Pinstar, Polinesia, Andy and Cappie split up to look for something that could get them to the human world. Polinesia was looking in the death cap room. As she desended the lift, she sighed to herself "poor Jade, to lose a loved one to THIS". She got angry thinking about it and kicked the death cap "@#%#ing weed". But something caught her eye, there was someting behind the piece of the mushroom she kicked off. She tore apart the whole plant. It was a door, leading into a spaceship, that was buried under ground. "A shee spaceship" she said.
A few minutes later she had brought everyone else there.
"Wow" said andy.
"How do ya work it mom?" asked Cappie
Inside there was a thick book. Cappie opened it. "it's the instruction manuel" she said
"It's 10,000 pages thick, this could take awhile folks, better fade to another scene" said Polinesia, grimly
----the human labs
Erin woke up from fainting and looked in the mirror. "what have you done to me?"
"standard nural probe" replyed the human
Erin had little wires sticking out of it on every side, she looked like a freak!
"But why?" said Erin, starting to cry
"we need to study your brain patterns for research" said the human
Erin started crying, and crying, and crying, then all of the sudden
bzzzzzzz went the wires as electrisity shot between them.
"Lease a new masda Meadia for only 1000$ down and 299$ a month, hurry, this deal is limited so get on down to you Masda dealer today!bzzzzzzzzz went erin.
"What the..." said both erin and the human
"Sir" another human said running up to the two of them
"We are having a malfunction in the nural transmitter, aparently it is picking up radio waves and broad casting them out through the specimen"
"Great" said the other human"Once a valueable norn spcimen, now a transistor raido, your fired!"
The other human moped off, and the one studying Erin looked at her and said"oh well, better get a new one"
Jade was looking for some animal rights people in the human city, but couldn't find any, but he continued his search.
----Pinstar's albia
"To adjust the ship's lateral movement, pull the transvertical lever while holding down the coarse ship movement swich." said Polinesia, reading from the ultra thick book." Thats it, my brain is fried, I'm heading to the garden to rest" she said.Andy took over reading the book As polinesia came up the lift she felt good about herself. She headed to the garden, ate a couple carrots and lied down and closed her eyes. Just then, a net was thrown over her. her eyes jumped open. "Humans" she cried, but those in the death cap room couldn't hear her. "Help, Help" she cried in vain. The humans brought her on board. "my these things are easy to catch" said a human. Polinesia was pissed and said"of , corse, knowing you humans, we are about all you CAN catch." the human ignored her comment. Now royaly pissed, polinesia went all out "You little piesces of %@#$% your momma $%@^#@^^@#$%!@^&*&^!%@^%$@$^% couldn't even @#@^%$@^ a whore, $#!@%@^@#%$^" The human prompty got a role of duct tape and shut her mouth. "Fisty little one" the human commented smugly.
---- human labs
They brought her to a machine. "what are you going to do to me?" Polinesia
"well I have a few ideas" said the human
"oh come on, you are't THAT desperite for sex!" Said Polinesia
The human glared at her "Quite a sick minded specimen"
"I'm sick minded, your the one who smiled after I said that!" Said polinesia
"Ok, just for that, I'll put you in the highest risk experiment" replyed the human smugly, as he slowly rebuild his pride.
He put her into a machine.
"Don't worry, you'll soon be with your ansestors"
"I don't like the sound of that" said Polinesia, very grimly