Katherine, the story's heroine, and her robotic Lab partner, Blip, have made an invention that links Albia to Earth, called the HoloDeck. After doing a trial on a Banana (Bald) norn named Jenna, they show a friend of theirs, Susan, what the HoloDeck can do. They transport Jenna into their world. The trio decides that Jenna must be hungry, and go to the kitchen to find some cheese. Katherine forgets to turn of the 'Deck, giving Jenna the oportunity to use the device. She imports a Purple mountian male named Jack. Katherine & her friends discover what she did this just as they KissPop. However, they can't put Jenna back into Albia, because the HoloDeck reacts with fetal fluids to make toxins strong enough to kill a pregnant female on import. With Blip's help, Katherine determines that Jenna is pregnant and that Jenna would lay her egg @ 1 am. Susan got permission to sleep over so she could help with the birth. The egg finaly is layed and hatches around 8 in the morning. It's a baby boy. He's almost completley purple mountian, except for his Banana legs. Blip discovers a mutation in the boy, that he got from his mother, alowing him to distinguish one norn from another. Katherine admits she altered Jenna, but diddn't think the genes would work, so she never told anyone. After teaching the baby, who is named "Karr" in honor of the Grenorn series, Jenna creates an accidental ruckus and Karr excapes to Katherine's room. There, he finds the HoloDeck and imports a Grendel into their world. The Grendel gets beat up by Jenna, and then runs to the kitchen, where it gets bloody drunk. Katherine's mother discovers this, and sends Katherine to an Assylum because of the whole ordeal. Katherine, with help from Blip, Susan, Karr & Jenna, and, is able to excape. However, the authorities, she has to use the HoloDeck to beam herself into Albia. While she's there, Susan exports her. Jenna accidently sends Katherine to CyberLife, where she meets a new employee, Jack Zuckerman, and the great one himself, Toby Simpson. (SO THERE!) Jack sends Katherine back, with a letter stating that he sent a fake bill of health to Katherine's mom, and will be comming over to the 'states shortly to see the deck. When he does come, after surviving one of Katherine's experements, he offers an opportunity to get to go to Disney World to help with a Creatures promotion. While there, everything goes wrong that can go wrong, and several resuces have to be made to save Karr and Jenna's life. Later, they discover a man named Jasper has been stalking them, trying to make everything go wrong. Jasper is the leader of the notorious "Wolfpack", and is the one who Kidnapped Blueberry! His plan is to tie Blueberry to firerockets that will shoot in the sky and swirl, looking like a strand of DNA (CyberLife's logo!). The fireworks should hit Tinkerbell, and CyberLife will be blamed for the whole ordeal. But not if out heroes have anything to do with it....! They go on a rescue mission to find Blueberry and save the world famous Tinkerbell. Katherine, Susan & Karr manage to safely rescue Blueberry, but Blip and Jenna aren't so lucky. Tinkerbell takes her nightly dive off of Cinderella Castle, and Blip, not thinking about his own safety, jumps below her and takes the Firerocket aimed at Tinkerbell.
And so it goes...
Katherine looked at the night sky horrified. Just a split second before, her best friend in the world, Blip, had taken a firerocket for Tinkerbell. She stood there, cold, feeling numb with sorrow and fear. Just then, a voice behind her broke the errie silence.
"What the bloody heck was that?" It was Jack.
Katherine turned around slowly. "Blip... He got that... fire rocket jammed in him..." she choked on every word.
"Is that what hit me on the head?" Jack asked. He held out a chunk of what used to be Blip. It was the part that was Blip's screen, where his eyes were displayed, and a few more circuits and such hanging off it.
Katherine grabbed the chunk from Jack's hand. She looked at the backside, where the circut boards and such were. "Hey, most of these are OK. Maybe I could..." she started. But she never finished. Instead, she flipped the hunk over, revealing the screen. For some weird moment, there was a glimmer of hope that two green eyes would pop up on that black screen of his. But they didn't. There were only two green lines, that only appeared when he shut his eyes, which just made things worse. She fell on her knees, too totaly sorrownful to even cry. Just then, the Park police and Toby Simpson passed them. The Park Police had Jasper handcuffed and chained.
"So," Toby asked a struggling Jasper, "Tell me again why you want to bring down Cyberlife?
"I was always jealous of you!" Jasper snarled. "You an' Ben were always the family favorites!"
