Katherine, the story's heroine, and her robotic Lab partner, Blip, have made an invention that links Albia to Earth, called the HoloDeck. After doing a trial on a Banana (Bald) norn named Jenna, they show a friend of theirs, Susan, what the HoloDeck can do. They transport Jenna into their world. The trio decides that Jenna must be hungry, and go to the kitchen to find some cheese. Katherine forgets to turn of the 'Deck, giving Jenna the oportunity to use the device. She imports a Purple mountian male named Jack. Katherine & her friends discover what she did this just as they KissPop. However, they can't put Jenna back into Albia, because the HoloDeck reacts with fetal fluids to make toxins strong enough to kill a pregnant female on import. With Blip's help, Katherine determines that Jenna is pregnant and that Jenna would lay her egg @ 1 am. Susan got permission to sleep over so she could help with the birth. The egg finaly is layed and hatches around 8 in the morning. It's a baby boy. He's almost completley purple mountian, except for his Banana legs. Blip discovers a mutation in Karr, that he got from his mother, alowing him to distinguish one norn from another. Katherine admits she altered Jenna, but diddn't think the genes would work, so she never told anyone. After teaching the baby, who is named "Karr" in honor of the Grenorn series, Jenna creates an accidental ruckus and Karr excapes to Katherine's room. There, he finds the HoloDeck and imports a Grendel into their world. The Grendel gets beat up by Jenna, and then runs to the kitchen, where it gets bloody drunk. Katherine's mother discovers this, and sends Katherine to an Assylum because of the whole ordeal.
And so it goes...
As a stunned Katherine stood in the kitchen, a white truck pulled up to the house. Men in white jackets came up to the door. And then they busted in.
"We're looking for Katherine Riggs." said one of the men. Katherine's mother pointed to Katherine. They grabbed her.
"Let me GO!" she shouted, wiggling hard. The men tried to put Katherine in a straight jacket. "HELP ME!" Katherine protested. "No! I'm NOT insane! I'm NOT INSANE!"
Susan ran up to one of the men struggling with Katherine and grabbed his arm. After a few tuggs, she bit the arm. She wasn't going to let Katherine go without a fight. Blip started bumping into the other man, because that's all he could do. (Hey, he HAS no arms or legs.) "Get her off me! And get the robot, too!" the asylum worker commanded. Someone pryed Susan off, and another got Blip and held him down.
Susan got an idea. "push hand" she shouted to the general direction of the norns. Jenna and Karr went up to Susan and gave her a big tickle. 'THAT hopelessly backfired.' thought Susan, realizing it was to late to save Katherine. They had got her out onto the lawn, in a straight jacket. She was holering, amoung several very unkind words, "NO! Creatures is good! Creatures is PEOPLE! Creatures is PEOPLE! I'm NOT INSANE! I'm NORMAL! Ask the rest of a.g.c! LET ME GO!" They threw Katherine in the truck, and drove off.
Susan simply looked at Katherine's mom. She wasn't going to say anything, but God knows she wanted too. She just walked out the door and home, knowing almost all hope was gone of ever seeing Katherine again.
* * * * *
Luckily, Katherine was alowed visitors. Susan got Katherine's mom to take her and Blip to the place of Katherine's jailing. After several secutity checks, and running Blip through a few scanners ('To make sure he wasn't a bomb'), Susan and Blip were alowed into Katherine's cell.
The cell was a horrible sight. It was totaly padded with white cloth. There was one window facing the outside, but it wasn't much of a view since thick steel bars blocked the path. But the worst of all was seeing Katherine in the corner, shaking, trembeling. She was still in the straight jacket that Susan tried so hard to save her from.
Katherine spoke first. "I... I want to thank you both for trying to help me."
"No biggie." Said Blip, trying to remain cool.
"I just don't understand. They're jailing you, literaly, for playing a game and trying to connect two cultures. Why not jail Cyberlife, or a.g.c., or Mindscape, too?" Susan started.
