Chemical List

No. Hex Name Function
00 00 nothing Literally denotes an absence of any chemical 
01 01 Pain Drive

(NFP is short for "Need For Pleasure")

02 02 NFP
03 03 Hunger
04 04 Coldness
05 05 Hotness
06 06 Tiredness
07 07 Sleepiness
08 08 Loneliness
09 09 Crowded
10 0A Fear
11 0B Boredom
12 0C Anger
13 0D Sex Drive
14 0E Love Drive  A chemical found in Fragile Norns
15 0F
16 10
17 11 Pain Increase Drive raising

(NFP is short for "Need For Pleasure")

18 12 NFP Increase
19 13 Hunger Increase
20 14 Coldness Increase
21 15 Hotness Increase
22 16 Tiredness Increase
23 17 Sleepiness Increase
24 18 Loneliness Increase
25 19 Crowded Increase
26 1A Fear Increase
27 1B Boredom Increase
28 1C Anger Increase
29 1D Sex Drive Increase
30 1E Love Drive Increase  A chemical found in Fragile Norns 
31 1F
32 20
33 21 Pain Decrease Drive lowering

(NFP is short for "Need For Pleasure")

Hunger decrease is like Saccharin
Pain decrease is like an endorphin

34 22 NFP Decrease
35 23 Hunger Decrease
36 24 Coldness Decrease
37 25 Hotness Decrease
38 26 Tiredness Decrease
39 27 Sleepiness Decrease
40 28 Loneliness Decrease
41 29 Crowded Decrease
42 2A Fear Decrease
43 2B Boredom Decrease
44 2C Anger Decrease
45 2D Sex Drive Decrease
462ELove Drive IncreaseA chemical found in Fragile Norns
Anti-prog A Chemical I designed, simply removes Progesterone. Only works in norns with correct genes. i.e. YinYang norns
47 2F    
48 30
49 31 Reward action is learnt to be good Brain
50 32 Punishment action is learnt to be bad
51 33 Reinforcement produced by reward or punishment
52 34 ConASH Concept Atrophy Suppressing hormone
53 35 DecASH1 Decision Atrophy Suppressing hormone
54 36 Reward Echo aids learning
55 37 Punish Echo  aids learning
56 38 Ageing Decays as a norn ages, being at level 255 in newborns and
near 0 when they die from old age
57 39 Starch found in food - a source of glucose Respiratory
58 3A Glucose energy resource produced from starch
59 3B Glycogen Long term energy store which powers the health meter
60 3C Waste Water appears to be an unused chemical in C1
61 3D Hexokinase produced as a result of muscle activity, consumes glucose
62 3E Dissolved CO2 end result of energy consumption
63 3F Oestrogen female fertility hormone, when it peaks an egg is released Reproductive
64 40 Testosterone male fertility hormone, higher levels increase spermatogenesis
65 41 Gonadotrophin pregnancy hormone, suppresses the menstruation cycle
66 42 Progesterone pregnancy hormone, indicates the progress of pregnancy
67 43 Glycotoxin destroys glucose Toxins
and Poisons
68 44 Alcohol raises sex drive in females and anger in males
69 45 Adrenaline prepares a norn for activity, consumes glucose and suppresses fertility
70 46 DecASH2 Decision Atrophy Suppressing hormone 2
71 47 Vitamin E appear to be unused chemicals in C1
72 48 Vitamin C
73 49    
79 4F
80 50 Dancing Also called  Purple Mountain Norn Alcohol
81 51    
905AWoundedUsed too represent damage, similar to that used in C3, used in Midgard norns
91 5B Activase Activase This gene is activated by
adrenaline and reduces fear and anger. 
Fight or
Flight response

(found in Ron norns)
92 5C Turnase A gene is activated when a Norn is cornered causing
it to turn fear into anger, meaning it is more likely to fight back. 
93 5D Collapsase Activated by retreating, turning anger into fear. 
94 5E    
99 63
100 64 IV Energy feeds your norn, but causes pain Medicinal

(These work differently in YinYang norns)
101 65 IV Adrenaline breaks down into normal adrenaline
102 66 IV Pain Killer suppresses pain and makes the creature drowsy
103 67 IV Cough Medicine Antihistamine, sooths your creature's throat and helps prevent the spread of infection
104 68 IV Sleeping Pill sedative, helps a creature fall asleep
105 69 IV Wake Up Pill stimulant, acting like extra strong coffee
106 6A IV Anti-Oxidant decays into ageing, makes your norn live longer
107 6B    
230 E6
231 E7 Geddonase Produced by cave flies, destroys glucose Toxins
and Poisons
232 E8 Histamine A Causes sneezing
233 E9 Histamine B Causes coughing
234 EA Sleep toxin Causes sleepiness & tiredness
235 EB Fever toxin Causes hotness & produces hexokinase
236 EC    
239 EF
240 F0 Antibody 0 Gives immunity to disease by
destroying equivalent antigens,
consuming glucose in the process
241 F1 Antibody 1
242 F2 Antibody 2
243 F3 Antibody 3
244 F4 Antibody 4
245 F5 Antibody 5
246 F6 Antibody 6
247 F7 Antibody 7
248 F8 Antigen 0 Produced by bacteria,
when a creature is infected
249 F9 Antigen 1
250 FA Antigen 2
251 FB Antigen 3
252 FC Antigen 4
253 FD Antigen 5
254 FE Antigen 6
255 FF Antigen 7