Have you heard the stories about the wonderfully wonderful norns who give to the needy, give birth at the age of twenty minutes, have never been smacked, never smacks another norn, and you can practically see a golden rainbow of love around the sucker? Aren't you SICK of those? Does it bother you that it seems like everyone on the internet, regular human or Creatures Addict, has gotten one of these norns, with the exception of you? Here is the story of one norn who was way less that perfect.
Allie, my second norn, had just mated. I had used some special COBs that I used to help her along (Courtesy of the Norn Underground!), and she was about to poo out an egg. She squatted, closed her eyes, and there it was: an egg. I danced around a little bit, joyful that I had another natural birth.
"Bean!" Called my mom. (Of COURSE, she doesn't call me Bean, but bear with me, 'K?) "Come up and eat something!" Discouraged, I waited until the Egg was big, and quit.
After the small inconvenience of Supper, I dashed down the stairs, and started up Creatures again. I placed the egg in the incubator, and waited around thirty seconds. A ding sounded, and out popped a small, helpless baby boy. I cooed over him for a while, and then registered him as Bailey. I took a picture of him and everything. And then, the worst possible thing happened. My computer crashed. It didn't even save my world! Little Bailey was lost.
Luckily, I quit Creatures before Bailey was born (remember?) so I still had
the egg. I restarted Creatures, an' so on. Out of the incubator jumped my
little Bailey, with one minor problem. Bailey was now a girl. He looked the
same and everything, but Bailey had turned into Bailina.
Of COURSE, I didn't name him (oops, her) Bailina. I named her Bridgett,
after an old Grenorn experiment that failed miserably. That was a kiss of
death right there. I found Bailey's old picture in her photo file. He was
so cute! But now, I needed to tend to Bridgett.
I led her upstairs to the computer and started teaching her verbs. She was smart as a tack! She learned them all quickly, and learned all the "required nouns" (Hand, toy, shower, food, vendor, plant, weed, music, bigtoy) before she was a child.
When she was finally a child, I imported two purple mountain mixes, Brianna and Blossom. The two Purple norns looked at each other, and then began tickling. They were the kind of norns with that dippy golden rainbow of love around them etc. etc.... However Bridgett found them. She smacked them, too. Hard. I smacked her, and she ran away. The entire process kept repeating itself, until Brianna and Blossom (Blossom, I think you should know, was Bridgett's younger half-sister) ran to find a new place to tickle, and Bridgett was all alone.
Not that Bridgett cared. She lived to get herself in trouble. Once, she got
sick with both histamines, if I remember correctly, and somehow managed to
get to Brianna and Blossom. I had to export everyone in Albia except Bridgett,
and, once she was well, I had to import Blossom and Brianna one by one to
make sure Bridgett did no harm.
Another time, she managed to find the grendel,
and, even though he was in a cage, she still messed around with him. It took
all the power I had to pry them apart. After that, she went to the Sub dock,
and ran into the wall. Over and over. She listened to none of my commands.
Until, finally, she went to sleep. Just my luck, the submarine caught her,
and took her away. I had to stop that too. THEN, Brianna and Blossom came,
and tickled Bridgett awake. Just as she was awake, the submarine took all
three away. I think someone got mad and smacked Bridgett, since now she never
smacked a norn unless provoked, But buddy, she had a bloodfest in that sub.
And on the Island. I exported and Re-imported everyone, because they couldn't
take it anymore.
And don't get me started on the time I tried to take her Adult pictures. She refused to have them. I have three of the first ones on record, one with her eyes closed, one with her back to me, and one with her head behind Brianna.
THEN, I tried to mate her. I imported Bill, a Ron/Purple mix. Bill had a reputation for smacking norns, and Bridgett was definitely not an exception. He smacked her once. That was all Bridget needed. She beat the tar out of him. Somehow, I got them to mate (It was hard to hear the kisspop out of all the screams). Bridgett was pregnant.
I exported Bill, (Hey - I'm no idiot. That boy was traumatised) and let nature do its stuff. I put Bridgett in a restraining cage, (My nerves were shot, and I wasn't about to chase her all over Albia) and waited. I kept a cheese vendor near (Hail SteerPike!) and gave her cheese at regular intervals. Around the 6th month, she started sucking it down like there was no tomorrow. As she was sucking down cheese, the Observer Kit said she was 7 months pregnant, and finally, 8 months. But nothing happened. I let her out of the cage. Nothing happened. I injected my C-section cob into her. Twice. Nothing happened. I was shouting odd phrases at the computer. Had anyone been home, they would of called the mental hospital, and I would not have blamed them. Finally, she was sitting in the elevator, when suddenly... she did the weirdest dance you ever saw. It was like she was teasing me, saying "Hah Hah! I'll NEVER poot out your egg! Neener neener neener!"
Ten minutes later, she sat down. There came this look on her face, like, "Noo! I don't want a baby! I want to be free! Ouch! This hurts!" and out came the egg. Bridgett, being Bridgett, promptly went to run into a wall. I lured her to the egg & took a picture. Then I exported her.
The egg got bigger, until finally it was ready to hatch. I took it to the incubator, and so on, out came a little boy which I named Cloud. Cloud looked a little bit like his dad, but mostly like his mom when she was a little boy. I took a picture, and then found him in the garden, where he pushed a crystal ball, and nearly teleported himself to the desert Island. I sat, with my face in my hands. I had another Bridgett.