Katherine, the story's heroine, and her robotic Lab partner, Blip, have made an invention that links Albia to Earth, called the HoloDeck. After doing a trial on a Banana (Bald) norn named Jenna, they show a friend of theirs, Susan, what the HoloDeck can do. They transport Jenna into their world. The trio decides that Jenna must be hungry, and go to the kitchen to find some cheese. Katherine forgets to turn of the 'Deck, giving Jenna the oportunity to use the device. She imports a Purple mountian male named Jack. Katherine & her friends discover what she did this just as they KissPop. However, they can't put Jenna back into Albia, because the HoloDeck reacts with fetal fluids to make toxins strong enough to kill a pregnant female on import. With Blip's help, Katherine determines that Jenna is pregnant and that Jenna would lay her egg @ 1 am. Susan got permission to sleep over so she could help with the birth.
And so it goes...
"It's WHAT?!" said Susan, perking up.
"It's comming!" shouted Katherine. Jenna was now aware of what was happening because instints were kicking in. She squatted down, closed her eyes and squeezed her gut. Out came the egg. It was that red kind with the yellow slashes.
Katherine got closse to the egg. She touched it's hard, smooth shell. "Bet I can pick it up?" She asked.
"If you manage, I'll reactivate the egg so it'l hatch naturaly." replied Blip. Katherine grabbed the egg and lifted. (With her legs and not with her back!) & lifted. & lifted. She couldn't get the egg up, no matter what she did.
"No wonder you can't pick them up in the game." commented Katherine.
"That's because the mass in the egg is in a very condensed state." Blip praddled. "The fetus is all squished, and the mass is just so great..."
"OK, OK." sighed Susan. "We get the point. Can we leave it alone and sleep?"
"We should." Blip answered. "The egg should hatch around 8 in the morning. We have different forces and pressures on Earth than in Albia, therefore..."
"Whatever." said Susan, who was too tired to be polite. She flopped on her back and shut her eyes. Katherine looked at Jenna. She, like other females, had a gene in her body that made them very tired after giving birth, so she was asleep in the corner. Rolling over on her side, Katherine fell asleep.
/Crack, Crackle, Crik, Crik.../ Katherine woke up to the noises of a cracking egg. Susan heard it too, and sat up. They both watched as a thin crackline formed around the egg. Then the top half of the shell came off, and sitting inside was a baby boy. He had Purple mountain arms, a purple mountian body, and a purple mountian head. He also inherited banana legs from his mother.
"bub foo dat" said the newly hatched norn, tumbling out of his shell and crawing tword Susan. Then he saw Katherine. "bub flib dis" he announced. Then his eyes wandered to Blip. He wanted to foo dat, too. He sat down & said "bibble", out of utter confusion.
"He needs a name." Said Blip, who had been behind them during the hatching prossess.
"Hey!" Katherine quietly shouted. "Remember the GreNorn series?"
"Yeah." said Susan. "My favorite is where Karr fights Rrak an is reborn."
"Really?" Blip replied. "I always liked the one where Phoenix is born."
"My favorite has always been where Karr's wife is reincarnated. But anyway, why not name the baby Karr, in honor of the series? Jenna was a 10th generation norn, this baby is 11th, and I like to name them in Alphabetical order... so he needs a K name anyway." Katherine suggested.
"Good idea!" said Blip.
"OK, so Karr has a name. Now we need to teach him." Susan blankly responded.
"You doubt me?" replieed Katherine, who pretended to look surprized. "To the living room!" Katherine picked up Karr & walked out of the room, with Blip, Susan & Jenna behind her.
In the living room, Katherine sat Karr down & then dug a floppy disk out from behind a throw pillow, along with a few wires. Blip flew infront of Karr, & Katherine put the disk inside Blip's A:/ drive. Blip's screen, usualy lit up with two green dots for eyes, was changed to the same screen of the Learning computer.
"Push" said Blip.
"Foo" replied Karr.
"Push" repeated Blip.
"Pupu" Karr said, trying to repeat the word.
"Push" said Blip, again.
"Push" Karr responded, finaly getting it right.
"Push" Blip said one more time, just for good measure.
"Push" Karr replied with confedence.
Blip and Karr kept at it, repeating and rerepeating, until Karr had learned all verbs, all drive words, all nouns, and a new verb of Katherine's invention, "don't", which means, 'don't do what you're about to do'. Jenna had been in the room, and had heard all of these words. She got to learn them too.
"Now, Blip," said Katherine, "I'm going to hook these wires into Karr, and then to you. Tell me the mutations." Katherine stuck one end of the wires into Karr's ear. Karr sat very still. Then Katherine stuck the other end of the wires into Blip. "Read it off to me." She said.
"Checking Geonme." Blip started. "Mutations... Whoa! What's this? There's some kind of new gene... what it basicly says is that Karr can identify his mother, father, children and other siblings from other norns."
"Cool mutation! But why does that big of one show up now?" asked Susan.
"It diddn't just appear." replied Blip. "The file says that Karr got it from his mother." All eyes turned to Katherine. She was notorious for hacking norns and making odd mutations, most of which somehow turned out for the worse.
"There's really two Jennas." Katherine started, knowing everyone wanted an explanation. "The first one was naturaly bred, as usual. But I found her moniker, and hacked into it with the Genetics Kit. I made the genes Blip described and made a clone with those genes. But it didn't look like it worked real well. So I didn't tell anyone. It was suppost to keep norns from inbreeding... and so far it has..."
"Gosh. And to think we would have had to wait for C2." Susan sarcasticly remarked.
"I'll finish." Blip said, ending the issue. "Purple mountian genes present... That's about it."
"Great! I'll just unhook you two..." Katherine said, while detaching the wires in Karr's ear. Katherine then turned to Blip. She began unconnecting those wires, too. Jenna came tword them both.
"Push Computer." Jenna announced.
"Hey!" shouted Blip. He flew up above Katherine's head, causing Katherine to loose her grip. She toppled over.
Susan had to pick Jenna up and hold her still while everyone got restuated. But, after that, she noticed something rather important. "Where's Karr?" Susan asked. A quick look around told everyone that Karr had excaped in the confusion.
Karr had exaped to Katherine's room, unbenonst to everyone else. There, he saw an unusual black platform. "Mover" he said. Then he crawled tword it. On his way, he tripped over a switch marked "On/Off". An unusual humming filled the room. Karr decided to push the mover.
Meanwhile, in Albia, a grendel was in the garden. There were no norns to beat, so he decided he would just munch some carrots and enjoy the sunshine. He found a nice looking mover, and decided it would make a confortable seat. He sat down, at the exact moment Karr pushed the mover on earth.
Back in Katherine's living room, the trio (Forsome?) were deciding where Karr had gotten to, when they heard some unusual noises.
"What's that?" asked Susan.
Jenna figured it out. "Run Grendel!" she shouted, with a horrified look on her face. She started running. Katherine caught her and picked her up.
"No, Karr couldn't of... no..." Katherine stuttered. She didn't believe it.
"You didn't believe it when Jenna brought Jack to our world, either." Blip commented. They all three realized they'd better check, knowing norns are capable of more than you can give them credit for, so they ran down the hall to Katherine's room.
Blip got there first. "Uh oh..." he choked. Susan, and Katherine, who was carrying Jenna, got there next. They all three looked at Karr's experement. He had brought the Grendel to earth.