Details of Albia

1albia.jpg (17506 bytes)

Compare these datails to the complete picture of Albia's Surface

Also there is more to be seen of Albia in these photos.
Here is an exmape, that shows details of the hive area.



Below I've focussed on small details you may and not noticerd in the world of Albia,
including several typically obscured by objects in the game.

Behind the incubator there is a simple cave-like cubby hole, there are also a few shelves with items on them.


Here is a cleaned up and enlarged view of the paintings in the gallery below the kitchen.


Behind the computer there is a window and an empty frame.


Behind the western end of the garden, by the kitchen, there is this stone ruin or folly.


In the tree above the sunflowers in the garden there is a stuck kite!


In the tree to the west above the temple there is a bird nest.


Behind the pianola, there is a prohection machine, so presumably the projectpr was planned to go here instead of the theatre.

Also notice the norn head bust to the right of the image.


A few planks and this disembodied clock face are all that's left of what was presumably the grendel tree house.

Notice the cages in the room below the jungle, there are also mushrooms similar to the Death Cap that is usually found in this room.

You've probably noticed this rock formation before, but did you see the faint face?
Was it a statue long ago, or is it just the magic of pareidolia?

Just above the shower there is this little cave, containing what looks like a treasure chest.

In the theatre, there is scenery of a cottage in the woods, usually hideen behind the projector.
(possibly a reference to Red Riding hood or Hanzel and Gretel)

There is also a creepy sculpture in the top elft of this image.


In the music room, there is evidence that the lift used to continyue down one more floor.

This is usually hideen behind the harp.


Between the theatre and lighthouse there is a sign for "Lover's Leap"


The moon seems to have markings that look like fish.

Or I'm seeing something not intended to be there again.



In the depths of the bigger ocean there is a merfolk statue.