KA-BLOOOOOM! "Wait a second, volcanoes don't go Kabloom!" said Mookamookamookamooka, the silly spotted ettin.
But it turned out to sound like: "Boopa Voom VRROOOOOOOOOOOM! MAAAAAAAAAA! MAAAAAAAA! MAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHA!" All of the Norns stared at Mookamookamookamooka.
"em bibble foo dis" The first norn had turned into a cow! A cow! Can you believe it? How could a norn just turn into a cow? I mean, well...okay, it could be because some looney author had just wanted to make something turn into a cow, but why not a fish? Or a beetle? Oh, a beetle.
So, the norn was no longer a cow, and we go backwards. "em bibble foo dis" The first norn had turned into a beetle! The norn started singing a song.."I wanna hold your haaaaaaaaaaand...." No, no no! Not that kind of beetle! Like a bug! Let's try again.
So, then the norn turned into a bug. Mookamookamookamooka opened up the door, and drove away in the new bug. No! I mean an insect! Okay? So, the norn turned into...um, excuse me.
What do you mean he died? HE DIED??!? YOU IDIOT! YOU FOOL! AS THE
REEEE-oh, excuse me. Enough of that silly story.
The end. Or is it?
Maybe it isn't. Maybe there is more. More! MORE! MOOOOORE! HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAH! MORE!
the end. I think.