Muppetboy's Rooms

These are all rooms that I created, with varying degrees of help from Cyberlife & third parties.
Heavenly rooms are found on their own page.

 I have only noted the main room for most of these cobs, not those removed, see this page for more details

Cob Date Description
Island Food v2.1

As you can see in the picture below, there is a lot of food available in all rooms, and the island can support many creatures.

Also visible in the picture is The Rope Bridge & Tulip.
Version 1:
Apple tree, strawberry patch, mushrooms - Brood
Parsnips - Darcie
Coconut Palm - mine

Version 2:
Bilumea Plant -
Island Basket Lift - mine

Also edited the lowest room to reduce the chance of creatures getting stuck down there

Version 2.1

I extended the lowest room on the cave westward.
11 &12 
Rope Bridge v2

Version 2.1

Click below for full sized picture
This creates two bridges, one joins the Grendel Tree to Grin Rock, the second links this rock to the palm trees.

Additionally the platforms are extended to the east to give more room on the island, using graphics from C2.
I restored the torch to the Statue of Nornity from old images of the game in production.

I added a fruiting plant to feed dwellers of the Rope Bridge.

It goes very nicely with the New Branch Apples cob.
Shee Crystal

A small room is added for this cob.
Mainly a place to house the Shee Crystal to control shee populations! Although you can use it to store other things.

1 & 22
47, 48, 49 & 50
Pacifica v2

Version 2.1

A complement to Atlantis, Pacifica adjoins the lighthouse.
The forcefield protects from intruders, and is activated by the red button on the right.
The automatic food vendor works and is turned on or off by the flip switch.
The teleportor beteen the floors is activated by the central red buttons.
The buttons and screen on the left currently have no function.
The screens and associated buttons on the right are going to be a word teaching computer, but has bugs.

Version 2 has added crayfish toy
and goldfish.

Version 2.1
Adds the rails to the lower level.
0The Roofgarden v4February
This masive rennovation of upper Geatville bridges the gap using a sprite made for Freya's Bridge
It contains much new food:
Grape Vine - by Stefan Kuske
Sun Flowers - by Freya
The Little Nut Tree - by Allekha

Update: added an extension to the east using the Garden Treehouse, including Magic Fairy flowers by EttinGirl

8 & 10Yggdrasil v1.1

Macro Gregois uses Rainbow Feliz Genome
Temple Cave v2.2 
Juicy Apples  v2
Upstairs Temple v2

Compliments The Treehouse by updating the lower portion of the Grendel Tree.
Includes an updated Distiller &
The Macro Gregpoid

I replaced targetting the new grendel with a birth event

4 & 5Passageways v2.1
Joined version of Passageways 1 and 2 with a fix that resets all creature's location meaning they can immediately use the new rooms

March 2021:
Added Ocean Tunnel Opener to this cob
The Music Room
The Music Room
A replacement/update of The Vast passagewa.
It  adds music, drugs and food  in the form of:
Trumpet by Joe Fowler
Saxophone, Congas and Bong by SteerPike
Catnip Ball & Shitake Mushroom Log by Slink
The Learning Room v2
The Learning Room v2
Version 2:
Adds my Super Norn Cloner and Stefan Kuske's Strawberry Milkshake Vendor to the mix.
Version 1 contained:
v2 of the Shief, a cave to the left
My Ikle Treehouse to the right
53 & 54 
The Treehouse

Using sprites from C2 I have created a further two floors to the wooden platforms in the Grendel Tree, the main one reaches across to the Treehouse Tree.

Three basket lifts take norns to/from and between these new floors.
The topmost floor is a small structure existing above the Grendel Tree part of the main platform. It also allows the Grendel Tree to sprout another branch of Juicy Apples within reach of this new area.
Sprites from Dr§mile's Kumquats were used to spread a bounty of fruit on the treehouse tree.

Two extra basket lifts can be installed. One of which allows passage to the Rope Bridge from the Treehouse, this will only work properly if this cob is already installed. The second one is installed on the desert island. This picture also shows The Platform


Atlantean Renovation
This cob was created from a combination of Alastair Maggs's Atlantis cob, and two cobs by me. One extends the room you find the Deathcap Mushroom into an Aquatic Cave. The other joins my cave to Atlantis.

The result is a vast room stretching from beneath the grendel tree across the bottom of the sea to the island. 

