WAV files
Purple = from Life Kit, Christmas or Object packs from
Pink = environmental sounds
Red = Grendel syllables and sounds
Blue = Norn syllables and sounds
Grey = unused sounds
Green = 3rd Party
SPR name | Description | Details |
ahh | choir sound | Used by my Olympia |
aiae | grendel "ay" | Grendel sound |
argh | grendel "arg" | |
asba | grendel "asba" | |
ayee | grendel "aye" | |
ball | "bang" | thud sound |
bang | "smash" | Sound of the smashing jugs, smashing |
bble | bubbling | sound of the submarine |
Bee0 | male norn "bee" | Norn Sounds |
Bee1 | female norn "bee" | |
bees | buzzing | Hive with bees sound |
Beh0 | male norn "beh" | Norn speech |
Beh1 | female norn "beh" | |
Ber0 | male norn "ber" | |
Ber1 | female norn "ber" | |
Bing | bing | Incubator releasing new norn |
bkeg | beer keg running | Steve Dismuke's Beer Keg |
blib | "bibble" | Unused |
Boh0 | male norn "boh" | Norn speech |
Boh1 | female norn "boh" | |
boun | "bounce" | Ball bouncing sound |
brny | "yow" | Unused |
bugs | "yeear" | Albian Carrot Beetle battlecry |
butt | button sound | Call button sound |
cag2 | cage closing | Grendel cage closing |
Cah0 | male norn "cah" | Norn speech |
Cah1 | female norn "cah" | |
cann | cannon | Cannon firing |
cars | driving sound | Used by Xmas 1997 |
cart | cart rumbling | Sound of raft under the sea and the garden. |
cav2 | dipping | Atmospheric sound for Cave |
Chn0 | male norn "chn" | Norn speech |
Chn1 | female norn "chn" | |
Chw0 | male norn "chwa" | |
Chw1 | female norn "chwa" | |
chwc | chew cheese | Creature eating sounds |
chwl | chew lemon | |
chwp | chew p? | |
clik | click | Raft buttons etc. |
cofe | coffee slurp | Creature drinking coffee |
coin | coins dropping | Used by Xmas 1997 |
comp | computer | Computer edit word sound |
cong | congas | Steerpike's Congas |
coug | coughing | Creature Sound |
crac | nut cracking | Coconuts cracking |
crak | egg cracking | Creature egg hatching |
crys | crystal sound | Teleportation Crystals activating |
Dah0 | male norn "dah" | Norn speech |
Dah1 | female norn "dah" | |
dead | norn death moan | |
des_ | Buzzy button press | used by Eric Leif's Teleporter |
Do_0 | male norn "doe" | Norn speech |
Do_1 | female norn "doe" | |
Doh0 | male norn "doo" | |
Doh1 | female norn "doo" | |
doh_ | Homer going "Doh!" | used by Eric Leif's Teleporter |
dome | winds | Atmospheric sound for Dome |
drip | drip | Water drip |
drm1 | drum bang | Sound of the drum |
drnk | drink slurp | Sound of hooch being drunk |
drop | dropped object thud | Sound of object being dropped, used for many objects |
Ee_0 | male norn "ee" | Norn speech |
Ee_1 | female norn "ee" | |
fall | waterfall | The water fall running |
fire | fire crackling | Kitchen fireplace noise |
Flag | flags in wind | Sound of the triangular treehouse flags |
Flam | ? | ? |
Foh0 | male norn "foh" | Norn speech |
Foh1 | female norn "foh" | |
Foo0 | male norn "foh" | |
Foo1 | female norn "foh" | |
frij | "thunk" | Sound of fridge door - unused in original Albia |
Gar1 | birdsong | Atmospheric sounds for Garden |
Gar2 | birdsong | |
Gar3 | birdsong | |
garr | grendel "gar" | Grendel speech |
gauw | grendel "gow" | |
gdie | grendel death grunt | Grendel sound |
gig1 | "ha ha" | Norn laughter |
