Every now and again, there would be a doorless room in this hall, it would either be empty, or contain some creature that Primrose had never seen before. Fianally, RB stopped at one of these rooms.
"Its been ages since we've had a norn here." RB said "In fact, this small fellow here is the only other norn."
"I thought you said things are here as long as the computer exists." Primrose said confused.
"Well, every now and again, we have a system crash. We lose some things for good, we lost most of our norns in a system crash. This Bananna norn is the only survivor, he lost some brothers and sisters."
Primrose stepped into the room, and saw a forlorn looking Bananna norn child sitting on a bed made of the same green substance as the walls.
"Hello." she spoke softly "My name is Primrose, may I ask what yours is?"
"Bram" said the little norn sadly
"Bram, how did you die?" asked Primrose
"Rain" shuddered Bram
Primrose's heart skipped a beat, this norn was the son of Acacia and Alfie! One of the children they had lost! Now maybe she could bring him back with her, so that Alfie and Acacia could have the family they always wanted! She was sure that the rain was harmless now that the bug had been removed.
"I know your parents, how would you like to come with me to see them?" Primrose beamed.
"Isn't it dangerous with the rain?" Bram shivered.
"No, the rain is safe now. I'm sure they'll be glad to see you!"
"OK!" grinned little Bram from ear to ear.
"I'm afraid there might be a problem with that" RB sighed.