"What the-" Toby stood still for a minute in awe. "How the hey am I related to you?"
Jasper struggled a bit more, then settled down and explained: "You're my Aunt's uncle's cousin's brother's sister's son's cousin's mom's adopted brother's half-uncle."
"And what does that make us?" Toby demanded.
"Uhm..." Jasper thought a minute. "I have no idea."
Toby guestered to the Park Police. "Take him away." Then he walked over to Katherine and bent over, and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm very sorry about what happened to Blip." he replied "But I think this is yours." He handed her another chunk of Blip. Katherine sat there, looking at the two chunks. They fit together nearly perfectly, and most of the ciruitry wasn't damaged.
All of a sudden, Katherine raised up. "Hey- most of the important stuff is still there- The memory, the main startup system, the OS, the emobord... I think I can fix this!"
Jack looked confused. "An emoboard? What's that?"
Katherine leaned tword him. "See that right there?" She answered, pointing to the front half of the dead Blip. "THAT'S an emoboard, short for Emotion Board. It was what allowed Blip to show emotions like he did. Sorrow, joy, sarcasim, it all took place right here."
Toby peaked over their sholder. "Really? Would you mind to mail us one sometime?" Katherine agreed.
As she aggreed, the man who was helping Tinkerbell came up to them, carrying Jenna. "I think this is yours." He responded, and set Jenna on the ground. He then lumbered off.
Everyone looked up to the night sky, where the fireworks were going on. "Jack," Katherine started quietly, "I- I'm not sure I could watch anymore fireworks." Just then, the last one sounded. Toby exused himself, and everyone else walked to the Bus Stop.
* * * * *
On the bus, Katherine held tight to the two halves of Blip. Susan looked over in Katherine's direction. "Katherine," Susan began. "I've been watching you tonight. And I've been wondering, could you two- You and Blip - be more than just 'lab partners'?"
Katherine winced. It was a topic she dare not disscuss. She liked to think of Blip as solely a lab partner, a co-worker, nothing more. But deep down, waaay deep down inside her, she knew he wasn't.
"Really, you claim you're just 'lab partners', " Susan continued, "But sometimes I think that there's some kind of- friendship."
Katherine never wanted to admit it, not even to herself, but Blip was probobly her BEST friend. He always understood what she talked about, they always laughed at the same things, and had the same interests. It was possible that he could of been like that because she had programmed him, but she was six when she created him, and things do change, so it was doubtful. "No," she replied quickly, "Not possible."
Susan looked at Katherine with that patented 'one eye's kinda squinted and one eyebrow's raised' look, that meant she was highly suspicious of her, but then turned and looked out the window. Katherine sat, deep in thought. Was it possible that she really was ...friends with Blip? No, it was totaly out of the question. But still, there was a little nagging voice inside of Katherine that told her Susan was right. She looked left, then right, and gave the dead Blip a hug. Realizing what she'd done, she mentaly smacked herself and turned tword the window.
* * * * *
"Are you done?" Susan called. She was speaking to Katherine, who had made a makeshift lab in the Hotel Bathroom.
"Nearly!" Katherine called back. She was trying to rember how she had wired Blip, because simply, it had been 7 years since his creation, and she hadn't done anything like that since. There was a minor explosion, and then Katherine came out with a repaired Blip. "His battery will need to be charged, but I salvaged everything. He looks as good as new!" She exclaimed in total joy. Bounding over to the plug by her bed, she plugged Blip in.
Slowly, two green dots for eyes formed on his dark black screen. "Where the hey WAS I?" Blip asked.
Katherine began to dance around the room, glad to have her fri- I mean 'lab partner' back. Then she shook her head and sat down on the bed. "What do you rember?" She asked.
"Wow- It's all comming back." Blip seemed daized. "I- I rember! Tinkerbell refused to listen to me, so without a second's thought, I dived down below her, and... then... everything sort of went black..."
"You were hit by a firerocket." Katherine explained. "But look, we'll talk in the morning. You need to stay down there on the ground and charge." Everyone then decided bed sounded like a good idea.
Later, after everyone had tucked themselfs in, Katherine heard a voice. It was Blip.
"Katherine?" he asked.
"Yeah?" She ansered.
"I- I really missed you." Blip sighed.
"I- guess I really missed you too." Katherine replied. Then she rolled over, ignored that little voice that was nagging at her, insisting Susan was right, and fell asleep.