Complete Genome

Here is an unfinished version with more detail.

No. Switch
Sex Gene Class
C = creature
Bc = biochemistry
Br = brain
Type Subtype
000 Embryo - Genus 01 header - compulsory
001 Embryo - Bc Half-life 01 decay rates - at birth
002 Embryo - C Gait 01 nornal (Cyberlife pun)
003 Embryo - C Pose 01 reach low near
004 Embryo - C Pose 02 reach lowish near
005 Embryo - C Pose 03 reach highish near
006 Embryo - C Pose 04 reach high near
007 Embryo - C Pose 05 reach low medium
008 Embryo - C Appearance 001 head
009 Embryo - C Gait 06 reach lowish medium
010 Embryo - C Pose 07 reach highish medium
011 Embryo - C Pose 08 reach high medium
012 Embryo - C Pose 09 reach low far
013 Embryo - C Pose 0A reach lowish far
014 Embryo - C Pose 0B reach highish far
015 Embryo - C Pose 0C reach high far
016 Embryo - C Pigment 0B blueness
017 Child - C Pose 0D approach1
018 Child - C Pose 0E approach2
019 Child - C Pose 0F approach3
020 Child - C Pose 10 approach4
021 Child - C Pose 11 stand
022 Embryo - C Pose 12 east
023 Embryo - C Pose 13 west
024 Child - C Pose 14 wander1
025 Child - C Pose 15 wander2
026 Child - C Pose 16 wander3
027 Child - C Pose 17 wander4
028 Embryo - C Pose 18 rest
029 Embryo - C Pose 19 sleep
030 Embryo - C Pose 1A flee1
031 Embryo - C Pose 1B flee2
032 Embryo - C Appearance 02 body
033 Embryo - C Pose 1C flee3
034 Embryo - C Pose 1D flee4
035 Embryo - C Pose 28 throw1
036 Embryo - C Pose 1E throw2
037 Embryo - C Pose 1F eat1
038 Embryo - C Pose 20 eat2
039 Embryo - C Pose 21 drum1
040 Embryo - C Pose 22 drum2
041 Embryo - C Pose 23 startled
042 Embryo - C Pose 24 express general need
043 Embryo - C Pose 25 kiss
044 Embryo - Bc Receptor 01 drive - pain
045 Embryo - Bc Receptor 02 drive - need for pleasure
046 Embryo - Bc Receptor 03 drive - hunger
047 Embryo - Bc Receptor 04 drive - coldness
048 Embryo - Bc Receptor 05 drive - hotness
049 Embryo - Bc Receptor 06 drive - tiredness
050 Embryo - Bc Receptor 07 drive - sleepiness
051 Embryo - Bc Receptor 08 drive - loneliness
052 Embryo - Bc Receptor 09 drive - crowded
053 Embryo - Bc Receptor 0A drive - fear
054 Embryo - Bc Receptor 0B drive - boredom
055 Embryo - Bc Receptor 0C drive - anger
056 Embryo - Bc Receptor 0D drive - sex drive
057 Embryo - Bc Reaction 01 drive raiser - pain
058 Embryo - Bc Reaction 02 drive raiser - need for pleasure
059 Embryo - Bc Reaction 03 drive raiser - hunger
060 Embryo - Bc Reaction 04 drive raiser - coldness
061 Embryo - Bc Reaction 05 drive raiser - hotness
062 Embryo - Bc Reaction 06 drive raiser - tiredness
063 Embryo - C Pigment 06 redness
064 Embryo - Bc Reaction 07 drive raiser - sleepiness
065 Embryo - Bc Reaction 08 drive raiser - loneliness
066 Embryo - Bc Reaction 09 drive raiser - crowded
067 Embryo - Bc Reaction 0A drive raiser - fear
068 Embryo - Bc Reaction 0B drive raiser - boredom
069 Embryo - Bc Reaction 0C drive raiser - anger
070 Embryo - Bc Reaction 20 drive raiser - sex drive
071 Embryo - Bc Reaction 0D drive reducer - pain
072 Embryo - Bc Reaction 0E drive reducer - need for pleasure
