"We've never succsessfully SENT a norn back. Theres a great risk you may never return." RB replied, its voice solemn
" I've faced death before." Primrose stated "I won't let it scare me off now. Would you be willing to risk it Bram?"
Little Bram, his baby blue eyes firery with excitement, nodded. He would do anything to see his parents again. Besides, it had been a long time since he'd experienced a real thrill.
RB paused and sighed. RB motioned for Primrose and Bram to follow her, as she continued to walk down the corridors off the odd place. They got to what looked a lot like a lift, and followed RB into it. After pushing a button, the "lift" moved downward, and eventually stopped. When the group got out of it, they were in a room with the same odd green walls, except there were holes in these walls. No light shone from these holes, only odd sucking sounds could be heard.
"This" RB explained "Is where we recieve all our guests. If you have enough strength, it may be possible to use them the other way around. You'll see signs above each, I believe the pipe from Albia is....ah yes over there."
RB pointed to a hole on the wall to the right of them. Sure enough, a sign above it said "Creatures". Primrose could've sworn she smelled carrots.
"I can't help you any further." RB said "I wish you the best of luck!"
Primrose nodded, and grabbed Bram's hand. She took a deep breath, and leaped into the hole. At first, there was great pressure pushing her outward, but then, she felt her and Bram being pulled into this abyss. She closed her eyes tightly as she felt like she was rushing at 200 mph.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
"Ooofff!" came an unfamiliar norns voice. Primrose realised she had landed on something. It was a norn, a rather IRRATATED norn.
"Yo! Get offa me!" the norn said, she could tell this norn had an attitude.
She got up, and saw she'd landed on a Fox Norn male. He had an odd blue tint to him, and a New York accent (Ok, so SHE didn't know that, I'm just giving you a picture). He looked up at her, and got up.
"YOU CLUMSY BROAD!" he growled "You nearly crushed me!"
Primrose did what her instincts told her to do, she slapped the jerk right across the face.
"OW!" the norn yipped, holding his nose.
"Sorry, but you deserved it." Primrose apologized "Wait a sec...wheres Bram?"
"Over here!" came Bram's tiny voice.
Primrose examined her surroundings, they appeared to be in some type of..well...extension of the place they were before. She saw the pipe they came from behind her (thats why she ASSUMED they'd come from ther) and one in front of them. It was like a stop between Albia and RB's place.
"Where in Albia are we?" asked Bram scared.
"You, are in my kingdom." the blue Fox Norn said proudly "I am Gismo, and these are...the sewers!."
"Liar." Primrose said "This is OBVIOUSLY a stop on the way to Albia."
"Listen babe, I live here, I can call it the sewers if I like....whats a chick like you doing in a place like this?" Gismo said, his voice growing soft.
"Get a life you pervert, tell us how to get out." Primrose growled "Its IMPORTANT."
Gismo pointed to the other hole
"I wouldn't go alone, hon...I mean, you might need a male norn to help you out."
"I'm a male!" grinned Bram
"Thats right, lets go Bram." Primrose said hurridly.
Gismo stopped her and said "I'm coming any way, to protect you."
Primrose rolled her eyes, but didn't stop Gismo. Maybe having another norn along would be a good thing....