Sound Commands

Sound-related commands.




snds AB Sound status.
Bit 0 = Sound on/off.
Bit 1 = Sound mode (foreground only/continuous).
sndf function Alter the sound status according to the function given:
on__ Sound on.
off_ Sound off.
fore Sound only plays when application is in foreground.
cons Sound plays constantly
sndv [filename] Play sound if target object is visible on screen. Volume changes according to distance from screen. Note that the filename must not have a suffix
snde filename Play sound effect if target object is visible on screen. Volume changes according to distance from screen. This replaces sndv and doesn't require [ ] around the filename, which must be four characters long.
sndq filename delay Play sound effect after a delay if target object is visible on screen.
Volume changes according to distance from screen.
sndc filename Start controlled sound if target object is visible.
Volume changes according to distance from screen.
sndl filename Start controlled loop if target object is visible.
Volume changes according to distance from screen.
stpc Stop any controlled sound currently playing.
fade Fade out any controlled sound currently playing.
plds token Preload sound into sound cache if target object is visible or just off screen.