Old Rooms

(I wouldn't reccomend them, they are here for posterity)
1 & 22
47, 48, 49 & 50
Pacifica v1
A complement to Atlantis, Pacifica adjoins the lighthouse.
It's still buggy, but I was geting bored of not releasing it.
The forcefield works, and is activated by the red button on the right.
The automatic food vendor works and is turned on or off by the flip switch.
The teleportor beteen the floors is activated by the central red buttons.
The buttons and screen on the left currently have no function.
The screens and associated buttons on the right are going to be a word teaching computer, but has bugs.
Island Food v2

As you can see in the picture below, there is a lot of food available in all rooms, and the island can support many creatures.

Also visible in the picture is The Rope Bridge & Tulip.
Version 1:
Apple tree, strawberry patch, mushrooms - Brood
Parsnips - Darcie
Coconut Palm - mine

Version 2:
Bilumea Plant -
Island Basket Lift - mine

Also edited the lowest room to reduce the chance of creatures getting stuck down there
Temple Cave v2.2

Combines an updated version of the Temple Cave with an updated Macro Gregoid that makes both Macro and Micro grendels.

It also hijacks and updates the distiller with Purple Mountain Hooch by Malkin.

version 2.1 adds a timer script so grendels are born naturally, up to a total of 7

version 2.2 uses Rainbow Feliz genome and new slot 5 Micro Grendels to be compatible with Frost Grendels and expand the colour range.

8Temple Cave v2.1March
Combines an updated version of the Temple Cave with an updated Macro Gregoid that makes both Macro and Micro grendels.

It also hijacks and updates the distiller with Purple Mountain Hooch by Malkin.

version 2.1 adds a timer script so grendels are born naturally, up to a total of 7
The Roofgarden v3
This version does not have my Lycopersicum, Acornium or Banana Tree, but instead has The Little Nut Tree.

It's much more stable than version 2.
Update: added missing sprite files!

6 & 7The House RefurbAugust
A compilation of cobs affecting the house:

Shief V2, Ikle Treehouse, Super Norn Cloner,
Map Locator V2, Lemon Fridge - made by me

Strawberry Milkshake Vendor
TV & Video (with room), Cooking Pot V2 - by Stefan Kuske

Working Oven - by Freya
3The Roof Garden v2August
This version adds food to the garden by the Lighthouse:

Lycopersicum, Acornium - by me
Banana Tree - made by me using Jeff D's banana cob sprite
Grape Vine - by Stefan Kuske
Sun Flowers - by Freya

6The Learning Room
Expands the computer room to the left into a cave, and to the right across a bridge to a small treehouse. Combines the Ikle Treehouse and The Shief V2
3The Roof Garden v1 December
A renovation of the upper levels of Geatville,

A Combination of the Lighthouse Rail Extender, Updated Bridge and the Millhouse Extension.

10The Platform
Combines Upstairs Temple 2 and Ocean Platform to create a room stretching from above the temple, through the jungle, over the little ocean to the island.

Goes well with the Juicy Apples cob

8The BasementAugust
A complete work over for the bottom-most layer of Albia, one large room stretches from the Ocean tunnel, through the shower, under the house and garden to a cave right of the temple.

It is a compilation of the following cobs:
Ocean Tunnel Opener, Passageway 2,  Temple Water Platform and Temple Cave, Underground Raft Remover)
0Lighthouse Rail Extender
Extends the rail by the cannon on the mid-level of the lighthouse
Vast Passageway
Combines passageways 1 and 3 with the Pond Bridge to form one large cavern beneath the pond, above the wine cellar.

Ikle Treehouse
ikl_treh.jpg (21309 bytes)
Another C2-style treehouse, this time occupying the tree near the house. It can be accessed by a basket lift and by a platform from the computer room.

Contains a cob to make it compatible with The Shief V2

55Upstairs Temple v2
(with GrenTree platform)
Combines an updated version of the Upstairs Temple and an improved GrenTree platform.

It also has a Basket Lift to allow access to the platform above it. Also included is a cob to install to make it compatible with the Ocean Platform.
8Temple Water PlatformAugust
An extension to the wooden platform beneath the Temple. Also includes a cob to use if you also have the Temple Cave installed.
Also included is an underground Raft remover cob.
manyRoom Updatathon
(thirteen of my rooms cobs plus three of Slink's)
A mixed bag of room alteration cobs. Most are designed to increase the living space available to your creatures and  make movement between different areas easier.