gig2 | long laugh | |
gig3 | "he he he he" | |
glaf | grendel laugh "ho ho" | Grendel sounds |
goww | grendel "gow" | |
greg | grendel hatching | |
grht | ? | Grendel hatching sound? |
grnn | grendel "grum" | Grendel speech |
gror | grendel "groar" | |
grun | grendel "gruh" | |
gscr | ? | Grendel Scarer |
gshv | grendel shiver? | Grendel sounds |
gslp | grendel after slap | |
gsnr | grendel snores | |
Ha_0 | male norn "ha" | Norn speech |
Ha_1 | female norn "ha" | |
hdsk | hatchery disk | hatchery disk sounds |
hegg | hatchery egg | hatchery rustling eggs sound |
heli | sproing | Helicopter toy sproing |
hfan | hatchery fan | hatchery fan sound |
hfml | "jingle" | hatchery "egg selected" sound |
hlgt | lightning | hatchery spark sound |
hmle | jing | hatchery sound |
hony | honey licking | Creature eating / licking honey |
hrp1 | "ding" | Harp individual notes |
hrp2 | "ding" | |
hrp3 | "ding" | |
hrp4 | "ding" | |
hrp5 | "ding" | |
hrpd | scale | Harp descending scale |
hrpu | scale | Harp ascending scale |
hslt | "zap" | Egg appearing |
icls | "thunk" | Incubator closing |
iend | whirring | End of the incubation cycle |
ilop | whirring | Sound for loop of incubation |
imem | grendel "imem" | Grendel sound |
inc1 | humming | Incubator end of cycle |
ind1 | hum and air release | Incubator opening |
iopn | air release | Incubator opening |
jack | laughter | Jack in the box |
juke | music | Unused jukebox music |
Jun1 | animal calls | Atmospheric sounds for Jungle |
Jun2 | animal calls | |
Jun3 | animal calls | |
Kah0 | male norn "kah" | Norn speech |
Kah1 | female norn "kah" | |
Ke_0 | male norn "ke" | |
Ke_1 | female norn "ke" | |
kis1 | smooch | Norn kissing sounds |
kis2 | kissss pop | |
kitb | jingly | Breeders Kit Sound |
kitf | flute | Funeral Kit Sound |
kith | heartbeat | Health Kit Sound |
kito | jingly | Observation Kit Sound |
kitp | jingly | Owners Kit Sound? |
kits | bubbling & rat squeak | Science Kit Sound |
Koh0 | male norn "koh" | Norn speech |
Koh1 | female norn "koh" | |
Lft2 | clockwork | Lift moving sound |
Lift | humming | Unused |
Loh0 | male norn "loh" | Norn Sound |
Loh1 | female norn "loh" | |
maan | grendel "man" | Grendel sound |
Mah0 | male norn "mah" | Norn speech |
Mah1 | female norn "mah" | |
Me_0 | male norn "may" | |
Me_1 | female norn "may" | |
Mno0 | male norn "myo" | |
Mno1 | female norn "myo" | |
mst1 | hiss of gas | Grendel Scarer gas |
MU01 | music | General
Atmospheric musical pieces, together they were originally a piece called:![]() "Creatures Montage" by Andrew Barnabas (aka Nightshade) ![]() |
MU02 | music | |
MU03 | music | |
MU04 | music | |
MU05 | music | |
MU06 | music | |
MU07 | music | |
MU08 | music | |
MU09 | music | |
MU10 | music | |
MU11 | music | |
MU12 | music | |
MU13 | music | |
MU14 | music | |
MU15 | music | |
MU16 | music | |
MU17 | music | |
MU18 | music | |
MU19 | music | |
MU20 | music | |
MU21 | music | |
MU22 | music | |
MU23 | music | |
MU24 | music | |
MU25 | music | |
MU26 | music | |
MU27 | music | |
MU28 | music | |
ndol | "mah meh" | LummoxJr's Norn Doll |
Niy0 | male norn | Norn speech |
Niy1 | female norn | |
nln | grendel "nil nil" | Grendel sound |
Noh0 | male norn "yoh" | Norn speech |
Noh1 | female norn "yoh" | |
