Ma G's Saga, part 7 or Knife in the Back
Grace stood in her cage, listening to the Shee teacher. Suddenly he swung around and looked at her.
"My ancestors destroyed you kind, and I will destroy you!" he sceamed at her. Then suddenly he pulled out a laser and sliced her in half. She screamed and everything went black.
april fools day!
Ma G's Saga, the real part 7 or Lesson for Sir Das
Grace shook her head to clear the vision she had of the Shee teacher turning around and killing her. She knew it was what was left of her nerves getting to her. She countinued to listen to what the teacher and his students were saying.
"Norndelite, that's correct," the teacher said. "And what can you ell me about the nordelites?"
"Well, the norndelites are what our forefathers made norns and grendels from," the one student said.
"And why did our ancestors do that?" the teacher asked.
"To rid the world of norndelites without totally wiping out their genetic structure. They took the norndelites and split them into two seperate speices. Trying to seperate the sweet and kind side into the norn, and the aggresive and evil side into the grendels. With the benifit of lowering their intelligence so they were no longer able to compete with us for control over Albia," the student answered.
"Reasonably correct Sir Das", the teacher replied.
"Weren't the norndelites less tecnology inclined then us?" asked another student.
"Yes," the teacher said. "They actually only had tecnology that we had given them, and of course that wasn't much."
"Then how were they competing for control of Albia? They had no weapons, no real power," the student Das said.
"Not true Sir Das," the teacher answered. "I said they had no tecnology of their own. Where we as a speices developed into a sciencetific race the norndelites became a spirtual race.
"I still don't understand how they were a threat to us," said Sir Das. "Really Sir Das?" the teacher asked. "Think about it. We know that there are Gods and Goddesses, we've seen the miracles. They happen rarely to us, but with the norndelites they happened all the time. If there was a drought the norndelites would pray and meditate and rain would then come. If one of them were sick, often the others could simply gather and lay hands on it, and it would be well. At times we could sometimes see light surrounding a particularlly holy one."
"True teacher, but I still don't understand how they were dangerous to us," stated Sir Das.
"You just aren't thinking," the teacher said irately. "Our prayers went unanswered almost always. While the norndelites were almost always answered. Don't you realize that if they want the Shee gone that most likely they only had to ask the Gods to dispose of us! If they could heal each other with a touch, don't you think they could kill one of us just as easy."
"Use your brain Das!," the teacher stated, leaving out the sir as an insult. "Our weapons can be taken away from us leaving us defenseless. Their's could not ever be taken from them. We weren't even sure if killing them would make them defenseless! How many times have you heard a norn talking to the ones it loves after it has died? And norns don't have even close to the spirituality that the norndelites had!
"So that's why the forefathers mutated them into two seperate races?" asked Sir Das.
"Of course," said the teacher. "We couldn't take a chance on their spirits taking revenge upon us. We capture all the norndelites and brought them under, into our cities downbelow. They didn't fight us, they came willingly, though we never knew why."
"There were thousands of them," the teacher continued. "After much exprimentation we found a way to spit them in half. We knew that evil had little or no spiritual power so we broke their genetic codes. We took what we considered bad genes, as many as we could indentify and created the grendel half. We added a few new ones so it would be deadly to it's norn counterpart and there would be no chance of them partnering together again. Then with what was left we came to make the norn. That part wasn't as successful as we had hoped it would be. The norn were sweet, and so damn cute. Only not very smart, almost downright stupid. The norn half still had the spirituality, but had no knowlegde of it. They had no real survival intstints, they had to be taught they needed to eat, and reminded often or else they would starve.
After several generations nothing had changed with the norn and we the Shee became their permanant caretakers. Of course the grendles had been released to the wilds and survived reasonably well on their own. With time the Grendels who had recieved most of the intelligence of the norndelites, regressed and became simple wild beasts," the teacher said.
"Wow," said Sir Das. "So that's how we got our sweet little friends. But I seem to recall somekind of legend about green norndelites.
"Yes," the teacher said cautiously. Turning away from his students and looking straight at Grace. " The Green Norndelites, the most dangerous of all the Norndelites..........................."
We shed
tears with great sorrow,
or there may be no norns
And if there were Shee,
were they ever really
Where are the grendels of fame,
do they still play
their game?