Ma G's Saga, part 2
Ma G stood up. The image of Alpha gone, the echos of her voice fading away in the cellars. She felt lightheaded, and drained of energy. She walked to the lift and pushed up. She needed food, suddenly very hungry, when she was a ground level she headed for the garden. She quickly knelt down and pulled up several carrots, eating them quickly and uncooked. She was surprised to find they tasted unusually sweet. She looked around and saw that the flowers were more vibrant and colurfull, as were the sky and everything around her.
The light from Alpha must have affected her eyes. It seemed as everything was new. As if she was seeing it for the first time. She wanted to look at everything, see how it looked to her now. Only she was tired, and so sleepy. She needed to rest. Again she went to the lift and pushed up. Up back to her tree house, back to her own safe haven in the sky.
At the highest level the lift would take her, she went left, across the tree bridge. Her treehouse was hidden up in the tree by the cable cart. Up inside the tree where norn or grendel could find it. At the tree she grabbed a branch and pulled herself upwards, and started to climb.
The norns never tried to find her home because they were afraid that she would cook them up into somekind of treat for the grendels. The grendels, who weren't afraid of her were fearfull that she would stop making her tasty norn dinners. She had started making them several years ago and the grendels had forgotten how to hunt norn anymore, and were depended on her for their main source of food.
What neither grendel nor norn knew was that her infamous recipes were made up. She having been gifted with an intelligence that they didn't possess, was able to imagine things. She used that talent to stop what she considered wrong, the needless killing of norns by grendel. She did that by making up recipes that had norn meat in them, then, unknown to the grendels, she used fish from the great sea instead. Her plan had worked, the grendels had stopped eating the norn, and started to eat the food she prepared. When they forgot how to hunt the norn, she promised herself that they would never know that they ate fish. In hopes that never again they would crave norn.
She thought of this as she entered the treehouse, chuckeling to herself. She went through the kitchen to her bedroom. She was so tired. It was time to sleep, to sleep and dream of where the norn had gone. Her eyes heavy, she drifted off into sleep the minute her head hit the bundle of leaves she used as a pillow.