seems to be equal to the width of the image,
The image data itself (it seems to be two bytes shorter than it ought to be, which I don't quite understand; I suspect I'm wrong about something in here),
Then two more lstrings representing the two captions that each picture can have.

 One last note: the image data in the Photo Album files seems to be upside down with respect to the image data in the composite SPR files.
The Photo Album files have images stored bottom-up, lowest line first, whereas the SPR files have them top-down, highest line first.
Go figure! My guess is that the two parts of the program were written by different people.


The Graveyard

Stored in a file called "The Graveyard", has exactly the same format as a Photo Album!
The time/date string stored with a picture gives both birth time/date and death time/date.

The first lstring after the image is the norn's name, and the second one after the image is the epitaph.
For every entry in "The Graveyard", there must also be an entry in the file "Album".

I think that the format of "Album" is:
One four-byte quantity giving the count of the number of Norns in the graveyard,
Then after that many four-byte quantities which can only be 1 or 0 (1 if there's a picture and 0 if not?),
Then many lstrings giving the names of the Norns in the graveyard.


The Register

Starts with (surprise, surprise) a two-byte value giving the number of entries in the file.
This is followed by one entry for each registered norn.
Each norn's entry consists of ten lstrings.

The first is the (usually eight-number) register code for the norn (used as the filename of Photo Album files, for instance).
The second is the norn's name.
The third and fourth are the register codes for the norn's father and mother (respectively).
The fifth is the norn's birthdate and time.
The sixth is the norn's birthplace, although the files I've looked at always just have the string "The birthplace" in this field.
The last four lstrings are the owner's name and address and stuff, from that part of the "Register Birth" applet.

The register codes used in the Register and the filenames of Photo Album files are, by the way, just the ASCII expansions of the norn's genetic moniker spelled backwards.
So for instance Danielle's moniker is 7OVZ. 7OVZ backwards is ZVO7, and the ASCII expansion of that is 5a564f37.
And sure enough that's exactly Danielle's register code as reflected in the register, and her photo album is "5a564f37.Photo Album".

There are some glitches in this having to do with norns that have two different monikers due to having been multiply imported,
and with the register bugs in Creatures 1.0.0, but this is the basic rule.