The angry monster called from the shore "I will be with you on your wedding night!"
Elizabeth and Victor were wed and Victor tried to be happy, but he was filled with a cold dread.
Dr. Frankenstein looked
around to make sure the creature was not around, but his search was cut
short by a scream.
He raced back to his room
only to find his beloved Elizabeth lying slaughtered on their bed. From
then on, his only mission in life was to kill the thing he had created.
Dr. Frankenstein chased
after the creature everywhere it went. Since he had designed the
to be a super norn, it was very hard to keep up with. It could also
a wider range of climates than the doctor.
The creature left taunting
notes for the doctor.
Then finally the doctor's tortured body could take no more, and he collapsed dead in the snow.
Seeing his creator dead,
the monster had completed his goal: to see his creator pay for the
he had caused him.
This goal complete, the
monster lay down in the snow and died.