This is the six cohort of 26 generations named alphabetically by generation.

Use the table below to find downloads, pictures and more details.

Generation 148 A6 Generation 161 N6
Generation 149 B6 Generation 162 O6
Generation 150 C6 Generation 163 P6
Generation 151 D6 Generation 164 Q6
Generation 152 E6 Generation 165 R6
Generation 153 F6 Generation 166 S6
Generation 154 G6 Generation 167 T6
Generation 155 H6 Generation 168 U6
Generation 156 I6 Generation 169 V6
Generation 157 J6 Generation 170 W6
Generation 158 K6 Generation 171 X6
Generation 159 L6 Generation 172 Y6
Generation 160 M6 Generation 173 Z6

January 2008 to March 2021

Read on to see family trees and stories about my norns.

Generations 148 to 173

Due to getting a new computer, some norns were lost and the subserquent confusion meant that several of the new norns in generation Y were given Z names.

Generation Z had A names, this was fixed by doubling up the A generastions.

Watch this space for more details.