Word List

Creatures can use three types of words to communicate: nouns, verbs and adjectives.

1) Nouns are used to describe groups of objects
Creatures are incapable of differentiating between many objects, as they lump them in groups.
For example carrots, cheese, lemons and honey are all "food".

2) Verbs are used to describe actions such as "push" and "stop"

3) Adjectives are used to describe feelings such as "cold" and "angry"


All known wordas are detailed in the table below.
Where words have two names, the one on the left is the one I use, usually because it is shorter, makes more sense or is easier to remember.

Those sections in grey are unused in the basic game, but introduced in new cobs, creatures or worlds.


No. Hex Word LingoFriends
SS Toy
SS Toy
SS Toy
Description Class
(family &
00 00 Stay QuietoBlijfBleibBe quiescent
(not taught by computer)
01 01 Push EmpujaDrukkenDruckActivate 1 object
02 02 Pull TiraTrekkenZiehActivate 2 object
03 03 Stop Hold itParaStopHaltDeactivate object
04 04 Come VenKomKommApproach target
05 05 Run LeggitCorreRenLaufRetreat from target
06 06 Get CogeloPakHolPick up object
07 07 Drop SueltaloVallenLassDrop object
08 08 Think Piensa?DenkSay what you need
(not taught by the computer)
09 09 Rest Sleep SnoozeDuermeteSlaapSchlafFall asleep
10 0A West Left IzquierdaLinksLinksMove to the left
11 0B East Right DerechaRechtsRechtsMove to the right
120CEat    Uses same action as push, used by Eater Norns N/AVERB 
13 0D            
14 0E            
15 0F            
16 10 <Creature's name> -----Each creature's own name 4 0 PROPER
17 11 Hand Mommy ----Mamaname of the hand 2 1 SIMPLE
18 12 Red Call RojoBellKnopfRed call button for lift 2 2
19 13 Water AguaWaterWasserThe waterfall 2 3
20 14 Herb Plant PlantaPlantKrautPlants good for creatures 2 4
21 15 Egg HuevoEiEiIncludes eggs of any species 2 5
22 16 Food NoshComidaVoedselEssencheese, honey, carrots, lemons etc. 2 6
23 17 Drink BebidaDrinkenTrinkencoffee or hootch 2 7
24 18 Dispenser Vendor VendedorMachineMaschineCarrot vendor, or any dispenser 2 8
25 19 Music TuneMusicaMuziekMusikTrumpet, piano, jukebox 2 9
26 1A Pretty Animal CreatureAnimalDierTierBees, birds, fish 2 10
27 1B Fire FuegoVuurFeuerthe kitchen fire 2 11
28 1C Relax Comfort ShowerDuchaDoucheZuhauseShower / Clock 2 12
29 1D Toy JugueteSpeelgoedSpielBall, spinning top, radio, bed-time bear 2 13
30 1E Bigtoy JuguetegGroot speelgoedSpielzeugHeli-toy, robot, jack-in-the-box,
crystal ball, grendel scarer
2 14
31 1F Weed HierbaOnkruidGiftPlants bad for creatures 2 15
32 20 Flag    Windsock &  Triangular Flags 2 16 My words 

New World words
33 21 Cheese   food objects each given different names, a result fo being reclassified by Renamer cob.  
34 22 Honey    
35 23 Carrot / Roots   2 23
36 24 Lemon / Flowers  Fruits, Flowers and Fruits are words introduced by the worlds of Arborium, Darwinia
and Terra Nornia
2 24
37 25  Fruits   2 25
38 26          
39 27          
40 28          
41 29          
42 2A MoverVehicle MoverMaquinaBeweegerWagenthe rafts, boat and cable car 3 1 COMPLEX
43 2B Lift ElevatorAscensorLiftAufzugthe lifts 3 2
44 2C Comp Computer PCOrdenadorComputerComputerthe learning computer 3 3
45 2D Film Fun DivertidoPlezierSpassthe film projector 3 4
46 2E Cannon Bang BangBoomKanonethe lighthouse cannon 3 4
47 2F          
48 30          
49 31          
50 32          
51 33          
52 34 NornNorn NorntjeNorn  4 1 SPECIES
53 35 Ugly Grendel GrendelRot beestGrendel  4 2
54 36 Ettin -----As these species don't come with the game, most word teachers don't use them. Despite this any creature can learn these words 4 3
55 37 Shee -----4 4
56 38 Hurt Ow! hurtHeridoPijnAuaPain N/A ADJECTIVE
57 39 Sad DepressedTristeVerdrietigTraurigLacking pleasure
58 3A Hungry FamishedHambrientoHongerHungrigLacking food
59 3B Cold FreezingFrioKoudKaltLacking heat
60 3C Hot SweatingCalorHeetHeissOverheated
61 3D Tired ShatteredCansadoMoeMuedeExhausted
62 3E Sleepy ZonkedSuenoSlaperigSchlaefrigRequiring sleep
63 3F Alone Lonely LonerSoloAlleenEinsamRequiring company
64 40 Crowded Cramped SquashedNerviosoNiet lekkerEngOvercrowded
65 41 Afraid Scared ShitlessAsustadoBangAngstFearful
66 42 Bored AburridoVerveeldLangweiligRequiring play
67 43 MadAngry MadHambreBoosSauerWrathful
68 44 Amorous RomanticHorny EnamoradoHmmphVerliebtRequiring mating
69 45  Love    Love for the Hand   Used in Fragile Norns? 
70 46          
71 47          
72 48 Yes YeahSiJaJaRewards creature N/A COMPLEX
73 49 No No wayNoNoNeinPunishes creature
74 4A Look MiraKijkGuckHelp focus attention on hand
or whatever is near hand
75 4B What QueWatWas"What are you thinking of doing?"
76 4C          
77 4D          
78 4E          
79 4F