The Second Cohort of my Norns

Generation 52
March and April 2003

John & Jon were December 1997
Mooki & Steve were March 1997
439 - Ichor    

Son of Dawn
440 - Ingel

Daughter of Dawn
441 - Ice   

A clone of Holl
443 - Ingot

Daughter of Dawn
446 - Illy
447 - Ieler
448 - Ize
A - John   

Son of Dawn, a super fast ager.

He was born on SazStar's computer
B - Jon   

Son of Dawn, a normally ageing  norn.

He was born on SazStar's computer
C - Mooki   

My favourite Dawnite, daughter of Dawn.
Luckily she does not have the Ouch! gene.
She is my regular beta tester, and I try not to breed her, but she has other ideas!
My favourite child of hers is Atono in Cohort 7, my Perpetual norn.
D - Tommy
E - Steve (2)