Poorly Designed Genes

Some genes, even in the original genomes have errors in them. Overlooked detrimental affects of genes are shown below.

04 00 00 07 01 04 01 0B 00 19 08 06 These genes make the norn bored when asleep, sometimes interrupting sleep. Instead the gene should reduce boredom due to dreams! Receptor
04 00 00 07 01 04 01 2B 00 19 08 06
1B 00 03 07 01 04 01 0B 00 2F 08 04
1B 00 03 07 01 04 01 2B 00 2F 08 04
20 00 00 07 01 1D 01 00 01 0D 01 32 08 Increasing sex drive causes punishment, changed to reward to encourage norns to court and mate. Reactions
20 00 00 07 01 1D 01 00 01 0D 01 31 08
21 00 00 07 01 2D 01 0D 01 31 01 00 08 Increased awards for lowering sex drive than increasing it
21 00 00 07 01 2D 01 0D 03 31 01 00 08
03 00 00 07 0B 4A Baby blues caused by high amounts of boredom in babies, this should be far less.  Initial Concentrations
03 00 00 07 0B 1A
08 00 02 0F 01 0C 05 13 00 00 01 31 CF This gene encourages males only to initiate sex, this should be altered to be more equal Instinct
08 00 02 07 01 0C 05 13 00 00 01 31 CF
09 00 02 0F 01 0C 05 13 00 00 02 31 70 This gene rewards norns for slapping members of the opposite sex, obviously this should be punished behaviour
09 00 02 0F 01 0C 05 13 00 00 02 32 70
In addition, some games were released without "die of old age" receptor genes.
All later games and Lifekit norns have them.