A yellow egg with green "wiggly" stripes on it came falling out of the machine. It hit the ground hard and shattered in thousands of tiny shards. An orange male grendel was at the center of the mess. Some sort of instinct was pulling him to the desert island. He went down the lift, into the submarine and up another lift and found himself where his instincts told him he should be. His ruby eyes spotted a forgotten lemon vendor. He investigated it and eventually figured out how to use it.
This process repeated itself twice more, resulting in two female grendels, one red and the other purple. After the hatching of the second female, the Grendel Mother simply ceased to function. After all, her offspring would take over her function soon enough......
Grah was now an adult grendel. She was admired by all of the members of her "tribe" (Asta's family) for her intelligence and her shinning ebony scales. She was warming herself by the stove when she saw the hand fly by with an oval object in her grip to the thing Mom (Asta) called "the incubator". She followed the hand and saw her drop the thing into the incubator and then fly off. Grah was fascinated.
Grah had wanted to be like Goddess ever since she was a child. She envisioned herself helping the new babies and getting sick norns better. Then no one would be afriad of her because she was a grendel. The other norns would let her play with them more often. If she were like Goddess......
The incubator began to shut down and crackling noises could be heard. Grah snapped out her daydream and paid attention to the egg. Out popped a little boy norn with brown fur and a moehawk. He had the biggest grin she had ever seen as he tapped his tiny foot and said, "bub boop!". She couldn't help herself.
"Push", Grah said, eating a carrot, hoping the baby would mimic her.
"Pupu", the little brown norn said.
"Push", Grah repeated, eating some honey, hoping for him to copy her.
"Push", the little guy said, eating some cheese.
Grah was beaming. She proceeded to teach him every single word she had been taught. Just as Grah had finished teaching the baby to speak, Goddess came back. The baby crawled to Grah and gave her a kiss and said, "bub pull yes Grah."
Goddess couldn't help but tickle the both of them silly. She went and named the new baby "Buster" and then left him in the care of his "nanny", Grah.
On the island, the coconuts had finished riping. A purple female grendel was well aware of this and greedily reached up to pick one. She almost had her claws on one when she suddenly squatted down. After a few minutes, she turned around and admired the glistening yellow and black shell. If she had looked at the nearby paddle boat, she would have seen a pair of blue forest norn eyes peeking up. Sid's heart nearly exploded from shock. Grendels? Lay eggs? How?! He slammed on the back button before he could be discovered. General Flib would not like this news......