Russell and Rona sat down in the garden, each with a carrot, and with Ronald safely learning at the computer, Russell began to tell Rona the whole story. His sister listened intently as Russell explained about how he did not like the female norns. He explained how Nancy had always seemed too brash, how Ruth was always just too noisy. Russell explained to his sister about how close he felt to Charlie, and how as he grew, the feelings he had for him increased in intensity. Rona admitted to Russell that she had noticed how he looked at Charlie, and had wondered for some time if the adaptations, which had been made to their world, had taken effect. With the a gesture of true sibling love, Rona and Russell hugged, and with tears streaming down his face, Russell completed his story, telling of how Charlie had run off into the boat, and crossed over to the desert island.
"You have no choice", retorted Rona, "You absolutely must go after him, tell him how you feel, it can only help matters."
But Russell was not convinced, part of him was screaming out to hold Charlie and to tell him how he felt, yet other parts of him were so afraid of rejection that they did not want to risk it. Eventually, Russell headed off for the showers to relax and think things out.