It includes thirteen of my cobs:
Lower Grendel Tree Platform & Ocean Platform (alter the same room),
Millhouse Extension & Updated Bridge (alter the same room),
Ocean Tunnel Opener & Passageway2 (alter the same room),
Passageway, Pond Bridge, Pond Update, Rope Bridge, Temple Cave, Shief 2 and Tree house extension

Also includes  three of Slink's cobs:
Black hole patch, Hooch Shelf and Kitchen Table

24Pond Up January
Removes the room that allows objects to sometimes fall to the bottom of the small pond by the waterfall. Objects dropped there will fall to the nearest level. This will be the basement unless you have the pond bridge installed.
17Ocean Tunnel Opener January
Allows creatures to walk further down the ocean tunnel beneath the lighthouse than usual. The pack also includes a cob you need to install to make it compatible with Passageway 2
Rope Bridge

This does in fact create two bridges, one joins the Grendel Tree to Grin Rock, the second links this rock to the palm trees.

It goes very nicely with the New Branch Apples cob.
5Passageway 3 January
Another subterranean cob. This cob drains the pond and expands the music room into the new dry cavern.
Must be used in conjunction with the Passageway cob and Pond Bridge, as it is only designed as an add-on. If used on its own,  it will not malfunction, it will just look odd.
6The Shief Version 2
see picture below for before and after
Inspired by Slink's Shief room for storing objects, this is in fact a cave-like expansion of the computer room.

Contains a cob to make it compatible with The Ikle Treehouse



Treehouse Extension



This cob expands the Treehouse platform towards the west.


Pond Bridge


A new stone bridge to cover up the pond. The remover does dot bring back the raft, so be careful when deciding to use this cob. 

Also pictured here is the
Ornamental Fish by Steve Dismukes which goes quite nicely with it

Aquatic Cave

Creates an underwater cave by expanding the room in which the Deathcap mushroom resides. It is recommended you remove the submarine so it does not move through the cave, spoiling the effect.
Tunnel To Atlantis


An add on, which joins the aquatic cave to Atlantis via an underwater tunnel.

Updated Atlantis


This updated version of the Atlantis Cob by Alastair Maggs contains a single cob instead of four.
It also does not install those annoying lava drips and volcanic eruptions.
If you'd prefer to keep them, then install
the original version.
3Millhouse Extension June
This cob extends the platform of the top floor of the mill house. In pack there is also includes a cob to integrate this cob with the Updated Bridge cob, both of which must be installed first.


Ocean Platform

Full image below thanks to Archdragon


A platform, which allows easy walking across the small ocean. A separate cob within the zip removes the paddle boat, but this is not undoable.

The pack also includes a second cob you must inject if you plan to use both this cob and the Grendel Tree Platform at  the same time.

Also included is a similar cob to use if you install Upstairs Temple 2.

10Lower Grendel Tree Platform June
Another platform that spreads beneath the Grendel Tree, allows the easy picking of more juicy apples.

The pack also includes a second cob you must  inject if you plan to use both this cob and the Ocean Platform at the same time

55Upstairs Temple
Installs a new room, an extra story on top of the temple. As yet I've not installed a lift as I usually move the one from the house to the temple,.
4, 5 & 8


Passageways & Temple Cave


This cob pack includes the following updates:

The Passageway opens up a tunnel in the wall joining the house to the music room! It really cuts the length of journeys. 

The second cob creates a cave in the wall of the basement of the temple, from which the norns can pluck muddy swamp carrots!

The third cob is Passageway 2, which joins the shower room to the room adjoining the ocean tunnel.

4, 5 & 8


Passageways & Temple Cave


This cob pack includes the following updates:

The Passageway opens up a tunnel in the wall joining the house to the music room! It really cuts the length of journeys. 

The second cob creates a cave in the wall of the basement of the temple, from which the norns can pluck muddy swamp carrots!

The third cob is Passageway 2, which joins the shower room to the room adjoining the ocean tunnel.

0Updated BridgeMay
The original bridge cob annoyed me as it wasn't a true bridge, but a mover. This version actually alters the rooms so that the norns can walk freely across the gap.

The pack contains a cob to install if you have both the Bridge and the Millhouse extension installed.