073 Embryo - Bc Reaction 0F drive reducer - hunger
074 Embryo - Bc Reaction 10 drive reducer - coldness
075 Embryo - Bc Reaction 11 drive reducer - hotness
076 Embryo - Bc Reaction 12 drive reducer - tiredness
077 Embryo - C Appearance 03 legs
078 Embryo - Bc Reaction 13 drive reducer - sleepiness
079 Embryo - Bc Reaction 14 drive reducer - loneliness
080 Embryo - Bc Reaction 15 drive reducer - crowded
081 Embryo - C Pigment 08 greenness
082 Embryo - Bc Reaction 16 drive reducer - fear
083 Embryo - C Pigment 07 redness
084 Embryo - Bc Reaction 17 drive reducer - boredom
085 Embryo - Bc Reaction 18 drive reducer - anger
086 Embryo - Bc Reaction 21 drive reducer - sex drive
087 Embryo - C Pigment 09 greenness
088Embryo - Bc Receptor 0E reward reinforce
089 Embryo - Bc Receptor 0F punish reinforce
090 Embryo - C Stimulus 01 disappointment
091 Embryo - C Stimulus 02 user pats me
092 Embryo - C Stimulus 03 creature pats me
093 Embryo - C Stimulus 04 user slaps me
094 Embryo - C Stimulus 05 creature slaps me
095 Embryo - C Stimulus 06 it is approaching
096 Embryo - C Stimulus 07 it is retreating
097 Embryo - C Stimulus 08 bumped
098 Embryo - C Stimulus 09 seen new object
099 Embryo - C Stimulus 0A gobbledygook
100 Embryo - C Stimulus 0B user speaks
101 Embryo - C Stimulus 0C creature speaks
102 Embryo - C Stimulus 0D quiescent
103 Embryo - C Stimulus 0E activate1
104 Embryo - C Stimulus 0F activate2
105 Embryo - C Stimulus 10 deactivate
106 Embryo - C Stimulus 11 approaching
107 Embryo - C Stimulus 12 get
108 Embryo - C Stimulus 13 resting
109 Embryo - C Stimulus 14 sleeping
110 Embryo - C Stimulus 15 traveling
111 Embryo - Bc Reaction 19 reward -> reinforce
112 Embryo - Bc Reaction 1A punish -> reinforce
113 Embryo - Br Lobe 01 perception
114 Embryo - Br Lobe 02 drive
115 Embryo - Br Lobe 03 source
116 Embryo - C Pigment 0C blueness
117 Embryo - Br Lobe 04 verb
118 Embryo - Br Lobe 08 noun
119 Embryo - Br Lobe 09 general sense
120 Embryo - Br Lobe 05 decision
121 Embryo - Br Lobe 06 attention
122 Embryo - Br Lobe 07 concept
123 Embryo - Bc Emitter 01 signal loose con dens (ConASH)
124 Embryo - Bc Emitter 02 signal loose dec dens(0) (DecASH1)
125 Embryo - Bc Emitter 03 signal loose dec dens(1) (DecASH2)
126 Embryo - Bc Receptor 10 inhibit con atrophy (ConASH)
127 Embryo - Bc Receptor 11 inhibit dec0 atrophy (DecASH1)
128 Embryo - Bc Receptor 2B inhibit dec1 atrophy (DecASH2)
129 Embryo - Bc Receptor 12 strengthen con dens (Reinforcer)
130 Embryo - Bc Emitter 04 become bored
131 Embryo - C Instinct 01 verb act1
132 Embryo - C Instinct 02 verb act2
133 Embryo - C Instinct 03 verb come
134 Embryo - C Instinct 04 move when bored
135 Embryo - C Instinct 05 rest when tiredness
136 Embryo - Bc Emitter 05 become in need of titillation (n.f.p.)
137 Embryo - Bc Emitter 06 feel the heat (hotness)
138 Embryo - Bc Emitter 07 feel the cold (coldness)
139 Embryo - Bc Emitter 08 get sleepy in the dark (sleepiness)
140 Embryo - Bc Emitter 09 get lonely (loneliness)
141 Embryo - Bc Emitter 0A get claustrophobic (crowded)
