Word List
Creatures can use three types of words to communicate: nouns, verbs and adjectives.
1) Nouns are used to describe groups of objects
Creatures are incapable of differentiating between many
objects, as they lump them in groups.
For example carrots, cheese, lemons and honey are all "food".
2) Verbs are used to describe actions such as "push" and "stop"
3) Adjectives are used to describe feelings such as "cold" and "angry"
All known wordas are detailed in the table below.
Where words have
two names, the one on the left is the one I use, usually because it is shorter, makes more
sense or is easier to remember.
Those sections in grey are unused in the basic game, but introduced in new cobs, creatures or worlds.
No. | Hex | Word | Lingo | ![]() Friends SS Toy | ![]() Spanish SS Toy | Regular Computer | ![]() Dutch SS Toy | ![]() German EN |
Description | Class (family & genus) | Group | |
00 | 00 | Stay | Quieto | - | Blijf | Bleib | Be quiescent (not taught by computer) |
01 | 01 | Push | Empuja | Push | Drukken | Druck | Activate 1 object | |||||
02 | 02 | Pull | Tira | Pull | Trekken | Zieh | Activate 2 object | |||||
03 | 03 | Stop | Hold it | Para | Stop | Stop | Halt | Deactivate object | ||||
04 | 04 | Come | Ven | Come | Kom | Komm | Approach target | |||||
05 | 05 | Run | Leggit | Corre | Run | Ren | Lauf | Retreat from target | ||||
06 | 06 | Get | Cogelo | Get | Pak | Hol | Pick up object | |||||
07 | 07 | Drop | Sueltalo | Drop | Vallen | Lass | Drop object | |||||
08 | 08 | Think | Piensa | - | ? | Denk | Say what you need (not taught by the computer) |
09 | 09 | Rest | Sleep | Snooze | Duermete | Sleep | Slaap | Schlaf | Fall asleep | |||
10 | 0A | West | Left | Izquierda | Left | Links | Links | Move to the left | ||||
11 | 0B | East | Right | Derecha | Right | Rechts | Rechts | Move to the right | ||||
12 | 0C | Eat | Uses same action as push, used by Eater Norns | N/A | VERB | |||||||
13 | 0D | Noun Computer | ||||||||||
14 | 0E | |||||||||||
15 | 0F | |||||||||||
16 | 10 | <Creature's name> | - | - | - | - | - | - | Each creature's own name | 4 0 | PROPER NOUN |
17 | 11 | Hand | Mommy | - | - | - | Hand | - | Mama | name of the hand | 2 1 | SIMPLE NOUNS |
18 | 12 | Red | Call | Rojo | Button | Bell | Knopf | Red call button for lift | 2 2 | |||
19 | 13 | Water | Agua | - | Water | Wasser | The waterfall | 2 3 | ||||
20 | 14 | Herb | Plant | Planta | Herb | Plant | Kraut | Plants good for creatures | 2 4 | |||
21 | 15 | Egg | Huevo | - | Ei | Ei | Includes eggs of any species | 2 5 | ||||
22 | 16 | Food | Nosh | Comida | Food | Voedsel | Essen | cheese, honey, carrots, lemons etc. | 2 6 | |||
23 | 17 | Drink | Bebida | Drink | Drinken | Trinken | coffee or hootch | 2 7 | ||||
24 | 18 | Dispenser | Vendor | Vendedor | Vendor | Machine | Maschine | Carrot vendor, or any dispenser | 2 8 | |||
25 | 19 | Music | Tune | Musica | Music | Muziek | Musik | Trumpet, piano, jukebox | 2 9 | |||
26 | 1A | Pretty | Animal | Creature | Animal | - | Dier | Tier | Bees, birds, fish | 2 10 | ||
27 | 1B | Fire | Fuego | - | Vuur | Feuer | the kitchen fire | 2 11 | ||||
28 | 1C | Relax | Comfort | Shower | Ducha | - | Douche | Zuhause | Shower / Clock | 2 12 | ||
29 | 1D | Toy | Juguete | Toy | Speelgoed | Spiel | Ball, spinning top, radio, bed-time bear | 2 13 | ||||
