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Special thanks go to Xan, whose list formed the basis of this one, to Nimue of Creatures of Avalon,
and to Eem Foo's amazing archive for hosting many of the breeds below

Breeds in blue come with C3, DS or one of their official add-ons.

Breeds in red have not yet been released or have been lost
Breeds in green are converted from other games in the series


Bruin Norn

Jungle Grendel

Drider Grendels by Spykkie


Desert Ettin

Butterfly Norn by Amanora & Kathira
Bengal Norn

Banshee Grendel

Micro Ettin by Trix

Honey Ettin by MKid112

Bengal Wingies by Alien

Sea norns by MK112

Beowulf Norn by Drauga Drottin

(C2) Ivy Norns by Rhanee
Civet Norn

(C2) Boney Grendel by Lis Morris

Plague Ettins by Snapdragon

Temple Norn by Lisa
Chi Chi Norn

Chi Chi Long-haired Female

Akatora Norn by Trix
(reference to the Ginja series)

(C2) Atavist Ettins by Snapdragon
(C2) Worker Ettins, updated by CosmicSynthetics & Jesseth

Dale Norns by Josh

Black Blob Geats by Arnout

Bry Norns by Erling

Jade Norn by MK112

Bubble Norns by Mairenn

Radiation Norns by Geekgirl
Magma Norn

Micro Grendel Trix

(CV) Cave Norns by Norngirl

Hircine Norns by Karithina v2

Boid Norns by Verm

Porcelain Norns by Erling

Kunterbunt (Potpourri) Norns by Alien

(C2) Golden Desert Norns

Eskimo Norns by Mummy
Bondi Norns

Vampyre Grendel by Trix

Guppy Ettin by Trix

Fire Norns by Trafgana

Toro Norns by MK112

Zivil Norns by MarlisO

Dream Norns by Amanora
Gecko Norn by Wafuru

Mountain Norn by Arnout

(C0) Dragon Grendels by Verm

Pyrite Grendels by Shazza & Elf

Glow-in-the-Dark Etttins by Trix

Zeta Reticuli Etttins by Voidirium

Ancient Magma Norns v2.1
by Erling & Grendel Man

Gaia by Lisa Morris
(Genetic Ark Interface Apparatus)

Geo Norns by EemFoo
Treehugger Norn

(C1toDS) Grendel

Neko Ettin by Norngirl
(Japanese for cat)

Mercury Norn by BioStorm

Gaius v2 by Ghosthande

Halloween Norns by Jewels

Happy Norns by MarlisO?
Zebra Norn

Yeren Grendels (Ostrova)
(Chinese wildman) Linux version

Basilisk Norns by Dragoler

(C2) Emerald Norns
by Charles & Donutking

Ghostly Norns by Spykkie


Flora Norns by Amanora

(C2) Indian Norns by MarlisO
Toxic Norn

Mask Grendel by Jewels

Nightcrawler Ettin by MK112

Mask Ettin by Jewels

Snow Fox Norns by Erling

Jungle Norns by Tomtschek

(CA) Primrose norns by Bedalton
Fallow Norn

Blood Grendel by Torrent Silverpelt

Vidya (Clarity) Norn by Erling

Aqua Norns by Tomtschek

(C1toDS) Banana Norn

Nenya Norn by Mairenn

Siamese Norn

Lilac Bengal Norn by Wafuru

Dusky Grendels by Elf

Lemming Ettins by Bionorn & Geekgirl

Undine Norns by Spykkie

(C1toDS) Pixie Norn


Curiosa Norns

Astro Norn

Mask Bengal Norns by Jewels

Zwergbunt (Dwarf Colourful) Grendels
by Tokarion & Kathira

(C2) Desert Norn by Charles & Donitking

(C1toDS) Horse Norns

Hardman Norn

Mask Bruin Norns by Jewels

Curiosa v2 by Jesseth, CosmiSynth, Gulvet

Slitherer Grendel by Grendel Man

Yettin by Snapdragon

(C1toDS) Purple Mountain Norns

Harlequin Norns

Mask Civet Norns
by Jewels

Mosaic Grendels by MK112

Luminous Grendels by Grendel Man

Easter Bunny Norns by Trix
v2 (now has elderly sprites)

Snow Bengals by Chichi
(Bengal des Neiges)

(C1toDS) Forest Norn

Bloom Norns v1 by Arnout

Bloom Norns Remastered

City Norns by mip

Nac-Mac Bibble Norns by Freylaverse

Pearlescent Grendels by THEdragon

(C2) Plant Norn

Pink Poodle Ettins by Tomtschek

(C1toDS) Ron Norn

Painted Chichi Norns by Guflor

Wood Norn v1, v2, remastered by Arnout

(C2) Pumuckl Norns by Rhanee

Uninteresting Norns by Snapdragon

Centaur Norn by Spykkie

Wildkat Norns by Ghosthande

Chic Norns by Moe & EemFoo

Protector Norn v1, v2  by MarcusK

Tilynn Norns
by Jelisa_J & Lone-Wanderer

2022 Banana Norns by Liil

Macro Sprite Norns by Trix

Civet Wingies by Alien

Raccoon Norns by Sentinal & Verm

(CV) Primrose Norns by Guflor

Nimbus Norns by Arnout

Chi Chi Wingies by Alien

Reindeer Norns by Trix
v2 (has elderly sprites)

