General Object Commands

These are commands that can be used on any object, although some affect compound, simple and creature objects differently. Text in yellow is quoted or paraphrased from someone else who knows more about that particular thing than I do.



kill value Delete the object, where value can be any such variable as "targ", "norn", "ownr", "from" etc.
Note: This instruction must be last one if it kills the owner of that script!
edit Attach target object to mouse (even if it's not carryable) so that user can position it and drop it with right-click. Useful for when installing new objects that cannot later be moved.
tick  #ticksSet the target object's timer to given rate, how often the timer scripts for this object will be activated. Set to 0 to disable timer events. Not to be confused with the wait command.
anim [pose#s] Start animation of target object/part using these poses.
For a creature object, poses 2 digit numbers,
Animations ending in 'R' will repeat until a new pose or animation is commanded.
anim [123R] — animates an object.
anim [010203R] — animates a creature.
over Wait until the current target object's animation is over before continuing.
pose n Stop any animation of the target object, and set it to pose number n.
Note: For a creature object this will continue with next instruction only when target pose has been reached.
prld [pose#s] Preload image cache with these poses, to make for smoother animation later.
Note: Not applicable to creature objects.
base n Specify the base image number for this object/PART. Can be used to allow animations from large tables of images, by moving base sprite number around table.
Value is an ABSOLUTE index into this object's image gallery.
mvto x y Move object to absolute location in world coordinates.
mvby x y Move object in x and y dimensions by relative amount.
slim Makes the object conform to the boundaries of the nearest room.
part part# Set part number for future actions on Compound Objects such as animations.
spot spot# left top right bottom Set up a Compound Object hotspot, for user or creatures to activate.
spot# = the hotspot number which can be from 0 to 5.
left top right bottom = coordinates of the hotspot on relative to part 0.
(Set left top right bottom to -1 -1 -1 -1 to remove a hotspot)
knob activationfn# hotspot# Attach a Compound Object's activation function (ACT1 = 0, ACT2 = 1 etc.)
to a given hotspot. Set knob activationfn = -1 to disable an action button.
mesg shou message Shouts  the message to all creatures that can are within earshot
mesg sign message Sends the message to all creatures that can are looking at the object owning the script
mesg tact message Sends the message to all objects that are in contact with the object owning the script
mesg writ object message  Sends the message to a specific object (TARG, OWNR, FROM etc.).
Messages are listed on the Script Event page



posl, post, posr, posb The position of the left, top, right and bottom edges of the object, respectively.
wdth The width of the object
hght The height of the object
liml, limt, limr, limb The left, top, right, bottom limits of the object, respectively.
Not sure the difference between this and the "pos" commands, so I don't use these ones.
clas The classifying number attached to the object. Calculated in the following way:
( family# x 256 x 256 x 256 ) + ( genus# x 256 x 256 ) + ( species# x 256 )
Bobcob has a function that calculates this number for you.
fmly The classifying family of the object (in the range 0 to 255)
gnus The classifying genus of the object (in the range 0 to 255)
spcs The classifying species of the object (in the range 0 to 255)
movs Movement status (floating, mouse driven, etc.).
actv Set to 0 in inactivated objects, when activated goes to 1 or 2 depending on how it was activated. Note you usually have to reset the objects actv value to zero so it can be activated again. 
neid Object's neural ID# 0-39. This is how the norn categorizes the object.
This is set by the classification, so this command is not usually needed to be used.
pose The object's current pose.
Pose for simple objects is the current image used from its sprite file,
so an object with only one image will always have pose 0.
A compound object has a separate pose value for each part.
objp A value that exists as long as the object does
obv0, obv1, obv2 These three object variables survive as long as the object survives. Do not use these variables for storing data that you only use in the current script. Instead, use var0 - var9.
These are useful for values that are used by more than one script.