Primrose awoke in a cold sweat, to find herself in the middle of the carrot garden. Eveything was fine, and she settled back into the cool grass. Picking up a carrot to help calm her nerves, she searched around for her Kenny doll. She saw him, with his saucer eyes peering from his parka, sitting on the teleporter. Holding it always made her feel secure, and it smelled like honey. She hugged it close, and made sure no one was looking before she gave it a kiss.
Primrose nearly leaped. She saw that the hand had crept up behind her. At first she was embarrased to be caught cuddiling her doll, but then she remembered how the hand had promised her weather.
"Oh! Hello" Primrose said, reaching up in the usual way norns greet the Hand.
"Good news Primrose." the Hand said with happiness in its voice. "I've created an Albia with weather, would you like to visit it?"
Primrose's eyes lit up, was the Hand kidding? It was to go there, or stay here where she was teased and taunted by her species. Perhaps, in this new Albia, the norns would all be weather experts, and they could discuss every snowflake that fell from the sky! Maybe there were special norns who predicted weather, or maybe somedays it would rain food COBs! She knew it all sounded silly, but she was excited, and I think all of us get a little silly then.
"Ok, now you're going to be froze for a second while I transport you there." The Hand said
Primrose nodded and the hand disappeared somewhere above her head. A second later she was in a cold, pitch black place and she couldn't move. There was a constant noise of buzzing and clicking. Looking around she saw other norns, frozen, as if in ice. Then, she saw one face that looked very familiar...could it be? YES! It was a friend she remembered from a very long time ago, it was Dolby! She and Dolby had been best friends when she was a baby, but then one day a horrible virus got out, and Dolby and his sister caught it. They both were removed, until the Hand would someday find a cure. Now here they were, waiting for that day. She suddenly was engulfed in bright light. Then she heard the familiar coos of norns. She looked up to see an elderly bananna norn.
"Well, whats your name?" It said kindly. "Mines Alfie"
"Primrose, good to meet you."
Alfie helped her up and pointed to an equally old bananna norn female next to him. "This is my wife, Acacia. Enough of introductions, I'm sure you're hungry."
Surpisingly enough, Primrose found she was starving, and gladly ate the chicken soup theys served. Afterwards, she looked up at the sky, and she was disappointed. It was the same old endless blue sky she knew from back home. Not a rain cloud to be seen.
"Um, have you ever had rain?" Primrose asked.
The two norns looked at one another in fright.
"Oh don't mention that!" cried Acacia "We've lost every baby we've had to that cursed stuff, my poor little angels."
"You see darlin, thats why we're all alone, all of our babies were too weak to survive. And any norns that the hand tried to hatch as comapnians were killed off by the time they were adolescents!" Alfie explained.
"But, rain isn't supposed to kill...and how come you survived?" Primrose questioned.
"Well, when we first were hatched, the rain was fine, the worst it did was make you shiver, but one day there was a horrible crash, and then, it gave you a horrible virus, and we only survive because we are old enough to pull through. I still can't believe that he sent you here, you'll die the first storm!"
Stay tuned for part four!