142 Embryo - Bc Reaction 1B digestion
143 Embryo - Bc Emitter 0B energy consumption (hexokinase)
144 Embryo - Bc Reaction 1C glucose -> glycogen
145 Embryo - Bc Reaction 1D glycogen -> glucose
146 Embryo - Bc Reaction 1E glucose -> energy
147 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 01 glycogen
148 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 02 glucose
149 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 03 boredom
150 Embryo - C Instinct 06 act1 when bored
151 Embryo - C Instinct 07 act2 when bored
152 Youth F Bc Emitter 0C estrogen
153 Youth F Bc Receptor 14 estrus cycle (estrogen)
154 Youth F Bc Emitter 0E sex drive (f)
155 Youth F Bc Receptor 15 receptivity (sex drive)
156 Youth F Bc Emitter 10 gonadotrophin
157 Youth F Bc Emitter 11 progesterone
158 Youth F Bc Reaction 0F pregnancy kills estrus cycle
159 Youth F Bc Receptor 16 start laying (progesterone)
160 Youth M Bc Emitter 0D testosterone
161 Youth M Bc Emitter 0F sex drive (m)
162 Youth M Bc Receptor 17 sperm production (testosterone)
163 Youth M C Instinct 08 mating
164 Youth M C Instinct 09 courting
165 Embryo - Bc Receptor 18 enter childhood (aging)
166 Child - Bc Receptor 19 enter youth (aging)
167 Youth - Bc Receptor 1A enter adolescence (aging)
168 Teen - Bc Receptor 1B enter adulthood (aging)
169 Adult - Bc Receptor 1C enter old age (aging)
170 Senior - Bc Receptor 1D enter senility (aging)
171 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 04 aging
172 Embryo - C Pose 26 crouch/lay egg
173 Embryo - Bc Receptor 1E death! (glycogen)
174 Embryo - Bc Reaction 22 glycotoxin poisoning
175 Embryo - C Pose 27 dead
176 Embryo - C Pose 29 pain approach1
177 Embryo - C Pose 2A pain approach2
178 Embryo - C Pose 2B pain approach3
179 Embryo - C Pose 2C pain approach4
180 Embryo - C Gait 02 pain approach
181 Embryo - C Pose 2D tired approach1
182 Embryo - C Pose 2E tired approach2
183 Embryo - C Pose 2F tired approach3
184 Embryo - C Pose 048 tired approach4
185 Embryo - C Gait 003 tiredness
186 Embryo - C Gait 04 sleepy
187 Embryo - C Pose 31 fear approach1
188 Embryo - C Pose 32 fear approach2
189 Embryo - C Pose 43 fear approach3
190 Embryo - C Pose 34 fear approach4
191 Embryo - C Gait 05 fear
192 Embryo - C Pigment 0A greenness
193 Embryo - C Pose 35 anger approach1
194 Embryo - C Pose 36 anger approach2
195 Embryo - C Pose 37 anger approach3
196 Embryo - C Pose 38 anger approach4
197 Embryo - C Gait 06 anger
198 Embryo - C Pose 39 to camera
199 Embryo - C Pose 3A express pain
200 Embryo - C Pose 3B express hunger
201 Embryo - C Pose 3C express tired
202 Embryo - C Pose 3D express lonely
203 Embryo - C Pose 3E express fear
204 Embryo - C Pose 3F toe tap1
205 Embryo - C Pose 40 toe tap2
206 Embryo - C Pose 41 angry1
207 Embryo - C Pose 42 angry2
208 Embryo - C Pose 43 swing arms1
209 Embryo - C Pose 44 swing arms2
210 Embryo - C Pose 45 shiver1
211 Embryo - C Pose 46 shiver2
212 Embryo - C Pose 47 crouch/lay egg
213 Embryo - C Pose 48 walk away1
214 Embryo - C Pose 49 walk away2
215 Embryo - C Pose 4A walk away3
216 Embryo - C Pose 4B walk away4