"I heard other patients talking. They said there were more like me... They've already commited several players." admitted Katherine. "They also said that the doctors thought we were the worst they'd seen in a while... I was the worst case of them all, they said, and soon they'l move me from this cell to a smaller cell without a window. Just a light at the top."
"Katherine!" Susan got an idea. "I- I think maybe Blip and I can get you out of here. Huddle closer to me." The trio disscussed an idea very quietly. They couldn't risk overhearing.
Once all the details were worked out, they sat back. Then the door to the cell opened. It was a rather portly nurse, with a needle. "Time for your medicine!" the nurse chirped.
"No, oh Gosh no...not again..." Katherine stuttered. "HELP ME!" But she could'nt move very fast, because of her straight jacket, so the nurse easily pinned her. Katherine struggled hopelessly. The nurse stuck the unusualy long needle in Katherine.
Katherine stopped struggling. She kind of looked dazed. "I like cheeeeeese!" she mused, then began laughing. Susan and Blip backed away in fear. "Cheeeheeeheeese! CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!" Katherine shouted. Then she stuck out her tounge and made that 'Phbt' sound with her tounge. The visitors took this as a sign to leave.
* * * * *
It was now dusk. Susan, Blip, Jenna and Karr were sitting in the bushes outside the asylum. "Everyone understand what they do?" Susan asked.
"Got it." Blip replied.
"Push yes." Jenna answered.
Susan took a look at the faces that surrounded her. 'Odd, how Katherine's old creations of the past come back to ensure she has a future.' Susan thought. "Let's do it." she commanded.
Jenna and Karr went out of the bushes, and through the front doors. Once inside, Jenna went up the the front desk. "Push yes hand. Get hand. Hand get hand. Jenna push hand." she began babbling.
Karr helped too. "Push hand yes. Run asylum. Get yes hand. Hand push hand. Hand run."
The person at the front desk picked up a WalkieTalkie. "Hello? Security?" the attendent said. "We got a doozey down here."
Meanwhile, Susan and Blip stood outside the side of the asylum.
"Katherine's cell is on the second floor, right?" Blip asked.
"Right there." pointed out Susan. "You up to it?"
"Better be." Blip gulped. Susan grabbed onto Blip's bace. Blip then carried her up, up to Katherine's Cell. Then, he used a new feature Katherine showed Susan how to make: a laser. The laser cut through the thick metal and through the glass pane. Susan used a free hand to clear the hole Blip made. Inside, Katherine sat, awake. Susan grabbed Blip with Both hands, and used him to swing into Katherine's cell.
"Better hurry, they're going to medicate me soon!" whispered Katherine. Susan silently undid Katherine's jacket.
"Jenna and Karr are keeping the guards buisy. Blip is outside. Hold tight to my feet." Susan said. Then, she climbed out the window, and held on tight to Blip. Katherine climbed out the window and grabbed Susan's feet. Blip lowered them all to the round. The trio then tiptoed to the front, looking in the front glass doors.
Karr saw them. "Run!" he shouted. Jenna and Karr pushed through the ring of security guards that had formed around them, trying to figure out what was happening. They joined up with everyone outside, and then dissapeared.
The group of five ran all the way to Katherine's home and in to her bedroom.
Blip looked out the window. "Katherine, they tracked us! We gotta get Jenna and Karr back to Albia. They're too easy to recognise." he spattered.
"Push mover" Katherine commanded, after turning on the HoloDeck and making sure it was linked to Creatures. Jenna and Karr scurried onto the 'Deck, sensing tention, and beamed themselfs back home.
"Katherine, I think they'll catch you! You don't have a choice!" Susan responded, realizing that her plan to get her friend back had failed.
"Wait." Katherine slyly said. "What if I'm not in the country?"
"Explain to me how you're gonna get Cuba tickets and blow this place in thirty seconds." Susan argued.
"I'm not. I think, if I'm not mistaken, we have a link to another country, another world." Katherine reasoned. "I have no choice. To exape, I have to use the HoloDeck. I have to beam myself- to Albia."