Food Cobs

New food cobs usually contain both installation and regular scripts, the following scripts are from my own Muddy Swamp Carrot cob.

The installation script Description and translation
inst run the script instantly
enum 2 6 20 an enum command targets any object with the family genus and species given. In this case the family is 2 (simple objects), the genus is 6 (food objects) and the species if 20 (specific to Muddy Swamp Carrots)
  kill targ this command kills the target object (removes it from the game)
next next tells us that the commands above (only one in this case) will be repeated until all objects with the enum "2 6 20" are dealt with, it forms a kind of loop
reps 20 reps 20 tells us that the next few commands will be repeated 20 times
  new: simp mudi 7 0 500 0 a new: simple object using sprites from the file mudi
images will be used, starting from number 0
the plane of the object will be 500
clone 0
  setv clas 33952768 sets the variable class to 33952768, the class used by Muddy Swamp Carrots.
  setv attr 80 sets the variable attributes to 80
  bhvr 0 1 behavior is set to 0 1, meaning that the user cannot activate it (in this case eat it), but creatures can.
  rndv var0 5394 5870 rndv creates a random variable
var0 is the variable where the resultant random number will be placed
5394 and 5870 mark the range in which random numbers will be chosen
  rndv var1 897 903 rndv creates a random variable
var1 is the variable where the resultant random number will be placed
897 and 903 mark the range in which random numbers will be chosen
  mvto var0 var1 mvto moves the created object to the X coordinate of  var0 and Y coordinate of var1 (this will move the objects to the ground of the jungle)
  tick 300 tick 300 sets the timer of the object going at 300 ticks, that is 30 seconds. This will trigger script 9 every thirty seconds, which makes the carrot grow.
repe repe marks the end of the commands to be repeated, and so forms a loop
endm end the module

The installation script first removes any muddy carrots already in the world (useful to make sure you only install one batch). It then installs twenty carrots in random positions in the jungle area.