30 | 1E | Bigtoy | Jugueteg | Bigtoy | Groot speelgoed | Spielzeug | Heli-toy, robot, jack-in-the-box, crystal ball, grendel scarer |
2 14 | ||||
31 | 1F | Weed | Hierba | Weed | Onkruid | Gift | Plants bad for creatures | 2 15 | ||||
32 | 20 | Flag | Windsock & Triangular Flags | 2 16 | My words & New World words |
33 | 21 | Cheese | food objects each given different names, a result fo being reclassified by Renamer cob. | |||||||||
34 | 22 | Honey | ||||||||||
35 | 23 | Carrot / Roots | 2 23 | |||||||||
36 | 24 | Lemon / Flowers | Fruits, Flowers and Fruits are words introduced by the worlds of Arborium, Darwinia and Terra Nornia |
2 24 | ||||||||
37 | 25 | Fruits | 2 25 | |||||||||
38 | 26 | |||||||||||
39 | 27 | |||||||||||
40 | 28 | |||||||||||
41 | 29 | |||||||||||
42 | 2A | Mover | Vehicle | Mover | Maquina | Mover | Beweeger | Wagen | the rafts, boat and cable car | 3 1 | COMPLEX NOUNS |
43 | 2B | Lift | Elevator | Ascensor | Lift | Lift | Aufzug | the lifts | 3 2 | |||
44 | 2C | Comp | Computer | PC | Ordenador | Computer | Computer | Computer | the learning computer | 3 3 | ||
45 | 2D | Film | Fun | Divertido | - | Plezier | Spass | the film projector | 3 4 | |||
46 | 2E | Cannon | Bang | Bang | - | Boom | Kanone | the lighthouse cannon | 3 4 | |||
47 | 2F | |||||||||||
48 | 30 | |||||||||||
49 | 31 | |||||||||||
50 | 32 | |||||||||||
51 | 33 | |||||||||||
52 | 34 | Norn | Norn | - | Norntje | Norn | Norns | 4 1 | SPECIES NOUNS |
53 | 35 | Ugly | Grendel | Grendel | - | Rot beest | Grendel | Grendels | 4 2 | |||
54 | 36 | Ettin | - | - | - | - | - | - | These species don't come with the game, so word teachers don't use them. However, any creature can learn these words | 4 3 | ||
55 | 37 | Shee | - | - | - | Drive Computer | - | - | 4 4 | |||
56 | 38 | Hurt | Ow! hurt | Herido | Hurt | Pijn | Aua | Pain | N/A | ADJECTIVE | ||
57 | 39 | Sad | Depressed | Triste | Sad | Verdrietig | Traurig | Lacking pleasure | ||||
58 | 3A | Hungry | Famished | Hambriento | Hungry | Honger | Hungrig | Lacking food | ||||
59 | 3B | Cold | Freezing | Frio | Cold | Koud | Kalt | Lacking heat | ||||
60 | 3C | Hot | Sweating | Calor | Hot | Heet | Heiss | Overheated | ||||
61 | 3D | Tired | Shattered | Cansado | Tired | Moe | Muede | Exhausted | ||||
62 | 3E | Sleepy | Zonked | Sueno | Sleepy | Slaperig | Schlaefrig | Requiring sleep | ||||
63 | 3F | Alone | Lonely | Loner | Solo | Lonely | Alleen | Einsam | Requiring company | |||
64 | 40 | Crowded | Cramped | Squashed | Nervioso | Crowded | Niet lekker | Eng | Overcrowded | |||
65 | 41 | Afraid | Scared | Shitless | Asustado | Scared | Bang | Angst | Fearful | |||
66 | 42 | Bored | Aburrido | Bored | Verveeld | Langweilig | Requiring play | |||||
67 | 43 | Mad | Angry | Mad | Hambre | Angry | Boos | Sauer | Wrathful | |||
68 | 44 | Amorous | Romantic | Horny | Enamorado | Friendly | Hmmph | Verliebt | Requiring mating | |||
69 | 45 | Love | Love for the Hand | Used in Fragile Norns? | ||||||||
70 | 46 | |||||||||||
71 | 47 | |||||||||||
72 | 48 | Yes | Yeah | Si | Yes | Ja | Ja | Rewards creature | N/A | COMPLEX VERB |
73 | 49 | No | No way | No | No | No | Nein | Punishes creature | ||||
74 | 4A | Look | Mira | Look | Kijk | Guck | Help focus attention on hand or whatever is near hand |
75 | 4B | What | Que | What | Wat | Was | "What are you thinking of doing?" | |||||
76 | 4C | |||||||||||
77 | 4D | |||||||||||
78 | 4E | |||||||||||
79 | 4F |