oarr | grendel "wor" | Grendel sound |
Oce1 | watery sound | Atmospheric
Sounds for Ocean |
Oce2 | watery sound | |
oogh | grendel "oog" | Grendel sound |
opop | "pop" | Olympia |
ow!1 | "ouch!" | Norn yelps |
ow!2 | "ouch!" | |
ow!3 | "ouch!" | |
pade | "splashing" | Paddle boat splash - end of journy |
padl | "splashing" | Paddle boat splash - loop |
Pah0 | male norn "pah" | Norn speech |
Pah1 | female norn "pah" | |
phel | stretch | Pushed helicopter toy |
pian | piano notes | Music of piano, played on loo[ |
Poh0 | male norn "poh" | Norn Sound |
Poh1 | female norn "poh" | |
punc | grendel punching | Grendel sound |
Pus0 | male norn "pss" | Norn speech |
Pus1 | female norn "pss" | |
rad1 | music | Unused radio music |
rad2 | music | Unused radio music |
radi | music | Jukebox music |
ragh | grendel "rah" | Grendel sound |
Rah0 | male norn "rah" | Norn speech |
Rah1 | female norn "rah" | |
rain | dripping | Olympian Rain cloud |
Ras0 | male norn "rah" | Norn speech |
Ras1 | female norn "rah" | |
Roh0 | male norn "roh" | |
Roh1 | female norn "roh" | |
saxo | sax solo | Saxophone sound |
say1 | music | "and now for something" backwards and sped |
say2 | music | "completely different" backwards and sped |
scar | grinding | Grendel Scarer |
sclo | clank | Submarine hatch closing |
Sei0 | male norn "say" | Norn speech |
Sei1 | female norn "say" | |
shiv | shivering sound | Norn Sound |
Show | shower dripping | Sound of the shower |
snee | "achoo" | Norn Sound |
sonr | blip | Submarine moving sound |
Soo0 | male norn "soh" | Norn speech |
Soo1 | female norn "soh" | |
splt | splat | Slink's cockroaches |
spnk | smack | Spanking slap sound |
Sprg | sproing | Sound of film display coming down |
sqek | sqeaking | Sound of Robot toy running |
STEP | thud | Creature footstep |
stng | "spoing" | Bee stinging sound |
stov | crackling | Sound of the kitchen fire |
Sub1 | drips and wind | Atmospheric Sounds for Submarine Bay |
Sub2 | drips and wind | |
Sub3 | drips and wind | |
Tckl | scritch | Tickling creatures |
telb | zap | Teleporter sound |
tele | zap | Teleporter sound |
thun | thunder strike | Olympia |
tick | tick | Clock tick |
top1 | top "wheee" | Spinning toy sound |
trm1 | trumpet | Trumpet sound |
trm2 | trumpet | Trumpet sound |
tune | tuning acroxx stations | Radio sound |
undl | grendel "undle" | Grendel speech |
ungr | grendel "ungruh" | |
Uraf | splashing | Underground raft sound |
vend | clank | Vending sound used by most vendors |
Wah0 | male norn "wah" | Norn speech |
Wah1 | female norn "wah" | |
wav1 | splash | Waves on beach |
wav2 | splash | |
Wee0 | male norn "wee" | Norn speech |
Wee1 | female norn "wee" | |
Weh0 | male norn "way" | |
Weh1 | female norn "way" | |
whir | click & whirr | Camera in Owner's Kit |
whis | whistle | Used by Xmas 1997 |
whsh | whoosh | Olympia |
Woh0 | male norn "woh" | Norn speech |
Woh1 | female norn "woh" | |
word | bleep | Computer bleep for each word |
Yau0 | male norn "yow" | Norn speech |
Yau1 | female norn "yow" | |
yhan | grendel "yan" | Grendel speech |
ymca | YMCA by Village People | Used by Tape Player by Steve Dismukes |
yoou | grendel "yoo" | |
zyo0 | male norn "zoh" | Norn speech |
zyo1 | female norn "zoh" | |
zzzz | snoring |