The Matrix Code





 Konami Cheat Code



To use these cheats you need to run RegEdit.exe that is in the Windows directory

Or merge the correct file from this zip 




Game Genie






Follow the following folders

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Millenium Interactive \ Creatures \ 1.0


To make the following cheats work for the GOG version of Creatures, use this folder:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Gameware Development \ Creatures 1 \ 1.0


Select the "Privileges" key, its value should be "User".

Change to "Doctor" or "skirty" if you have the Observation Kit (version 1.04) , "Darwin" or "Cheese" if you don't.

When you load up Creatures Doctor and Darwin cheats open a blank empty world, from which you must load one,
Skirty and Cheese will open a world by default.
I recomend using Skirty

1.02 or older1.04 or newer
Opens worldCheese
Opens blank worldDarwinDoctor


World menu:
New, Open, Save the World, Save As - to control which world is being used

Testing menu:
Infinite scrol
l - allows you to scroll to any part of Albia
Create a male norn, Create a female norn - creates artificial banana norns from the test.gen
Force Ageing - forces current creature to age by one step
Instant Verb Vocabulary - teaches the current creature all verbs, it also changes what your they calls themself, so re-register them in the Owner's Kit
(it also advances their age to childhood, if they are a baby)
Creatures Burble - allows you to switch off the sound of creature speech
Infect Current Norn - does what it says
Euthanasia - kill current creature

Log menu:
This menu contains many options, but all are unfortunately unselectable





General effects of the cheats:

Right click picks up and drop norns, shift and left click allows movement of any object (even those usually unmovable).
Remember that the game treats objects picked up in the two ways differently, those picked up in the normal way are "carried" and those shift-clicked are "edited".

 Be careful when using these cheats as you can also pick up scenery objects for example the underwater foot, pillars, plants, fire, drips, waves, rocks.

Remember that you need to save the game on exiting when using any cheat as they remove the exit saving function.







Changes the sounds your creatures make.
Open the 'Sonic' key. 
Changing the value of this to 'bibble', 'nilnilly', or 'Barney' will change the sounds your Norns make.
This will probably get on your nerves very quickly.

Change back to "None" for default sounds.



Secret Cow Level




To bypass the CD check, you can use BORG - it will open Creatures automatically when it is run.

To make it so that the game will permanently run without the CD:

1) Go to the "INTRO" directory of the Creatures CD
2) Copy the file "SMACKPLW.EXE" to the creatures directory on your hard drive.
3) run RegEdit.exe from, your Windows directory
4)  Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Millenium Interactive \ Creatures \ 1.0
5) Edit the "IntroPath" so its value is the the path of your Creatures directory

Hey presto! your game will now run without the need of the CD

The GOG version of the game does no CD check



Commander Keen C T space




Open up RegEdit, and find the entry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Millenium Interactive \ Creatures \ Hatchery \ 1.0


To make the following cheat work for the GOG version of Creatures, use this folder:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Gameware Development \ Creatures 1 \ Hatchery \ 1.0


Inside that there should be a key called "Eggstra", with a value of six characters.
Each character represents one possible egg in the hatchery:
if it's an "x", it means the egg's been used.
Alter it to "0", for a female or "1" for a male.