Ali Maggs
Sandra Linkletter

Markham Carroll

What is creatures without it's community?

Amongst the thousands of people involved, many people have been known to contribute things to Creatures,
these COBblers, Breeders and Programmers have made everything from Albian Gray norns to Zinger Blue Butterflies.


Lis Morris



Mike L Anderson


(Xiuhcoatl Shara)

Civvi the Civilian




Those in dark green have their available creations hosted somewhere on this site.
Those in a lighter green are in my top ten COBblers.

Update: virtually all cobs, creatures, rooms and worlds have been added now!

Please inform me if I ahve any facts wrong.

This is not intended to be a complete list fo the Creatures Community, or a snub to those I've missed out,
it's more a rough guide to the creators of C1 content.



Cob Creature Programs Room World Name Handle Email Main Website
(C) means contributor
(R) means reserved
184 36 x 18 4 John A. G. Kenwright Muppetboy Muppetboy's Geatville
134 9 1 x x Cyberlife
Official Creatures Website
92 x x x x Max Jerome SteerPike SteerPike's Curiosity Shoppe
48 1 2 x 2 (1co) Sandra J. G. Linkletter Slink Slink's Burrow Online
(R) Slink's Treasures
46 4 x x 1 Julie Wohali-Bray Madam Spirit Haunted Creatures Shack
65 1 x x x ? Spotling Spotling's Norn and Grendel Paradise
38 1 x x 1 Darcie Clements - Random Access Creatures
38 x 2 x x Stefan Kuske - Small Creatures COBs Page
13 x x x 2 Monika Hübner - Monika's Creatures
38 x x x x ? Dr§mile The Original Norn Hospital
32 1 x 2 x Alastair Maggs Ali Albia 2000
11 x 2 x x Lee Gaiteri LummoxJR geNorNics
17 x 3 x x Alexander Laemmle Beowolf / flowoeB Beowolf's Homepage
25 x x x x Freya - Creatures Jungle
32 x x x x Steve Dismukes Majic13 Fig's Tree
19 x x x x Brad Fermanich BRF Brf's Creatures Page
27 x x x x Daniel Smallman - Albian Critter Litter
17 x x x x Mark Boehler - The Cavern
25 x x x x Michael Shanley Dark Elf The Dark Elf's Creatures Page
x 7 x x x ? Slaterbait The Mechan Saga
x 3 x x 1 Donna? Don The Ambershee AmberCreatures
3 2 x x x ? Icepenguin Icepenguin's Albia
9 x x x x ? Bibble Bibble World
17 x x x x ? Ping Creatures Life
x 3 x x x ? Norngirl Norngirl's Paradizia Place
x 3 x x 1 (co) Lis Morris - Palace of the Evil Shee
24 x x x x Helen Emerson - Helen's Bibble Directory
24 x x x x ? Mannkind D Generation N
3 x x x x ? TreeSprite TreeSprite's Creatures Grove
8 1 x x x Markham Carroll - Markham's Norn Land
2 x 1 x x Daniel Silverstone Kinnison Kinnison's Creatures Pages
12 x x x x Sarah Gould Moonlite / Sarako Home Sweet Albia
1 x x x x Rhoda Baker Rhodent BoBWarE
6 1 x x x Martha Brummett Mokus Bonadrey Nornery
20 x x x x Matthew Hayes Norn_Grendel Norn and Grendel Worldsite
2 3 x x x Greg Poehlein - The Norn Holiday
x 1 1 x x Gordon Tyler Gordnorn BoBWarE
x 1 x x x ? Rhanee Goettliche Kreaturen
5 x x x x Anne Gregory Albia Prime Creature Comforts
5 x x x 1 Anthony Edwards - -
4 x x x x Amanita Perne - Queer as Creatures
4 2 x x x ? RudeDog The Island of DR RudeDog
3 2 x x x ? Bean
12 x x x x Eric Leif x x
2 x x x x Mari Söderberg x Creatures Comfort
1 x x x x ? Grey Knight Genome Island
1 x x x x Ricardo J. Méndez x Hacking Creatures
2 1 x x x Jasper? Jasp Jasp's Place
6 x x x x Ben Wright Sparrow x
5 x x x x Chris Aliotta Brood x
x 1 x x x ? Lazlo Albia Beach
x 1 x x x Ashley Harman Frimlin / Ash Frimlin's Kiwi Creatures
4 x x x x Liz EttinGirl Iggdrasil (not C1)
2 x x x x Malkin x <none> NAC (R)
4 x x x x Paul Winters Creatures Napoleon
3 x x x x Jeff D. Skitch Skitch's World of Creatures
2 x x x x ? Cave The Backstreets of Albia
2 x x x x ? November The Norn Society (down)
x 1 x x x Dan x Egg Central
1 x x x x Casey Coco x x
1 x x x x Joseph Fowler x Equal Rights For Norns
1 x x x x ? Antinorn Tortured Norns
1 x x x x Sam & Joe x
My Computer's Got a Brain
1 x x x x ? Gromit Nornotek (down)
x x 1 x x CJ x x
x x 1 x x Vikram Madan x (C) Albian Gardens
6 x x x x Arran Cooper x x
6 x x x x ? BiOsPhErE x
8 x x x x Jan Martin Nineva (C) Creature Comforts
6 x x x x Len Maessen x x
x 1 x x x Robert Marsh x x
x 1 x x x Lisa & Neogecko x
x 1 x x x ? Matio64 x
2 1 x x x D. Saar The Wonderdog The MATT Project (down)
x 1 x x x Amanora, Sephirot & Ali x
x 1 x x x Markham Carroll x x
x 1 x x x ? Ettin Trix x
x 1 x x x ? Dement x
x 1 x x x Gaz McVicker x x
5 x x x x Yuri x The Albanian Shop
4 x x x x D. Gulotta x (C) Juli's Norn Pad
4 xx xx xx xx Paco González Gosálbez x x
3 xx xx xx xx ? Ettin Shee x
2 xx xx xx xx James Frost x (C) Albian Gardens
2 xx xx xx xx Mauresse x x
2 xx xx xx xx David K. Olk x (C) Juli's Norn Padx
2 xx xx xx xx Ben & Ryan x xx
2 xx xx xx xx ? MIST x
1 xx xx xx xx Caroyln Horn & Data x
1 xx xx xx xx Rachel xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Ryan xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Ant xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Daniel Rodriguez xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Callie xx xx
1 xx xx xx xx Len Maessen xx The Creatures Hotel
1 xx xx xx xx Brian Madden xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Mike L Anderson xx The Gospel and Norns
1 xx xx xx xx Kevin Kerr xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Parr Hesia xx xx
1 xx xx xx xx Jérémie Lumbroso xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Jessica xx x
1 xx xx xx xx Frodo Boris xx xx
1 xx xx xx xx ? Ibteuimnh x
1 xx xx xx xx ? Pringles x
1 xx xx xx xx ? wind22 x
1 xx xx xx xx ? Ramses 5000 (C) Creatures Universe
Avatars for people I couldn't find public photos of:


Alien (Eliane)


(MysticEttin, diagonalfish)





Erin MacMillan