Grendels, or Cyberlifogenis vicious, are the first product of the Shee Experiments, before after the ettins and the norns.

Dispelling of Common Grendel Myths

1) grendels do not "spread disease"
a) They become sick just as often as norns do.
b) They pass these diseases on in the same way norns do.
2) grendels are not intentionally violent
a) They have genes that make them angry when they hear or see norns - breedable grendel genomes don't contain such genes.
b) Even if they want to kiss or tickle norns, the game is scripted to automatically make them hit them instead - note that the Grendel Friendly cob fixes this whilst simultaneously stopping them secreting glycotoxin and making them able to breed, but only if they have a genome allowing them to be fertile.
3) grendels do not "steal food"
a) They merely eat food as and when they need it, as any hungry creature will
b) Grendel territory is low on food resources so they are forced to wander into norn areas if they are to find food and not starve.
c) No food is actually labelled. Food is common property like everything else.


According to Steve Grand in his Mythography, Grendels were originally going to be
"A Grendel is a solitary, highly pugnacious creature, resembling a 
unknown, titanium spider."




In Creatures 3, there is a species of animal in the Desert Terrarium called the Uglee (Bruttoia albiania)
which is a relative of the grendel