Shadow Norns by Marcus K

Panda Norns by Arnout

2022 White Haired Pixie Norns by Liil

Rain Ettin by Trix

Cheese Ettin by Poopster

Ombra Norns by ?
(Italian for shadow)

(C1toDS) Santa Norn

Primavera (Spring) Norns by Mairenn

Suliban Norn by Norn-Master
(Star Trek reference)

Laguna Norns by Arnout

Pearl Mermaid Norns v2 by Spykkie

Shag-a-delic Norns by BioNorn & Wafuru

Sulfur Grendels by MK112

Shee by Marcus K

Affordable Norns by EemFoo

Sea Ettins by Elf

Sahara Norns by Alien

Slug Cats by Vermidia

Alien Norn by Alien

Beastaurs v2 by Spykkie

Mojo Norns by Arnout

Borg Norns by Alex Twigg & BioLab

(C2) Bulbous Grendel by Pharoah
(C2) Bulbous Grendel, updated by CosmicSynthetics & Jesseth

Fimbul Norns by Marcus K

Hircine Norns by Karithina

Turquoise and Pink Ettins
(TPSE) by Norngirl

Nano (Bruin) Norn by Marcus K

(CA) Alba norns by Bedalton

Tortoise Norns by Biostorm
(in french: Tortues, in american: turtle)

Transgenered Norns by Ylukylun
(gender swapped Chi Chi)

Tiger Grendels Compatible by
CosmicSynthetics & Jesseth
Bald Norns by THEdragon

(C2) Pixie Norn by Charles & Donutking

Ryu Norns by 

Boglight Grendels v1.1 by MK112

Geode Grendels by Freylaverse

Blackberry Norns by Marcus K

Angler Grendels by Cyborg

Dragonfly Demon Ettin

Spot Norns by Bonnieshee, Orfeo & Blue_eyed_alley_catz

Estrella Norns by Mairenn

Trident Norns by BioNorn

Yautja Norns by Ghosthande

Blueberry Norns by Freylaverse

Infernal Grendels by MK112


Moonlight Norn by Marcus K

2022 Horse Norns by Liil

Magma Wingies by Red Dragon

Lollipop Norns by Mairenn

Carna Norns by PapuBuntu

Indio Norns by Mummy & Alien

Dark Pixie Norns by Shinjibuki

Deep Norns by Ghosthande

Lycan Norns by MK112

Maraquan Grendel by Trix
(Neopets reference)

2022 Classic Grendels by Liil

Winged Ettins by Trix

Dól Norns by Erling
(Down or Lean?)

Tabby norns
by Freylaverse

Gargoyle Norns by Alien

Winter Norn by MK112

Weihnacht (Christmas) Norns MarlisO
(CV) Multi Malay Norn by Jewels

Sabertooth Norns by Ghosthande

Ghostly Norns by Pharoah

(C2) Tiger Grendels v2 by Snapdragon


Dustdevil Grendels by Ghosthande

Glacier Ettins & Remastered
by Jesseth, CosmiSynth & Avocado
Aqua Bruin Norns

Ettin Aliens by Tarnedangel

Nenya Norn by Mairenn
(reslotted by Verm & EemFoo)

Albian Blue norns
by Freylaverse

(C2) Sphinx Norns by Snapdragon

Dappled Velvet Norn by Annex

Apple Norns by Moe & Grendel Man

Pleasantville Norns by Rhanee

Dlaaks by Erling & Marcus Kurzbach

(CV) Giraffe Norns
by DemendChild, erling & Norngirl

Veharke Priest Norns by Kithugi

Aardvark Norns by BioStorm

Yellowstone Wingies by Alien

Calico norns
by Freylaverse

Amphibinorns by MK112

Yellowstone Norns by Mummy

(C1toDS) Dodgy Norns
by C2BMike & EemFoo
Fairyfloss Norns by Flame

Unseen Norns by Merlin

(CV) Pink Alba Norns by Jewels

(C2) Pig Grendel by Norngirl

Crimson Norns by Lord Zasz

(CA) Tiger norns by Bedalton

Chameleon Ettins by Norngirl

Tunnel Ettins by CosmicSynthetics

Shiny Bengal Norns by Luzze

Tuxedo norns
by Freylaverse

Draconian Norns by Bug & Pagan-Gerbil

Zoran Norns by Spykkie

Breeds I'm still looking for:  none! Unless I've not found out about some.

13th February 2025
Added Zeta Reticuli ettins by Voidirium, and Geode grendels by Freylaverse.
7th February 2025
Added Winter and Jade norns by MK112!
18th December 2024
I added Lycan, Sea, Amphibi and Toro norns; Infernal, Boglight, Mosaic and Sulfur grendels all by MK112!
2nd November 2024
Added Nightcrawler ettins by MK112, and updated some pictures

28th October 2024
I added Freylaverse's four cat-themed norn breeds
16th April 2024

Added Tunnel Ettins
9th September 2024
Added updated Easter bunny & Reindeer norns
Also added Ryu norns & Honey Ettins, new creations by MK112


These breeds were made using Gene Forge
< click to see the breed list for the other main games >