217 Embryo - C Pose 4C kick1
218 Embryo - C Pose 4D kick2
219 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 05 antibody 0
220 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 06 antibody 1
221 Embryo - C Appearance 04 arms
222 Embryo - C Pigment 05 redness
223 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 07 antibody 3
224 Embryo - Bc Initial Conc. 08 antibody 4
225 Embryo - Bc Reaction 23 immune response - antibody 0
226 Embryo - Bc Reaction 24 immune response - antibody 1
227 Embryo - C Pigment 0D blueness
228 Embryo - Bc Reaction 25 immune response - antibody 2
229 Embryo - Bc Reaction 26 immune response - antibody 3
230 Embryo - Bc Reaction 27 immune response - antibody 4
231 Embryo - Bc Reaction 28 immune response - antibody 5
232 Embryo - Bc Reaction 29 immune response - antibody 6
233 Embryo - Bc Reaction 2A immune response - antibody 7
234 Embryo - Bc Receptor 13 flinch from pain (pain increase)
235 Embryo - Bc Receptor 1F sneeze (histamine A)
236 Embryo - Bc Receptor 21 cough (histamine B)
237 Embryo - Bc Receptor 20 shiver (coldness)
238 Embryo - Bc Reaction 2B fever
239 Embryo - Bc Reaction 2C sleeping sickness
240 Embryo - C Pose 4E sneeze1
241 Embryo - C Pose 4F sneeze2
242 Youth F C Stimulus 16 response to laying
243 Embryo - C Stimulus 17 response to sneezing
244 Embryo - C Stimulus 18 response to coughing
245 Embryo - C Stimulus 19 response to shivering
246 Embryo - C Gait 07 limping
247 Child - Bc Receptor 22 walk when in pain (pain)
248 Child - Bc Receptor 23 frightened walk (fear)
249 Child - Bc Receptor 24 angry walk (anger)
250 Child - Bc Receptor 25 sleepy walk (sleepiness)
251 Child - Bc Receptor 26 tired walk (tiredness)
252 Embryo - Bc Receptor 27 limp when weak (glycogen)
253 Embryo - C Pose 50 limp1
254 Embryo - C Pose 51 limp2
255 Embryo - C Pose 52 limp3
256 Embryo - C Pose 53 limp4
257 Embryo - C Pose 54 approach1 - baby
258 Embryo - C Pose 55 approach2 - baby
259 Embryo - C Pose 56 approach3 - baby
260 Embryo - C Pose 57 approach4 - baby
261 Embryo - C Pose 58 stand - baby
262 Embryo - C Pose 59 wander1 - baby
263 Embryo - C Pose 5A wander2 - baby
264 Embryo - C Pose 5B wander3 - baby
265 Embryo - C Pose 5C wander4 - baby
266 Senior - C Pose 5D approach1 - old
267 Senior - C Pose 5E approach2 - old
268 Senior - C Pose 5F approach3 - old
269 Senior - C Pose 60 approach4 - old
270 Senior - C Pose 61 wander1 - old
271 Senior - C Pose 62 wander2 - old
272 Senior - C Pose 63 wander3 - old
273 Senior - C Pose 64 wander4 - old
274 Embryo - Bc Receptor 28 drunken stagger (alcohol)
275 Embryo - C Pose 65 drunken stagger1
276 Embryo - C Pose 66 drunken stagger2
277 Embryo - C Pose 67 drunken stagger3
278 Embryo - C Pose 68 drunken stagger4
279 Embryo - C Gait 08 drunken stagger
280 Youth M Bc Reaction 2D alcohol makes males aggressive
281 Youth F Bc Reaction 2E alcohol makes females randy!
282 Embryo - Bc Emitter 12 stress - excess pain (adrenaline)
283 Embryo - Bc Emitter 13 stress - excess hunger (adrenaline)
284 Embryo - Bc Emitter 14 stress - excess loneliness (adrenaline)
285 Embryo - Bc Emitter 15 stress - excess crowding (adrenaline)
286 Embryo - Bc Emitter 16 stress - excess fear (adrenaline)
287 Embryo - Bc Emitter 17 stress - excess boredom (adrenaline)
288 Embryo - Bc Emitter 18 stress - excess anger (adrenaline)
289 Embryo - Bc Reaction 2F stress reduces energy
290 Youth M Bc Reaction 30 stress reduces sex drive/fertility (m)
291 Embryo F Bc Reaction 31 stress reduces sex drive/fertility (f)
292 Youth - Bc Reaction 32 stress reduces life-span
293 Child - C Instinct 0A verb deactivate
294 Embryo - C Pigment 01 redness - at birth
295 Child - C Instinct 0B verb run
296 Child - C Instinct 0C verb get
297 Embryo - C Pigment 02 greenness - at birth
298 Child - C Instinct 0D verb drop
299 Child - C Instinct 0E verb how?
300 Embryo - C Pigment 03 blueness - at birth
301 Child - C Instinct 0F verb rest
302 Child - C Instinct 10 verb west
303 Child - C Instinct 11 verb east
304 Embryo - C Instinct 12 avoid overcrowding
305 Embryo - Bc Receptor 29 sleep when very sleepy (sleepiness)
306 Embryo - Bc Receptor 2A languish when very weak (glycogen)
307 Embryo - C Instinct 13 eat food
308 Embryo - Bc Reaction 33 hunger reduction - missing in original US norns
309 Senior F Bc Emitter 19 fade estrus cycle - old (NONE)
310 Senior M Bc Emitter 1A reduced testosterone - old (testost.)
311 Senior - C Stimulus 1A travelling - old
312 Teen - Bc Emitter 1B become bored - adult (boredom)
313 Embryo - Bc Reaction 34 eating for two
314 Embryo - Bc Reaction 35 IV energy
315 Embryo - Bc Reaction 36 IV adrenaline
316 Embryo - Bc Reaction 37 IV pain killer
317 Embryo - Bc Reaction 38 IV cough medicine
318 Embryo - Bc Reaction 39 IV sleeping pill
319 Embryo - Bc Reaction 3A IV wake-up pill
320 Embryo - Bc Reaction 3B IV anti-oxidant
321 Embryo - Bc Reaction 3C - geddonase breaks down glucose P
322 Embryo - Bc Reaction 3D - geddonase reduces glycogen P
323 Embryo - Bc Reaction 3E - n.f.p. builds dancing P
324 Embryo - Bc Reaction 3F - dancing reduces boredom P
325 Embryo - Bc Receptor 2C - glycogen sensor F R
326 Embryo - Bc Emitter 1C - (hunger) F R
327 Old - Bc Receptor 2D - aging death F R
328 Embryo - C Instinct 14 - herbs smell good F R
329 Embryo - C Instinct 15 - weeds smell bad F R
330 Embryo - C Instinct 16 - food smells good F R
331 Embryo - C Instinct 17 - rest when sleepy F R
332 Embryo - C Instinct 18 - move when hungry F(m)
333 Embryo - C Instinct 19 - act1 when hungry F(m)
334 Embryo - C Instinct 1A - act2 when hungry F(m)
335 Embryo - C Instinct 1B - move when n.f.p. F(m)
336 Embryo - C Instinct 1C - act1 when n.f.p. F(m)
337 Embryo - C Instinct 1D - act2 when n.f.p. F(m)
338 Embryo - Bc Reaction 40 - activity reduces adrenaline F(f) R
339 Embryo - C Instinct 1E - flee when frightened R
340 Embryo - C Instinct 1F - hit creature when angry R
341 Embryo - C Instinct 20 - hit object when angry R
342 Embryo - C Stimulus 1B - I have retreated F R
343 Embryo - Bc Reaction 41 - flight to fight when cornered R
344 Embryo - Bc Reaction 42 - fight to flight when retreating R